Interceding with Christ for Others Part 2 by Bill Click

By Bill Click

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Intercession: Transforming Power


As we allow Christ to transform us while experiencing His Presence in prayer, we will be elevated to the Father's Right Hand. We will never be more like Jesus than when standing with Him before the Father, vocalizing as one with His intercession. Therefore, interceding with Christ is a primary way we experience God's transforming power.


In that same vein, no activity undertaken to bring about personal change bears as much fruit as engaging God with Christ in true intercession. Think about it: In our primary passage that the Lord has given us to comprehend Him and us interceding together, He says, "those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son." (Romans 8:29)  Intercession is about changing us, and as we are changed that which Christ desires for the church will be revealed. And as it is revealed, it can be entered into if it is agreed upon (Mt.6:10). 


Therefore, true intercession is a primary way we access the resurrection power of Christ and mature in our relationship with God. As we truly intercede, what flows over our lips will be the very words and prayer of Jesus to the Father. The fruit of such prayer will release the revelation of God's will in every circumstance it addresses. The result of such prayer will also release the impartation of Christ's heart to ours by conforming us to His image. Then it is up to us to agree with Christ by allowing, responding and even promoting what the Spirit reveals is to be established (Romans 8:29).


God has chosen authentic, Spirit-birthed, powered and directed intercession with Him to unify and prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom. See what the Lord goes on to say:


So that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies; who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.  (Romans8:29-34)


By continually flowing with Him in this way, the conduit between Heaven and Earth is laid. Through our agreement with Christ's desire, His flow is released and experienced as a living reality within us, becoming the pipeline between Heaven and Earth. As that begins to become operational and we continue in that flow, we increasingly yearn for that which Christ yearns, because His heart and life begin to overtake our own. 


The immeasurable impact of true intercession with Christ increasingly turns us toward Him and His desires until we operate with Him as One (Ro.8:29). This type of relationship with Christ will enable one to not only experience, but actually begin to carry that very same anointing. It is those carrying that anointing who will produce the miracles and signs so desperately needed to convince the unbelieving in this hour (1Cor.14:24-25). Then, Jesus Christ will be truly represented in the Earth as anointed ones go forth from Heaven's Throne with God's presence, power and purposes in spirit and in truth. (Jn.4:24; 14:6)


Intercession- Sensitivity to the Spirit


When the Spirit desires to make intercession through us with Christ for others, we may be prompted in various ways:


1.    We may sense a spiritual leading to pray. (This differs from fear, worry, or anxiety). 


2.    While praying, specific individuals are brought before us in our own spirit.


3.    We could have a dream that contains true revelation of how to pray for others.


4.    Similarly, a vision may reveal the angelic or demonic at work in a circumstance.  


The Lord has a multitude of ways of getting our attention, and He knows how. We should walk in the realization of being interrupted by Him at any time for communications of any kind, including intercession, but we need to allow that to take place. That is what will enable us to be directed by God. Although it is essential in every season to yield to the Spirit in prayer, in this hour we must protect this priority with all our resolve.


The tendency for us is to fail to be predisposed to His Presence, because it seems less urgent than the work before us. Although it may (now) seem less urgent, we will (later) find that by failing to enter in, we have completely missed what was clearly most important. In the same way we are to be attentively perceptive in conversation with others, our role is to be especially sensitive to the Spirit of God as we proceed with Him in life as well as in prayer to the Father. The result being that the more personal and relational our prayer life becomes, the more we will be used of God in agreement with Christ: for (1) self-intercession, (2) interceding with Him for His Body, and (3) going forth to fulfill the Great Commission.


Intercession: Staying Within the Grace of God


Once a prompting or direction for intercession has been received, it is crucial that we not use it as an opportunity to change others into our image. In prayer, it is very possible to be right about what we see, yet very wrong in how we respond. Even though we will receive correct understanding of a situation, if uttered apart from the Spirit or beyond the grace of God we will miss the purpose for which we were apprehended. Many times we lack the Father's heart: not only for understanding our own progress and His process, but especially for specifics of the journey He has called others to.


If we do not remain aware of that, it will be easy to go past the grace of God into the witchcraft of trying to control people and situations we are not responsible for. At best, we are only allowed to see what the Lord shows us regarding a specific circumstance (1Cor.13:9, 12). This is because we are always without the full understanding of a person's unique destiny in Christ. If we are to truly be intercessors, we must not pray from a general Scriptural knowledge apart from the Spirit. Granted, not everything we pray needs to be the result of a profound revelation, but all prayer is to be anointed by the Spirit. If misunderstanding what God is truly revealing by trying to pour it into the old wineskin of our knowledge and desire, we can all too easily become part of the problem by not joining with Christ for His will to be accomplished.


Intercession: Activation of Christ's Mind


As we grow with the Spirit through ongoing intercession, what is revealed to us in those moments causes our wineskin to be transformed. We become those who flow in the new wine of the mind of Christ (1Cor.2:16). As God moves in ways we would have never imagined or even desired, we then can begin to discern the way to react and relate to what is being revealed. Sometimes we will just wait, rightly sensing that we have been shown something by God, but not yet knowing whether there is something we must do, or (if even there is) how we must proceed. During that time Christ's Heart calls us even deeper into His before giving us what is needed to make a true faith response (Ro.10:17; Heb.11:6). With that in mind, we must content ourselves, knowing that interceding with Christ for others will often lead to a cycle of praying, trusting, and waiting. When the answer comes, however, word will be given resulting in the declaration of God's truth, becoming a decree in the earth (Jb.22:28; 2Cor.4:13).


Bill Click


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