Heart Prepared for Battle by Yolanda Ballard

By Yolanda Ballard

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I have come to prepare your heart all that are faithful who dwell in My sanctuary.  For yes, you have been faithful in the small things, and I am preparing you to do great exploits.


Do not be troubled when you see the calamities all around you for they are only a smoke screen to true reality.  Do not walk in the natural but look to the spiritual for that is where I dwell, and since you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, that is where you dwell.


Resume the position of one who is righteous for that is what I have made you to be by My shed blood for you.  You have great authority over all the power of the evil one if you would use it.  There is great power in your words if you would speak them forth.  Prophesy over your situation My perfect will.  Do not walk by sight but by faith in My word.


Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  Be persistent with your faith; never back down, for I am faithful to bring forth My perfect will for your life.  You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.  Rejoice for I have a hope and a future for you.


Keep Pressing


So when the enemy blurts out his lies to you, do not listen to them for he is the father of lies.  Nothing he ever says is true.  Do not let them enter your heart.  Cast down the vain imaginations immediately for they are not of me.


Keep pressing forward taking the land with My sword in your hand, speaking forth Truth, covered with My armor of light, shielded with Faith.  There are many more who are for you than those who are against you.  Never fear for I am with you.   I cover you with My light blinding the enemy with My glory.  I confuse the enemy's plans.


So do not worry.  Do not fret.  If I am for you, who can be against you?  Yes, resume the place of righteousness for that is what I have made you to be, and all My benefits are yours!  I have forgiven all your sins, and I have healed all your diseases. 


Now walk as a whole man and take the land.  Though the bombs fall around you, they will not touch you.  Though the calamities hit hard, they will not harm you.  No weapon formed against you shall proposer.  Now rejoice in who you are and what I will do through you, says your God.


Yolanda Ballard

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