By Matt Sorger

by Matt Sorger


With worshippers sprawled along the front of the altar, overcome by God's heart of love, tears streaming down their faces, the tone of the conference was set: who will give their lives as an offering for God to be used as vessels of His glory in this end-time hour?

"What little we are, what little we have, we present this miniscule portion before You, Lord, a laid-down life for you to empower and occupy as Your dwelling place."

This solemn moment began our Glory, Signs and Wonders Conference in Long Island, New York, (April 10-12, 2008) with an urgent and desperate plea for God to not only move closer to us, but for us to move closer to Him, in pliability, in humility, in brokenness.

Heidi Baker, a missionary whose passionate zeal is to feed, cloth and minister to the poor in third world countries, began the conference, followed in later sessions by Matt Sorger, David Herzog and Georgian Banov - all of it to be televised by God TV to an audience of hundreds of millions.


Amid this heavenly atmosphere of worship by Sole Desire and Georgian Banov, Heidi declares, "Who will kiss the feet of the Son?"

Heidi's main point for this opening session was to have us move into greater intimacy with the Lord. "He's undoing laces that have bound us, laces that have kept us from extravagant worship." (Heidi Baker)

"Jesus will woo you until you have no other desire but Him, and I choose to be yielded, Lord." (Heidi Baker)

Jesus is looking for a bride like that. God loves us so much that He is presently stripping people bare, removing all that does not give Him pleasure. What if you're called to give light to a dark place? "What if it's in your own church," she jokes.

If you've ever thought about being a missionary, and if the presence of Jesus is not with you - then don't go!

But you can receive the richness of His glory and power through intimacy with Him, and only then, says Heidi, you'll be able to carry the light to the world's darkest places. She ought to know. She's spawned over 5,000 churches in Mozambique.

Oh, the joys of being in His presence! Intimacy with Jesus is what Heidi does for relaxation, for fun and as a hobby.

"If we can get pastors, missionaries, ministers to lay down their lives for Christ, we can change the world," she says.


Georgian Banov, revivalist and exuberant worshipper of God, continued on the same theme as Heidi; but that theme came with a 1971 song he sang, written by Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel: Killing Me Softly with His Song.

Strumming my pain with His fingers,
Singing my life with His words,
Killing me softly with His song,
Killing me softly with His song.
Telling my whole life with His words,
Killing me softly with His song.

This is the way Jesus romances His bride, with great love and affection. So that even when He sings songs of love and correction to us and we yield to Him, we're dying to ourselves as He lifts us intimately closer to His heart - uniting us as one with Him.


Georgian Banov told Matt that he's a well-pleasing son. He's an Isaac, raising Isaacs, who will be giving and providing to the poor. Georgian said the ministry will create a "barbecue generation," for the outpouring and abundance of provision to others.

Georgian also said that there will soon be an actual, visible glory cloud in Matt's meetings. And he envisioned MSM meetings in Carnegie Hall and Central Park.

David Herzog saw a new level of promotion for Matt this year. There's the new building of a structure taking shape; the foundations of holiness and faith have been laid. Now the Space Shuttle can take off.

In one of David's meetings, he prophesied as well over Matt's 13-year-old nephew, Ricky Sorger. To Ricky, he decreed the same anointing of signs and wonders that Matt presently carries.

More power to Little Ricky. God knows we need many more Little Ricky's.

The Lord, says Georgian, is beautifying the church (removing the façade of religion and dead works) to prepare Himself a bride without spot or wrinkle. He then told of one case where the Lord even removed age wrinkles off of a person's face.


The Lord is moving in countless and miraculous ways throughout the earth, showing Himself strong, glorious and powerful - so recounts David Herzog, glory minister who in his messages inspired faith in the hearers to believe radically for more of God's glory in their lives.

God is even invading the Muslim world. He spoke of one Muslim woman who found supernatural power from the dark side. She died and saw Jesus. Came back to life, not knowing what to make of it, she went back to her demonic and Buddha powers. Yet, Jesus appeared to her often. Finally, in one dream she had, she went to heaven and the Lord spoke to her, "No man comes to the Father, but by Me!"

Jesus is the only legal way to access supernatural power without spiraling side effects. The woman responded this time and now follows the Lord.

In Dubai, there were large twin screens at an outdoor evangelistic meeting, and upon it was shown a close-up of someone's tooth, which turned gold before the wide-eyed audience. Many salvations occurred. It seems the Muslim mindset prefers to see signs.

