In today's update and in the next, I want to discuss the thorny issue of hearing the voice of Jesus. First, I grew up in a movement where it was common for people to say, "The Lord told me this," and "God showed me that." They said it so confidently, with such assurance, projecting the image that God talked to them as unmistakably as when a solicitor calls you on the phone. Interestingly, whenever I've said to such people, "We really need a practical book that shows people how to practically recognize the Lord's voice," they became animated saying something like, "Oh, I really want to read a book like that!"
Here in the USA we are in the midst of another run for the presidency where a small number of people have lost their minds. Scratch that. I mean, where a small number of people have decided to run for the highest office in the land. Not a few of us are experiencing regular bouts of deja moo whenever we turn on the news and hear the politicians pontificate. (Deja moo = the acute feeling that you've heard this bull before.)