In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Nothing was made if it wasn't made by Him. He created life and put His light into it. The Light is the source of all life. He created all things by just speaking them into existence. Listen to the stars as they twinkle. What do they say besides there is a God that created Light, follow Him. He will lead and guide you into all Truth. Be like a child that has childlike faith. They believe and receive because they do not doubt.
Concerning the Children: Can I bring life where there was once death? Can I raise life out of death and destruction? The enemy comes only to steal, kill, and destroy — but I came that I might bring life and life more abundantly. Lift up life! Speak life over the children and peace and a sound mind — that they would only hear truth and would reject the lies of the evil one. This is the day when many are giving way to the lies of the evil one, and they are speaking lies over the children. Speak life and break the curses of the evil one! Speak freedom to the captive spirits, freedom to those bound with habitual sins of harlotry!
Be still and know that I AM God.  Appreciate that you have the time to be quiet and still before Him.  Many people do not have this precious freedom where they can quiet their minds before Him. This is the day where many have fallen short of the glory of God.  They have given into the devices of the evil one to steal, kill and destroy the innocence of many of My loved ones.  The little foxes have been allowed to destroy the vine and many have given way to eat that forbidden fruit of deception. 
Except that we overcome by grace there is no other way in which we can overcome the onslaughts of the enemy for they are many and we must escape them only by abiding in the Secret Place of the Most High. The Secret Place is our place of habitation where we are being uplifted and strengthened by His abiding grace which is the power that enables us to be able to face the giants knowing that nothing by any means can harm us and if so, that only good will come forth from whatever we have to face and walk through. 
This is a season where many are battling discouragement and depression and the oppression of the enemy. I believe this Word is for many and not just for me. "Where have you been, My child? Where have you been running off to and leaving Me behind? You say that you are doing those things for Me that you get involved in but mainly they've all been just distractions from being with Me. Don't allow the enemy to tempt you to justify your actions. Do not believe the lies of the evil one for he only comes to steal, kill, and destroy who you are in Me. He wants you off from others who love Me, and you, so he can have you all to himself. 
Ask and you shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you.  If you don't ask, seek, or knock, then you are not desperate enough to even try to make a connection with Me.  Everything can't be brought to you without you making an to receive it.  And of most importance, with the effort made, you must believe that I see you. I promised that I would reward those who diligently seek Me with all their heart.  If you want to commune with Me, you must come to Me with an open heart like a child believing and with open hands ready to receive from Me. 
Some trust in their own righteousness whether they are doing enough for The Kingdom, but God wants us to take off the filthy rags of our own self-righteousness to put on the royal robe of His righteousness that He is giving us. Yes, we are royalty when we walk in His Will and Ways. Even when we die to our own will, enabling His will to be done, we are releasing garments of death to put on garments of resurrection power, His light and glory. Jesus wants to live His Life through us — but all we must do is disrobe who we are, to put on who He is. 
As we walk alone with the LORD in the cool of the day, we ask Him to show us His Ways, so that He can conform us into His image and likeness. What does it mean to be in His image and likeness? It is to allow Him to reflect His character through us that others can get to know and love Him. If we don't allow His Glory to radiate through us, we are depriving others of knowing His Presence. 
Many try to keep The Ten Commandments, which no man can live by The Law. If you break one of the laws of the Old Testament, you are guilty of breaking all of it, which the penalty of it is death. That is why they continually covered their sins with blood sacrifices. Jesus is the One and only sacrifice that is eternally received for the forgiveness of all our sins, granting us eternal life with Him. Iââ'¬â"¢ve been studying on The Ten Gates of Nehemiah, and it is the spiritual growth of a believer in a nutshell. It is amazing how they all flow together, and if we strive to make sure all these Gates are strong in our life, we will never go wrong. It is like putting on our Armor because we will be putting on The LORD Jesus in obedience to Him.
Now is the time the Lord Jesus is calling His people to attention so that they may stand strong against the enemy for he is coming in like a flood to try to wear them down physically and to rob them of joy which is their strength. They battle discouragement and even fatigue, but most are standing on the Word with head set like flint against the enemy to not back down. They are pressing in standing on the promises of God and even though they have reason to waver in faith because of natural circumstance they choose to trust the Lord.