Signs and wonders follow God's ministers. One time the Lord told David that He was going to shake Trinidad. So, two minutes after David landed in Trinidad there was an earthquake which totally devastated the downtown financial buildings - and, this, at a time when the government was engaged in widespread corruption.

God is shaking the nations with revival. And He shook the Glory, Signs and Wonders Conference with healings, during David and Matt's services: 

  • One person suffered a broken neck a week ago in a car accident - instantly healed of pain;

  • A person's fingers were straightened from meningitis;

  • Some received miraculous weight loss, as they showed excess room in their clothing;

  • Someone on the MSM volunteer team got a gold tooth; 

  • Reproductive systems were healed;

  • Woman healed of deafness;

  • Neck pain gone after a prophetic word about a Mary; and many more healings.

Click here to watch miracle video testimonies.


A powerful point made by David Herzog was that when you're communing with God and standing in the presence and glory of God, it is at that point that you should be making verbal confessions and affirmations of all that God has promised you so that they come to pass.


David was joined by his wife Stephanie and they tag-teamed in a discussion about relationships and how to find the right mate.

Stephanie, who is writing a book on singleness and Godly relationships, stated that she loves the Lord more than anyone else in the world and her advice to anyone seeking a mate is this: Seek one who loves God more than anyone or anything else. And if that potential mate does, he or she will more than likely treat and love you in the way you need to be treated and loved.

She also stated that she wasn't made whole by David, but by God.


The first thing that Conference Host Matt Sorger did when he approached the altar was unorthodox, but impassioned. He led the televised audience in a prayer for TV guru Oprah Winfrey, whose media influence is being used to propagate a destructive new age teaching called New Earth.

He prayed for her salvation and for her to come to know the only Name by which man can have access to God - Jesus Christ.  He called for the "spirit of truth to replace the spirit of error" and that she becomes a mighty preacher of the true gospel.

"Oprah, we love you," says Matt, "we love you so much that we want to see your soul in eternity."

Click here to watch Matt's prayer for Oprah


"You've got to dream a dream," declares Matt, in a message entitled, The Power of Vision and Destiny. When Matt had his first opportunity to preach - and it was only before a small group in a home - someone approached him afterwards and stated, "There were only five of us here and you looked like you were preaching before 5,000."

Therefore, let your vision precede your destiny. If you're preaching before 5,000, imagine that it's 500,000. If it's 500,000, believe for 5 million.

"You see the Islandia Marriott," thunders Matt, referring to the conference venue, "I see Madison Square Garden."

"You see God TV, I see every secular network that exists" - this in reference to Matt's upcoming TV program, POWER FOR LIFE, which debuts on God TV on Monday, May 5th, 8:30 am, EST.

How do you acquire this kind of supernatural vision? Get your eyes off of your present circumstances and put your eyes on Jesus. Regardless of the difficulties you've faced fighting a barrage of trials, fix your eyes on Jesus. The pain threshold you've endured will determine the level of influence you'll have when God launches you into your ministry.

And, with that, Matt called out people in their 50s and anointed them, saying that God told him that many in their 50s are going to be launched into their ministries. So, you see it's never too late for God to use you. Therefore at whatever stage of life you're in, whatever you've gone through, whatever has held you back, dream big dreams.


What is transfiguration glory and why do we need it? That's a good question that Matt explains, referring to this scripture:

And all of us . are constantly being transfigured into His very own image
in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another.
(2 Cor 3:18 AMP)

This transfiguring glory, says Matt, actually empowers you to change, layer upon layer, into the very image of Jesus Christ. It literally aids you in 1) your stand against sin, and 2) your change from the inside out.

On the former point, Matt explains that you are what you see yourself as. If you see yourself as a "sinner," you will probably minimize your efforts toward living a sanctified life. However, if you see yourself as God sees you - as a saint, washed in the blood of the Lamb - you will conduct yourself in a manner consistent with Christianity.

You may fall, but you'll get right back up again and move vigorously forward.

On the latter point, that transfiguring glory works on changing the inside of the person. It's a genuine transformation from the carnal mind of humans to the spiritual mind of Jesus, because it's not just cleaning up the "outside of the cup" but changing it's interior and mindset. 

That's what the transfiguring glory of God does for you.

Matt Sorger

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