By Matt Sorger

by Matt Sorger

The Open Heavens Prophetic Conference 2007 Report

Key Prophetic Words
that came out of the Conference for 2008:

  • There is an "awakening" coming to the church and to Israel in this hour;

  • Therefore, it is imperative to not allow your past to hinder what God has in store for your future;

  • Prayer for Israel will be high on the agenda of every worldwide intercessory ministry as well as praying for the fullness of the gentiles to come in;

  • The next great movement in the church will be that of a genuine passion and love for Jesus Christ;

  • This will be the year to believe for your household salvation;

  • God will be invading the Business Sector & the Media;

  • God will release great forgiveness to those who've given great forgiveness;

  • This year will see the birthing of new ministries.

These are some of the prophetic highlights that came out of the MSM Open Heavens Prophetic Conference, Nov 15-17, 2007, with Matt Sorger, Bobby Conner and James Goll.

Once again, the attendees were caught up into God's manifest presence and glory! God came in so prominently that there was a joyous overflow within the gathering that spread across the globe. Yes, across the globe! People from many nations were touched by the Lord as they watched the conference live on God TV, reaching 200 countries and a potential 500,000 million people. Rosina wrote in, saying that she felt the "awesome" presence of God from her home in Australia.  And, of those who came to the conference, there are many testimonies cited where people carried the glory away with them as they joyfully imparted it to others. Not only were people completely overcome by God's glory, but many were healed and set free as well!

Below are just a few excerpts of the prophetic declarations that came forth during the gathering.


How strange and ironic that for the last few MSM conferences, we've had fire alarms going off inexplicably - on this occasion even waking us up in the early morning, where we all had to vacate the hotel.  Some of us staggered out still in our sleeping attire.

But like the alarm that went off in that hotel, so is the spiritual awakening coming upon the church and upon Israel. The alarm is jarring, rude and inconvenient.  We'd rather roll over and hit the snooze button. But God won't let us. The time that we're in is too critical to sleep through.

In some ways this particular conference picked up where we left off last year at the 2006 MSM Open Heavens Prophetic Conference.  It was in that conference that both Prophetic Revivalist Matt Sorger and Prophet James Goll were each given a vision of the commissioning of a trumpeting angel called Israel Awakening. The significance of that event so impacted the two ministries that both ministries immediately made plans for group travel to Israel.

In essence, this Israel Awakening angel is being sent to awaken God's people to intercede for Israel.  "There is an awakening coming to the Church in this hour," said Goll, "God is preparing modern day Mordechis" to intercede against the destruction of Israel.  And, with the church praying, we will see the greatest revival in Israel and the Arab Middle East that the world has ever seen.


"There is an open heavens over Long Island," thundered Prophet James, declaring that even Prophetic Worshipper Misty Edwards, from the International House of Prayer with Mike Bickle, had a vision and a prophetic word of an open heavens over Long Island.

He then went on to explain why quite often we've tried to pursue an open heavens, only to be found wanting - stuck under a stifling, small ceiling. The remedy, he explained, is when we position and center ourselves to where God is already - in effect, repositioning us under His word, His will, & His ways - where God has already created an Open Heaven - for we are, indeed, gateways to heaven!

Carrying loaves of bread in a green-mint blanket, as he would a child in swaddling clothes, James used this as a metaphor, saying that when we nurture and cherish and, simply, love God's presence - the bread of life - in the same way that loving parents would desire their offspring - that's when true revival will come and open heavens will be released.


What occurred next was a ceremony of the utmost solemnity. Calling forth Matt, Prophet James commissioned him with an apostolic mandate, then handed him the bread and fed him a morsel. 

"Do you, Matt, desire God's presence more than fame or any other attraction," he asked. Matt nodded affirmatively.

Then other members of the MSM team were called up: Kim Nielsen and Veronica Sorger (both of whom were licensed as ministers that very day in a special MSM luncheon), Rich Sorger, and Arthur and Tracy Garcia. They, in turn, when given bread, affirmed their commitment and love to God.

Then, in anticipation of everyone in the hall who desired to make the same commitment to God, the MSM staff began giving people in the first row pieces of bread, one to eat and some to pass out themselves.

The room grew heavy with the atmosphere of God, as people in each row would serve the next row. And, miraculously the bread swept right through that auditorium quite rapidly, so that close to 600 people partook of the bread and stated their love and passion for the Lord in just a matter of moments.  


There were other key elements of the conference. Matt gave insights on how to Access the Spirit Without Measure. He encouraged us to believe that we can have in this day and age - in the same way that Jesus had - the Spirit of God "without measure."

To walk in the Spirit of God "without measure," Matt gave two points:

  1. Pattern your life after Christ in "complete selflessness" - not my will, but Thine be done!

  2. Walk in perfect "unconditional love."

In his next service, Matt went on to explain how in that state we can Operate in Kingdom Dominion.


"Some of you," said Matt, "are in a season of change. You're in the midst of transition. Yet, God is in the midst of it. Divine appointments are being set up for you that will change your circumstances and your mindset."

Then, Matt went on to explain how there would be many new ministries being birthed this year. Are you one of them?


"The best of times are coming," Prophet Bobby Conner stated, "but also the worst of times."  

Prophet Bobby described how God is presently preparing a Kingdom Company of Christians that will take part in the "coming Renaissance" of the Church - a renaissance that will be so unprecedented in church history - that it will bring the church to a maturity and dominance in a darkening world to bring in the masses.

As the church evolves with the times and changes the manner in which it preaches to the unsaved, he declared that "people will be so drawn to us, we're going to be needing airport terminals just to situate the crowds!"  And, in that Renaissance, there will come a genuine passion and love for Jesus that will be contagious. (Thus showing how that the concept of loving God, and by extension, loving others, has been orchestrated by God as a prominent theme through all three Prophets.)

Then, Bobby, with his command of citing scripture mixed with good-natured humor, lifted us up in hope as he recounted many personal experiences in which God came through to show His miraculous power to overcome seemingly impossible situations.  

There was one incident in which many thought was totally impossible - an innocent baby was born faceless! The horror of the moment turned to ecstatic joy when the Lord healed the child and gave the baby a face!

"Do you know why I did that?" asked the Lord to Bobby.

"Why Lord?" asked Bobby.

"Because I'm a good God," stated the Lord.

And it is to this "good God" that we give ourselves wholly and completely in faith, for all that He is commissioning us to fulfill and to do in this triumphant awakening of the Church for Israel and for this age - to fulfill what was written in the scriptures that all Israel be saved and that we bring in the largest harvest ever.

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