Bloom Where You Are Planted by Martin Schmaltz

By Martin Schmaltz
Bloom Where You Are Planted

by Martin Schmaltz

wp577466c6.png    On our recent trip to Okinawa Japan to minister Apostolic Authority; our host was a missionary who is a retired Command Sergeant Major from the US Army. In our conversations, he stated that Okinawa (a small island of 463 sq miles) is strategically placed and important to the US military as from here, they can reach anywhere in the world when necessary. Many times, what is true in the physical or natural realm is also true in the spiritual realm. I began to think about being strategically placed.


    In God's economy this church in Okinawa has been strategically placed. Since 1979, its focus has been on military personnel and their families. Obviously, with the constant transferring of duty stations, the church has not reached a large size, yet it has impacted much of the world. Since its beginning, they have sent out over 60 ministers of the gospel! Many missionaries in the Asia area were born-again or spent time in Okinawa,

mentored by the various pastors there. Other service personnel have returned home or have been stationed in other parts of the world, taking their spiritual training and the Gospel of Jesus with them.


    Each of us in the body of Christ is strategically placed by God. Paul states: "But as it is, God has placed and arranged the limbs and organs in the body, each [particular one] of them, just as He wished and saw fit and with the best adaptation." 1 Cor 12:18 AMP.

Two points I would like to mention: First - It is God who places the various organs or limbs in the body as He sees fit. You were born-again in the particular assembly for a reason. Be careful of hasty decisions, changing assemblies or associations based on the world's or an external perception of importance. Bigger and fancier does not always represent the will of God for you.


    Also, please note that God placed and arranged the members. We of ourselves are not a body - we are only a member, a piece of the larger body. Separating yourself from the body is like having my arm or leg severed and expect it to survive. God PUT you in the

body where He WANTS you! Second - As God placed you specifically in the body, He

also adapted you for that place. When you were born again, He placed within you a spiritual gifting that is necessary for the body of Christ. Peter tells us: "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."


1 Peter 4:10 NIV. When we use the gift we have been given, where we have been placed by God, we are literally ministering the grace of God!


    Further, Paul states in Ephesians 4:16 (AMP version) that when each adapted part of the body "is working properly [in all its functions]," the results is that it "grows to full maturity, building itself up in love." The faithful operation of the gift you have been adapted for is a vital part of the health of the local assembly. Please do not let God, your brother or sister down!


    No matter where we have been set in the body of Christ: big church, small church, city, rural, missions or established, we have all been strategically placed by Jesus and adapted to impact our world.


Food for thought:

Do I perceive myself as being insignificant, instead of being strategically placed?


Yours For His Kingdom

Martin Schmaltz, D.C.

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