How God Will Turn It Forward by Bill Click

By Bill Click
Ask anyone who has been 'in the way' with the Lord during the last 30-40 years &- regardless of reports of 'this and that' happening 'here, there & everywhere' - they will almost certainly tell you, 'Things in the church are going in the wrong direction.' By & large, they are onto something that most either ignore, or refuse to see. Of course, to face this stark reality takes an honesty which betrays organizational priorities, baked-in patterns of promotional hype & the fleeting forecasts of coming circumstantial change. Moreover, to face this reality requires a humility very few are willing to even personally face, let alone publicly admit. Therefore, the question: how will we stop regressing, turn it around & then go forward?
How God Will Turn It Forward by Bill Click
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Ask anyone who has been ‘in the way’ with the Lord during the last 30-40 years &- regardless of reports of ‘this and that’ happening ‘here, there & everywhere’ - they will almost certainly tell you, ‘Things in the church are going in the wrong direction.’ By & large, they are onto something that most either ignore, or refuse to see. Of course, to face this stark reality takes an honesty which betrays organizational priorities, baked-in patterns of promotional hype & the fleeting forecasts of coming circumstantial change. Moreover, to face this reality requires a humility very few are willing to even personally face, let alone publicly admit. Therefore, the question: how will we stop regressing, turn it around & then go forward?
A Specific Anointing Must be Walked in for Courage & Discernment
It is clear that we absolutely must receive from The Word today. There we find that unique anointings were released in particular seasons for peculiar reasons. To me, what sticks out in this hour is what can be discovered by looking at David - especially his beginnings. In 1 Samuel 17 we not only read of Goliath, but that David was called with a specific anointing, courage & discernment to face & then defeat him. It seems clear; there can be no doubt that what is needed today is a Davidic-type of anointing, courage & discernment.
Everywhere you turn today, various ‘giants’ are taunting, threatening & even terrorizing Christendom at large - impugning & intimidating those who have called upon the Name of Jesus. Since Isaiah reminds us “when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him,” that is evidence of God’s (already present) release of anointing furnished to provide us with victory in representing Him (Isa.59:19). And since anointing comes with every call of the Lord, there is no (nor will there be a) lack of anointing for what we face.
Anointing aside, however, much is still clearly lacking. Actually, it should be obvious: since anointing is not lacking, it is what the anointing is designed to produce in people’s lives that’s lacking. We are anointed for a divine purpose. The ongoing presence of God in people’s lives is given to produce the actual establishment of God’s very own “likeness”- the restoration of what it means to be “conformed to the image of the Son” (Gen.1:26; 5:1; Ro.8:29). That’s what is seen when God begins to move through David: a specific anointing, an impartation of courage & clear discernment for moving forward. The aspects of that “likeness” in David which are missing today, however, are the byproducts of God’s powerful anointing: courage & discernment. Today, these attributes are the essential signs of a truly Davidic individual.
Rightly Defining Courage Reveals Why Discernment is Lacking
I realize some would say there are many anointed people who seem to be very bold who accomplish little or nothing (or even make things worse). But I would respond that in the same way there’s a vast difference between confidence & hubris, there is also a clear difference between courage & brashness. To explain it another way: “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God” (Jas.1:20). It is easy to mistake what is called ‘righteous indignation’ (a religious hissy fit) for courage, but it’s not. Adrenalin & rage ‘in action’ must not be seen as courage. It’s not. Suffice it to say that “though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does” (2 Cor10:3 NIV).
According to what we see in David, what makes for Godly courage cannot be separated from “the lion & the bear” of personal battle. As a result, when anointing flows in a courageous vessel- one uniquely prepared by God in private by experience as David was- discernment about how to proceed in God’s plan is the result. Today, such Davidic anointing, courage & discernment must be established within us as individuals in order to be likewise victorious.  
Private, preparatory battles which have “proved” God form the basis for an authentic courage which steadies individuals who face a Goliath (1Sam.17:39). Such is an indispensable foundation for discernment to identify fatal weaknesses of various ‘giants’ which must be faced & defeated. If not facing something in God’s strength; you won’t receive God’s direction. We mustn’t just presumptively hope to declare what’s wrong & then somehow ‘overpower the devil.’ We must be “wise as serpents,” which takes discernment (Mt.10:16). Therefore, anointing may be a given, but the private “lion & the bear” preparation is a must if the weaknesses of an overwhelming enemy are to be divinely isolated (discerned). Without such, there will be no specific, God-directed strategy to provide us with the accurate aim which can defeat hell.
How the Body will Receive Discernment Leading to Victory
Again, we look at David. He was a forerunner of sorts. ‘Ahead of his time,’ literally. David was anointed to be King, but Saul already was King. What was found then, we also find today. We have those who are “called to be” as well as those whom “God hath set” (Ro.1:1;1 Cor.12:28). Clearly, in David’s day, the existing order was not up to the task; God called both someone & for something new. I propose to you that this defines our “today” in a nutshell (Heb.3:5-4:7).
Therefore, as much as it is appropriate to honor the existing order(s) of what which has been used of the Lord to this point, we must embrace that what prevails today cannot & will not authentically address the Goliath’s before us. Too many, for too long, have been ‘thrown for a loop,’ leaving them too depleted to mount a fresh charge- especially for what they neither expected, nor adequately prepared for. Not to mention the denial that has caused so many to predict that much of what has taken place would never happen.
When you face an enemy you’ve never faced before, you must see God move in a way you’ve never seen Him move before. But it can’t happen by wanting God to ‘do it again,’ or simply by improving present tactics, or by striving to expand your influence. ‘Numbers & nickels’ don’t intimidate the enemy. In the same way: these won’t convince God. It’s that simple!
It is natural: those who have been long “set” in place will always look to their present resources, the methods they have already established, & the well-earned, diligently sought wisdom they went through to accumulate. As such, that is their ‘ceiling’- the extent of their Christ-DNA given to increase the Kingdom &/or restore the church. Even John the Baptist- greater than all the prophets of old- had a ‘ceiling’ of what he was anointed to do & the impact it would make (Lk.7:28). His call was to reveal, announce & loose that which was greater. Likewise, this message attempts to plow toward a similar outcome.
The call & need for the day we find ourselves cannot be answered by the ‘ways & means’ the most visible have been adept at. It’s not enough to just raise up younger people or look for a new generation of anointed ‘influencers.’ They would be given what Saul had available to use. To those with a Davidic anointing, courage & discernment, those implements would be a ‘Saul’s armor’ to those freshly equipped by God in a uniquely personal preparation (1Sam.17:38-39).
God will bring to the fore those who have not only been anointed but walk in a courage drawn from a well dug out by engaging & winning previous, private battles, the likes of which the highly visible of today have neither witnessed, nor would have been able to withstand. The resulting discernment will be unique, essential & highly destructive to present Goliath’s as well one’s to come.
Again, that is not an insult to those among us today. Instead, what they need to do is simply say: “Go, & the LORD be with thee” (1 Sam.17:37). Saul had never dealt with “the lion & the bear.” As one “shoulders & upward” taller, he looked the part & had a natural attractiveness which enhanced his viability in the eyes of others (1Sam.9:2; 10:23). Not so with David (1Sam.16:12; 17:42).

