Years ago, the Lord made it clear to me that what He speaks to me isn't merely for me alone. Yes, He frequently talks to me as a personal friend and we chat about private matters but even in the midst of those chats when He brings about revelation to me, there is something within it that can be passed along to others for their inspiration also. I don't always share every word publicly as there are some, which are given in regards for sharing more on a relational level amongst a more intimate setting as with well-known friends. 
Father God is a good father. In fact, He's the best!  Like a good Father, who always has our best interest in mind, He never does anything or allows anything to take place without preparing His children beforehand, by first, giving those with an ear to hear a head's up. Why does He do this? The answer doesn't come down to only one reason. There are many answers, depending on the individual circumstances and timing.  At times, He may give an advanced glimpse because He wants to give us peace of mind that He's already got everything covered.  
The Lord has been speaking to me personally here of late, about His signs and wonders beginning to manifest at more of an acceleration than what has been the norm for most of us. In the past, I experienced a season of oil manifesting on the soles of my feet during times of worship. I've experienced gold and ruby dust upon the palms of my hands, as well as my arms and legs. I've had fillings in my teeth turn to gold. I've had a feather appear on two different occasions, and have seen and heard angels talking & singing.
About a month ago, I dreamed I was walking along the sidewalk of a city street. Along the walk I came upon a little girl crouched down in the middle of the sidewalk. I stopped, bent down and talked to her for a moment. I then asked her what her name was. Her name was, "Heaven."  At that moment, I picked her up and carried her everywhere I went. I went into restaurants and stores and theaters and so forth, and as I did I carried Heaven with me into all those places. As the Body of Christ, we are called to be carriers of Heaven.
The final push in childbirth is always one of the most difficult because the birthing mother has come to the point of exhaustion and oftentimes struggling with the false perspective that this laborious process is never going to come to an end. That final push takes every bit of strength the mother has, to push that newborn from the hiddenness of within the womb into the natural world of being seen, felt and heard. More often than not, at the onslaught of the final push, the mother feels as if this is an impossible task.
Before I share the following I'm going to ask two things from all who read this:  First, please pray for me after you read it. Second, please only speak the victory and not the problem. Last October my husband and I went to NY. We were staying at Long Island so the beach was within walking distance from where we were. One day I decided to walk to the ocean. It was about a three mile walk and a little cold and windy but I love to walk so I put my hat and jacket on but didn't have any gloves with me.
Last night while I was just loving on the Lord in a sweet moment of worship, He spoke to me saying, "There is now a releasing of three keys," and He then took me into a vision. In the vision I saw myself stepping from my kitchen into my dining room. I stood in the dining room, looking down at my feet. I then saw Him lay a key on the floor in front of my feet. As I reached down to pick it up He said, "This one is wisdom." I began to take a step forward and then saw that on the floor in front of me was a door (in the floor).
We have recently entered into a new year once again! With a new year always comes a renewed hope for those longed-for goals to be achieved and a sense of crossing over into a fresh opportunity for greater success. I personally believe that 2017 holds tremendous greatness and renewal for us. Shortly prior to crossing over into a new year, around the time-frame of the U.S. presidential election, there was a spiritual shift that moved us into a new season. As I felt the shift take place, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me of what can be expected during this time.
The gates to a fresh season for the Body of Christ have just been opened to us. We have literally just passed from one spiritual season to the next. What an incredible season it is, and will be! This is one we have been foreseeing and foretelling about coming into existence for awhile now, with excitement and possibly a little impatience in the wait as well. I believe the Holy Spirit is establishing a witness within many, and maybe even within most, as to this foretold season being here and NOW being the time.
Even amidst the turmoil and chaos, there's a heavenly awe filling the spiritual atmosphere. Can you feel it? Avert your attention from the distractions that wish nothing more than to rob the people and this nation from the victory and blessings that have just been released unto us. This is a time for intentional praise because of, and "into," our breakthrough at hand. Be careful and intentional not to fuel the fire that is trying to be ignited by the adversary of our blessings. The fire is fueled by giving the nonsense distractions undue attention. I hear the Lord speaking to my heart, "This is the time for creativity to flow over and above the temptation to look upon negativity."