Where do we go as a Church? Today, we hear the Spirit of the Lord clearly say, "The future is in your hands!" On this New Year, let's consider what are some things that must be done to revitalize the Church? Where do we go from here? We must build out koinonia – our togetherness. Our connectivity must cross all pre-defined boundaries – past theological differences, past polarized partisan dogma, and beyond gender and racial divides. Probably none of us agree on very much on doctrine!! Could we be straining at the gnats?
Storms in life...there seem to be too many, and so we ask to understand, why are there storms? I hope to write a few thoughts about OVERCOMING IN THE WORST KINDS OF STORMS. I know what it is like. Devastation and loss. In Guam we experienced many, many super CAT 5 typhoons with great loss particularly to our Church. The Lord sends His word to those who may be hurting right now -- may the vision of God beat in your heart today. You've heard it before but let it become reality at this moment. Surely, you "Can do all things through Christ which strengthens you" (Phil. 4:13).
We don't need another revival – we need a Revolution! Here is the intro to my new book! We're talking about an APOSTOLIC REVOLUTION and how your God-given assignment can influence and change culture! This revolutionary influence and impact on culture is one of the main assignments that apostles have! Jesus didn't appoint pastors or prophets, He only commissioned apostles! His concern was to raise up apostles. Jesus knew that He would appoint and commission apostles before He came to earth! These men were pre-ordained to be the ones who would walk with Him. Their message changed the world, and it was ONLY ABOUT HIM.
Many believers are discouraged. Especially right now. Some tell me that they are tired and want to give up! If things have slowed down for you, one of the fastest ways to recover is to continue being a giver. If you believe you are poor, no matter how much money you ever make, you will always continue to be poor - because you have a poor mentality. Remember, your awareness defines your Being. (As you think in your heart, so it is). It is all about being-ness. Giving demonstrates the Gospel of love. Should you still give? Yes. Even more. Contrary to a whole lot of prophetilizing words, God is NOT "about to" or "fixing'" to bring you or me money. He isn't. He already did!
I clearly heard the word, "BRACE!" It really got my attention. Initially, I thought it was for one particular apostle couple. But, I continue to repeatedly hear this word BRACE and am therefore sending this out for wider discernment. I do not understand the fullness of this, but it is the Lord, (and I do not say that lightly)! BRACE = MAKE A STRUCTURE STRONGER WITH SUPPORTS.
Jesus gave the apostles (delegated) authority. He said, "As the Father has sent me, so send I you (plural)." The first level of authority in the church began with the apostle. Jesus continuously taught them about real life and real situations. He demonstrated authority to them so that they could become the vehicle to bring forth the Message of the Kingdom (Mat. 10). And He taught them how to lead with authority by serving them ("But I've taken my place among you as the One who serves" Lk. 22:24). They were taught from the beginning to not showboat – but to serve others graciously.
Mark 3:13-19 "And he went up on the mountain, and called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, to be with him… " For three years, the first twelve were able to really know Jesus and to be trained by Him. Above all, they knew Christ. He knew them. Their lives were ruled with the insatiable desire to serve Him – even through the most discouraging situations. To this day, true apostles have this same driving passion to know God and to make Him known. What we often miss is knowing those who are "with us." As apostles, do they stay with us, follow us, or travel with us?
John the Revelator warned, "Beware of FALSE apostles." (Rev. 2:2). Even in his day, there must have been those masquerading around pretending to be an apostle. We sure see a lot of that going on today! John tells us that God HATES their deeds and the way people elevate themselves as "apostles." We will later examine the characteristics of those who really do the work of apostles. But. right now, let's look at the false. In our modern day, it seems that being an apostle has been greatly misunderstood. The title and anointing of the Office of the Apostle is often abused and misinterpreted.
Because of embedded prejudices, discussing patriarchy is often not a subject for honest and considerate dialogue. First, we need to state the problem. The problem of gender and racial in-equality affects most of the Church, every day. (Maybe not in your place, but most places.) Patriarch looms everywhere -- it hides beneath the foundation of much of what is commonly accepted. We must study to discover God's creational intention for all humanity, and stop repeating the confining rhetoric that pious men have said for centuries.
Revival is the revelation of God in irresistible power, coming alive in you and Me. What are we waiting for? When will we see? The power of revival is life changing! To be revived means to be made alive again. Revival is not some experience that is supposed to come...revival is ALREADY here for those who will apprehend it! Stop praying for revival and become it! Revival = to wake up, to invigorate, to restore yourself and the church to life, wholeness, and joy of the Holy Spirit.