On Whose Word are You Hanging? by Bill Click

By Bill Click
In this day, no one needs a tutorial with a litany of how the world has changed in the last few years in so many ways. What you may be experiencing that you did not ask for, could not predict and would never have chosen to happen is already in place. It is not eternal, but it is not going away. And it is you who must adjust. The Good News that remains forever true is that the Lord God has already arrived at this specific place and time ahead of you, prepared the way before you knew you would need one, and provided sufficient, overcoming grace for the journey.
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In this day, no one needs a tutorial with a litany of how the world has changed in the last few years in so many ways. What you may be experiencing that you did not ask for, could not predict and would never have chosen to happen is already in place. It is not eternal, but it is not going away. And it is you who must adjust.
The Good News that remains forever true is that the Lord God has already arrived at this specific place and time ahead of you, prepared the way before you knew you would need one, and provided sufficient, overcoming grace for the journey. And it is not a journey of mere survival - it is one of going forward deeper into God's destiny, manifesting His glory - "Christ in you" (Col.1:27). Therefore desperation is never to be your mode of operation, or lot in life. You are God's child. He has truly 'got this.'
Be aware, however: the 'spirit' of the age strategically bombards with its constant upheaval of distraction, designed to provoke the works of the flesh for a reaction. And when we live as "normal people," we fail to discern that this is very different in its scope for believers than non-believers. For the world it is a given - it has no other resource than the old nature to work from, and - at best it attempts to do good deeds by exhibiting laudable behavior.
But in its work against the church, the 'spirit' of the age strategically works to put a false demand on God's people, intending to thrust the upheavals of life to the center of existence. And this is to place us at the mercy of circumstances, to get us to 'hang,' perched precariously in anxiety, fear and even worry - on whatever may or may not happen next. That is why I ask: "On whose 'word' are you hanging?"
We all have to rub up against such an onslaught of upheaval at times, either within ourselves, with those around us, or in situations we encounter or are constantly being made aware of. Called to intentionally fight against it, the Good News which remains forever true and good is that we have been given the key of God to move into position to win, "Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power" (Ephesians 6:10).
Living and Active Word
"In the world, but not of the world," is an ageless axiom that never gets eclipsed by what is taking place in us or around us (see Col. 2:20; 1 John 2:15-17). We are those who have been granted eternal seating in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; we are those whose "conversation" is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20 KJV), with our "citizenship" being first & foremost of Heaven (Philippians 3:20 NASB).
We are called to give that "living and active Word of God," the place it deserves in our lives- the overarching, life defining, forever unchanging reality of our eternal existence with God through Christ daily (Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:89; 138:2). If we fail to do this, we will fall into various works of the flesh that Scripture makes clear are active in Christians who fail to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-21).
To renew our minds to the true battle that Christ has already won and we have been designed to experience with Him in victory, we must embrace that the agenda of the redeemed Christian is not the same as one who is of the world. Instead, we are of the Kingdom of God.
"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3). On whose 'word' are you hanging? Are you 'tuned-in' primarily to God, then to your surroundings? Are you living from 'the top down?' That is what it means to live in the Kingdom - in the realm of "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit," according to what is "within you" as Jesus said (Romans 14:17; Luke 17:21). Yes, this applies to self, family, relationships, circumstances, belongings, etc. No doubt about it. And we need to win our focus and peace at this level, and God has already given it through Christ (Romans 8:37). In that, remember:
"We do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
This also applies to the heightened clamor in areas of media, government, gender, race, world politics, and money that will not go away. In fact, the order of what I just put those categories in will be different for each one who reads, according to the degree these may have impacted or even distracted you. These are unique to each one of us. But what is also specific- in a different way- is that "the prince of the power of the air's"' influence on the believer does not recede until we personally defeat the 'need' to be excessively intertwined with and influenced by such issues (Ephesians 2:2). It is an enemy strategy to get and keep you in a "battle against flesh and blood," instead of walking by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 6:12).
This is true because even though the enemy begins in the spirit realm, the ultimate goal is to destroy those made in God's image and prevent Christ from coming forward in those who are already His. Jesus said it is a battle that originates in the spirit realm but reveals itself in your natural life, in order to destroy all manner of life (John 10:10).
Live By What He Says
Jesus also said: "I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). God wants you to live by what He says. He wants you to feed on what He is saying to you. Not only that. Stand on it, count on it and enjoy God as you move by His grace into it. The Lord has designed His reality to be your food - your strength. He has designed His "living and active" Word to be what gives you sustenance to stay in His presence while you journey forward in faith. Jesus, the eternal Word of God wants to reveal Himself to you today as you enter His presence and allow Him to be what you "eat" (John 6:53-58).
Whose 'word' are you hanging on? What has and keeps the predominant place of focus and priority of energy in your life? Are you truly feeding on Jesus? If so, you will have more 'food' than the world around you, and it will be different from those who lack that source and strength of life!
The spirit of the age will not stop its bombardment; but you can overcome it in your life. The "prince of the power of the air" will continue as long as there are willing participants- but you do not have to be one. Christ has called you to overcome! (John 16:33; 1 John 4:4, 5:4).
"O taste and see, that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
Are You In Between?
Many today need a new beginning, a new season and a new opportunity for it to come forth. So if this finds you 'already spoken for' and committed, then by all means stick with what God has for you and be the strongest link in the chain you're part of. Wherever God has you, deserves the best 'you,' you can be.
But if you are 'in-between,' or can't seem to connect, are 'somewhere' just to avoid being 'nowhere,' or have had it with 'church,' yet remain convinced God has more than what you are seeing and hungry for, that is very, very different. If that is you, I am confident that worshipping the Lord with us will benefit God's process in and through you, bringing fresh insight and a more clarified pathway.
Generally speaking, every year has its opportunities and challenges. 2017 will be truly unique in your life. The Lord is showing me that this year, taking advantage of true opportunities will be greatly rewarded, while passing them by will be more sorely felt and intensified. You need to be more spiritually alert and attuned than ever before!
We want you to have every advantage, spiritually speaking. If you will open your heart to the Lord to honor Him, He will truly minister to you!
Bill Click

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