Guardian angels do more than protect you. Guardian angels can protect you and keep you out of harm, but they also have seen your whole life played out. They've watched a movie about your future life in heaven, and they constantly give you thoughts to direct you to the will of God in your life. Guardian angels put thoughts in your mind to direct you. Your guardian angel may want you to go down to the shopping center because there's going to be a person down there that heaven wants you to interact.
I was speaking to Jesus one time about my supernatural encounters and asking him how to explain why I am so fortunate to meet Biblical Saints and encounter so much of what heaven has to offer, including angelic encounters. He explained it to me. He said, "Imagine you have a friend in the workplace, and you really get to know them in a deep way." I said, "Yes." "Well," he continued, "You know you are really close to that person when they start o introduce you to their friends and family members."