Every month I receive scores of letters from believers who are distraught, despairing, depressed and disillusioned. Sometimes, this can become overwhelming and requires me to "go up higher" in order to get above the noise and the atmosphere of hopelessness to find truth and greater revelation of the goodness of God and His perspective. This morning as I allowed the Spirit to usher me into His tabernacle I began to experience the contrast between heaven and earth.
By now most of you saw or have heard about the mistake made at the Academy Awards last night when the wrong envelope was given to the presenters causing the wrong movie to be called out for best movie. Our family was watching during this moment and as it did it hit my spirit as a significant sign of "things and decisions being overturned for God's people". For a moment (in the Oscar moment) everyone thought that the announcement was a joke. People will be saying the same thing about your miracle. I hear God say
The other day the Spirit of the Lord asked me a question, "How long will you have been married in 2017?" I answered, "34 years." Then the Spirit said, "Yes, this is double 17's! There will be a release of double portions in 2017. Double redemption, double restoration and double repayment for every promise that has been delayed." Then I confirmed the math that 17 + 17 does indeed equal 34. Then the Spirit told me, "It will be double for all of your trouble. Go to Psalm 34:17 and I will confirm this to you." So I did!
I heard the Spirit saying, "Now is the time to shed the skin of false identity and put on your true identity." It is time to allow the Lord to help you shake off any false identity that you have been wrapped in, clothing you in misrepresentation of who God created you to be. You have been fashioned in His image and the Holy Spirit lives within you; He is there to do great and mighty things through your life. His Spirit reveals the love of the Father to you, reveals truth to you, and empowers you to resist the devil and his lies.
I had a dream that I was walking through a house with my husband, my youngest daughter and her husband.  I became aware that this house had a demon in it. As we walked through the various hallways in the house, I felt a pervading sense of fear and darkness, which increased moment by moment. We walked upstairs and I saw a room with a closed door. I knew that the demon was in that room. I asked my husband, daughter and son-in-law to stay in the hallway and to wait for me. As I entered the room fear was like a thick, tangible presence, but I went in and closed the door. The only item in the room was a plush velvet rocking chair with a blanket draped over it.