We are living in a season we were not expecting, and it seems to be wearing everyone down. The bottom line is, we cannot do what we want, when we want to! We were enjoying life for the most part, going about our lives without much thought of being prepared for a pandemic to hit our lives! As a child of God, we are told to be alert! The enemy roams the earth seeking for an open door! As a born-again child of God, we have been given uniquely powerful tools to live in this world.
"Whatever was written beforehand is meant to instruct us in how to live. The Scriptures impart to us encouragement and inspiration so that we can live in hope and endure all things" (Rom. 15:4, TPT). I love this Scripture. God spoke to my heart many years ago, "Teach women today from women of yesterday," and confirmed this word with Romans 15:4. I love the testimonies in the Word of God about the women (and men) who have walked before us.
Have you ever been like me, thinking, "What is going on?" I love the Lord, go to church and study the Word, but sometimes things just don't seem to click. Jesus promised us an abundant life. He told us to be of good cheer, He had overcome the world. One day as I was meditating on some things in my life, things I didn't understand, I heard a whisper in my heart, "Find the rhythm of life." After meditating on this for months, little by little I began to feel like I was beginning to get a glimpse of that rhythm. I began to see it was not what I was doing that was important in my life, but who I was and, of course, who I was effected what I did.