By Tom Panich

by Tom Panich


 'My Holy Spirit has already trained many in the body of Christ for the works of the ministry. Therefore, this shall be a year of a uniquely different kind of a HARVEST than most regularly understand and interpret it to be. This is more than an evangelistic message, for My evangelists truly are needed and valuable. My Word truly does say the fields are white already for HARVEST. My sons and daughters are now ready to be harvested for full-time servant-hood, no matter what it looks like from the pulpits of My Church.'


Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, for they already are white to HARVEST. John 4:35


'This word of encouragement is to those locked up in their spirit, soul and bodies sitting right within the very churches My people currently attend. There is fresh binding a new loosing of My attributes being released to draw the very spirits of men and women within My body the church, back to Myself the Living God.

My Spirit is going to select those who consider themselves disqualified, and in the eyes of many, they're unqualified for ministry. Many will be brought into varying ministerial CALLINGS and positions, while in their new positions they shall become more humbled, on-the-job so to speak.'


But you are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you may openly speak of the virtues of the One who has CALLED you out of darkness into His marvelous light;   1 Peter 2:9


'Pastors and those in leadership are going to begin to harvest My sheep, from within their own congregations. Sheep, both old and young in chronological age and spiritual maturity will be CHOSEN according to their fruit and their gifting, to further equip them for new ministry birthing as well as higher levels for others already giving service unto the Lord.'


So the last shall be first, and the first the last; for many are called, but few CHOSEN. Matthew 20:16


'This will be a year of  My people being chosen that would typically simply sit almost virtually motionless in the congregation. Compassionate leaders through a true spirit of discernment from the Holy Spirit shall recognize the brokenness of some of My best sons and daughters and they will be ENCOURAGED by their Pastors more than ever before.'


Preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; convict, warn, ENCOURAGE with all longsuffering and teaching.  2 Tim 4:2


'As these new servants are HARVESTED, CALLED, CHOSEN and ENCOURAGED the Holy Spirit will begin to give them their marketplaces to reach out into within their communities and evangelize it properly. This will then be a time of the increase of believers within My Church, when you reach out and touch someone with My Love.'


And sent them two by two before His face into every city and place, even to where He was about to come. Luke10:1


Another Type of Harvest 

'Those who have faithfully supported many different callings of ministry will begin to be seen producing the fruit of what they've come beside and supported. Evangelists that have had armor-bearers for years will begin to see their armor-bearers begin to preach and teach the Word of God with true Apostolic BOLDNESS.'


And give to Your slaves to speak Your word with all BOLDNESS.  Acts 4:29


'Administrative scribes who've supported apostolic, evangelistic and prophetic ministries for years have now begun to prophesy the words of the Lord. As truly called Apostolic, gifted ones of Jesus' Church begin to embrace the plans and purposes of God, they'll begin to soon see the fruit of their labors.'


And the Lord added to the church those being saved day by day.  Acts 2:47


'In My Love, My Church needs to be able to evangelize itself into believing and doing the works of My ministry. To do the works of My ministry unto one another must first be accomplished before you can successfully reach out with My true unfailing Love to the nations. Here are My Son's seven directions, given to the eleven disciples that remained with Him before He was taken up into Heaven.'

Mark 16:15-18.


Seven is frequently referenced as the number of spiritual perfection and completeness.

7 to the eleven, 7/11.







6.) DRINK ANYTHING DEADLY, it will in no way harm you

7.) LAY HANDS ON THE SICK, and they will be well.


'This day I say to you, Physician heal thyself. Just as Elijah laid upon the dead boy and he came back to life, (1 Kings 17:19-24) you as My body of the Christ must begin to lay your lives down for another and begin to decree, Physician heal thyself (BODY [OF CHRIST] HEAL THYSELF).'


And He said to them, 'Surely you will speak this parable to Me, Physician, heal yourself. What things we heard were happening in Capernaum, do also here in your native-place.' Luke 11:23


The True Harvest

Truly the word of the Lord is to GO into all of the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of His Father.

As we read in scripture its also true that Jesus is concerned about THE HARVEST WITHIN , and He needs more laborers for they are few.


Then He said to his disciples, 'The harvest truly is great, but the workers few. PRAY then that the Lord of the harvest may SEND OUT workers into HIS HARVEST.'

Matthew 9:37, 38


Tom Panich

Apothecary, Third Heaven Vision anointing oil
Prophetic Evangelist and Drummer for God


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