Yes, the hour of desperation is upon you. What may have worked in the past seems like it is no longer working. You want more of Me like never before. Your heart is full and at times overwhelmed with what is happening all around you. There is terror all around and destruction and chaos and many do not have peace, but I am calling you to dwell within My secret chamber. I am calling you to draw close to Me and know that I am your god and there is no other who can preserve your life and can set you on high free from the cares of the world. If you would draw close and rest in Me, I will refresh you.
This is the day and the hour that I am drawing you closer to Me than ever before. I am filling you up to overflowing just by you coming to Me and basking in My intimate presence and love. It is most important that you partake of My presence in a way where I am able to fill you up so fully that My springs of Living Water gush up and spread out and touch everyone you make contact with. Yes, this is not the time to go off by yourself and harden your heart with complacency. Taste and see that your Lord is good. Yes, blessed is the man whose god is the Lord.
Remain silent upon your bed and receive the word of the Lord. Be still and know that I am your God and that I have everything under My control. Know that even though you might not be overcoming like you should that it is OK to come to Me just as you are and be accepted. Yes, you are accepted in the Beloved. Know that I will take you from where you are now to where you need to be. This is the end of all times and the enemy is coming upon many like a flood trying to wipe them out of their funds, their health, their families, and relationships.
Some may feel that they don't have the same freedom as another in the body of Christ and they wonder why, but I am beginning to see that the Lord will show us things in our walk giving us more light at the time He knows He can trust us with it.  This light sanctifies our walk; yes, it sets us apart unto holiness if we are willing to accept that walk.  He wants our worship pure before Him, untainted by any mixture from deception. These are the times when many are following the multitudes, those who are popular in the body of Christ, but the fact is that many have bought into a lie from the enemy saying that anything goes if we are believers that the Holy Spirit sanctifies it.  This includes many practices that are of the occult.
As I received this word for my dear sister in the Lord who is battling cancer, I felt in my spirit this word isn't just for her but to many who are also walking through fiery trials. Tell this to My daughter to whom I love and have called in these latter days to do a mighty work in My spirit.  Tell her that I love her and to not fear for I am with her.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you.   Yes, I will help you.  I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Fearless warriors you shall be.  Yes, I will call you fearless because you loved not your life unto death.  You died out to your own will and ways and chose Mine that are much higher than your own.  You chose to die out allowing My resurrection power to flow through you enabling you to do great exploits. Yes, this is the day of the great falling away but it is also the day where My bride is making herself ready with Me in her secret place that I made for her alone.  Yes, each and every one of My beloved lambs have a special place I have created in My heart for them to dwell and within your very heart I have that place set up. 
Here is an example of what the Lord is doing to make His bride ready for His return. If anyone knows of one who has a special needs child, they know of the stress that they go through which wears you down and causes you to become vulnerable to the enemy's attacks, and if that person also has areas of their life that need healing, they can become a prime target for the enemy. This revelation took place after I told the Lord that I wanted all that I could receive of having His presence during my time with Him before my day began.  He immediately started to reveal to me this situation that the enemy set me up for so that I would have a wedge between Him and me where I would have a seed of distrust towards Him, which would greatly hinder me.
My people, I want you to know that I am doing a deep work within your heart cleansing and purging all that is not of Me for without having a pure vessel My work is being hindered.  There has been spiritual pride and wrong motives and priorities haven't been right according to My will.  Be sensitive to My small and still voice and I will show you areas in your heart that I am willing to change. You must know that no man is without sin for I am the only one who was able to walk a pure and holy life and was sinless.  Whenever a man reached that place they are immediately lifted up out of the earth and raised into My realms of glory above that which could be tainted by the enemy.  A pure and holy vessel will dwell with Me until the appointed time where they will return glorified with Me.