This is Your Season of the Final Push! by Taffie Beisecker

By Taffie Beisecker
The final push in childbirth is always one of the most difficult because the birthing mother has come to the point of exhaustion and oftentimes struggling with the false perspective that this laborious process is never going to come to an end. That final push takes every bit of strength the mother has, to push that newborn from the hiddenness of within the womb into the natural world of being seen, felt and heard. More often than not, at the onslaught of the final push, the mother feels as if this is an impossible task.
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The final push in childbirth is always one of the most difficult because the birthing mother has come to the point of exhaustion and oftentimes struggling with the false perspective that this laborious process is never going to come to an end. That final push takes every bit of strength the mother has, to push that newborn from the hiddenness of within the womb into the natural world of being seen, felt and heard. More often than not, at the onslaught of the final push, the mother feels as if this is an impossible task. It's as though all of her breath, energy, focus, and strength have been catapulted into the most painful and yet most desired task imaginable, of which there is no turning back from.
Then again, although the final push takes the most strength of the entire birthing process and the greatest concerted effort, as well as possibly sometimes the most painful moment of the birthing process - that final push is also the most rewarding as it reveals the life that was being nurtured and developed within the inner-most being and then brought forth declaring the most blessed heritage from the Lord and the mystery of life being birthed/manifested into our natural world!
Push with all Your Might
We, as the Body of Christ are at the threshold of the season enduring the final push into birthing our callings, businesses, destinies, next steps, new directions, etc. It's tough. We may be tired with very little strength left, even-so, don't let discouragement deceive you, the strength is there for this final push into what the Lord has seeded within us and is about to declare in its manifested state into our world.
"When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there's no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain. The sadness you have right now is similar to that pain, but the coming joy is also similar. When I see you again, you'll be full of joy, and it will be a joy no one can rob from you. You'll no longer be so full of questions." John 16:21-23
So, Church, don't give up! Push with all your might! You are at the brink of laying eyes on the desire of your heart in this new season. That which has captured your heart but seems so far from your reality is about to come forth in the newness of life, for not only your benefit; for those who are within your path; and for some others who you have not yet encountered.
"'Shall I bring to the point of birth and then not deliver?' asks the Lord your God. No! Never!" Isaiah 66:9
Congratulations it's a ___________!!!!!
Taffie Beisecker

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