Stretch, Stretch, Stretch! by Pam Clark

By Pam Clark
Stretch your faith to some degree all the time! Sometimes, God helps you to do it when you weren't even planning to do it. It's really all working for your good!!!  (See Romans 8:28)  And for the good of the Body of Christ at large. If you keep looking for Him in it, He will show up!  It's not always easy! But it works, because this is the blessing of the righteous! Keep telling God how good He is!  Not because you are using flattery but you are telling Him in praise and reminding yourself!  It will help you accept the greater works.  Through this we also learn what and how to bind and to loose. We learn to declare, we learn how to receive (so that we can hold on to it), and we learn how to be the head and not the tail.
Stretch, Stretch, Stretch! by Pam Clark
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Stretch your faith to some degree all the time! Sometimes, God helps you to do it when you weren't even planning to do it. It's really all working for your good!!!  (See Romans 8:28)  And for the good of the Body of Christ at large.
If you keep looking for Him in it, He will show up!  It's not always easy! But it works, because this is the blessing of the righteous!
Keep telling God how good He is!  Not because you are using flattery but you are telling Him in praise and reminding yourself!  It will help you accept the greater works.  Through this we also learn what and how to bind and to loose. We learn to declare, we learn how to receive (so that we can hold on to it), and we learn how to be the head and not the tail.
We have to be careful not to way overshoot our faith - that can lead to problems. We go (and grow) from faith to faith, strength to strength and from glory to glory.
Some have tried to believe for things way over their heads at the time, and if doing that out of flesh desire and lust more than faith, then that can lead to shipwreck. Then even a bigger regrouping is needed. 
But God does want us to grow! And so He will put pressure on us at times to believe for the greater things. His Spirit will do that but beware when people or another spirit does that. Hope you can understand. If you learn how to abase, then it is easier when it's time to abound. Can you figure that out?
It has taken me awhile to figure out what that "get rich quick" spirit is, that the Bible condemns. He does want us to prosper! But if we prosper too fast, we may not be able to handle the temptations the enemy will swing our way to derail us - because that is what the enemy does - he is the Adversary.  He worked on both Adam and Eve that way with his trickery.
I have found for almost all the people I know, that we go through seasons of both prospering and needing. When you get needy, work on that stretch!
Many want to be in ministry but then are surprised by the fiery trials! God is not looking for people with "another spirit" to minister that will look down upon others, judging them. Wrong spirit! He is preparing people who can relate and show others how to overcome and be blessed in Him. And when you are blessed, you will bless others! We always have to beware of those subtle snares. This is why it is good to be grounded in the Word!
Your Real Faith
There is a difference in failing a test and being willfully defiant. God sees you and He will bless you according to your real faith. To build high, we often have to dig deep! It can look like we are going the wrong direction, but He knows what He is doing.
Do you know that He is always looking for more effective ministry? People have all kinds of needs and shaming is not a ministry. But many have gifts they don't even use! A skilled minister is one who knows WHY things are happening the way they are and can fix it, because they really know from experiences the Living Word: Jesus.
People who look for secrets to bowl people over in amazement all the time are often just in ambition. People who know His Character will establish.  Relationships are important. There is a holy ambition and an unrighteous ambition. I will leave you to figure that one out!  :)
Let God stretch you into your holy strength. Then we can all handle the glory!
Pam Clark

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