Relevant Insights from David’s Encounter with Goliath

By looking briefly at 1 Samuel 17:40 & following, it should become very clear what this process will look like. David, being a type of Christ: “the Captain of the Host,” should be seen as the example of what God is calling for today & what will be required (Jos.5:14-15). Although I am expressing this through analogy from David, it correlates to the New Testament & what is exampled throughout Scripture. When God calls one(s) of anointing & authority- either to “minister to the Lord” or even to address issues- the result is that God begins moving in ways that increase, extend & even multiply the Kingdom (Acts 1-2; 13:1-5; 15:1-41).
What We ‘See” from David’s Engagement of God’s Call
As David responds it actually increases the disgruntlement among others in the face of the enemy (17:29). But as He rises in the LORD to make his stand, the following is revealed in 1 Sam 17:40-47:
  1. It will require “five...stones” (v.40: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors & teachers).
  2. These must be the correct ones (“he chose” v.40).
  3. They must be in readied condition (“smooth” v.40).
  4. They must “be drawn from the brook” (v.40 be those who have dwelled in the Spirit’s flow).
  5. They must be brought & assembled together for God’s delivery (v.40 fit in the sling together).
  6. To be authentically Davidic, they will only achieve victory in “the Name of the Lord,” (v.45-47 - meaning for the sake of His glory, purposes & plans & not in their own name for themselves).
How Will We Proceed to Defeat the Enemy Today?
God has always called someone to go out ahead of others to do what has never been done when He moves in the earth. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, etc. are First Testament examples. In the New Testament, the apostles were those personally prioritized by Jesus to be most personally related to Him, equipped, prepared, sent out & then demonstrate His authority (Mk.3:13-15; Lk.6:12-13).
“Today”- in various settings throughout the earth- Christ longs to “reach His Hand into the bag,” take out a “smooth stone” of His choice & propel it to strike the head of the enemy. This is the way of God to establish the Lord in such a way that enables lives to be saved, then spared from the regression of sin to death & reversed into a restoration unto life. Each God-impacted setting, of those who “occupy” while shining “light” will become the “salt” which flavors their surroundings with Christ, preserving & enhancing the spiritual climate so the harvest is fully brought in.
You Must Shift Now
The call is on; the anointing is present. The preparation must be embraced & the church must be willing to let go of the old that is so comfortable & familiar. In settings across the globe, truly Davidic persons must rise & be released to strike the fatal blow which silences the taunting lies, continuing threats & growing fears that hell itself bears of its own ultimate demise. When a particular enemy is decapitated & the fallen foe is stripped of its armaments, then a reaping of the full reward which benefits the related army of God will be gathered for the sake of that which is yet to be accomplished.
How do I Shift?
Move toward those God is moving with, aligning yourself with those who have been personally prepared by God who will be uniquely deployed, those who can honor those whom God has used, but will be moving in ways which could become unexpectedly controversial, unjustly criticized- perhaps even perilously persecuted- yet prove divinely fruitful. Don’t wait to to see what is ‘hot’ or getting the ‘buzz,’ or you will miss your time. Moving with God now is what will allow the church to become open to consider new vistas & result in new wineskins emerging.
To personally see God’s reversal take place, begin to allow the Lord to bring the necessary, sweeping changes to your understandings of His priority for your life. God is working His plan, so how He is already at work in your life is what must be perceived. As you begin to shift into what the Lord reveals, you will be freshly anointed. You will then “see” more, “hear” more, & gain more & more confidence in the journey of faith ahead.
The freshness of the Spirit of God in your life is what brings courage through the opportunities “the lion & the bear” provides, which are essential. The ongoing freshness of the Spirit of God in your life results in a pooling of readily available discernment for being divinely directed. These working together will not only lead you into true growth, but company with others responding to the Lord.
Wouldn’t you like to fellowship, serve & labor among those who are seeing the enemy defeated?
It’s what God has for you!
Bill Click