A Long Way Off by Peter Koren

By Peter Koren

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What happens when you feel like that you are a long way off from God and you know that you are not connected like you used to be, or maybe you never really were connected to Him.


You have become separated by your lifestyle and choices and are headed for the hard road of ruin.


You may feel like there is a huge gulf between you and God and your worthiness is at all-time low - feeling like you are a lowly individual that God would not consider as a priority - way down on His list due to constant failure.


You can only feel despair and it's not worth trying to impress, or get up on your feet - might as well accept defeat.


Reach Out


Hopelessness and despair are powerful negative emotions that can keep us from moving forward. Our vision becomes blurred and we just can't see any way out of our dire situation and no hope in the future. When our heart sinks down low, there just isn't that spark to pull us up and project us towards some type of victory - the cards are stacked up against us and it is just too heavy this time.


Deep down there is resilience, a smoldering ember of hope and when all looks lost we can make a decision just to reach out to the God of all creation, who is awesome in His Love and Power. He has made all of the bright stars in the majestic universe displayed in the night sky and arranged them in glorious splendor.


Still, just when you are at a point of desperation you call out for mercy, hoping that He will listen and consider your desperate situation - as you know that you really blew it big time.


Well the definition for sin is just that - you have missed the mark - and guess what you have fulfilled it to the full - not something to be proud of, but what can you do?


You know you have made an effort in the past, but the allure of the enticing pleasures draw you in, you gave in once again and did not resist.


Now there is no pleasure anymore, it does not truly satisfy and it only ever had a brief high, but not true happiness and you are worn down and destitute from reckless living, it is a spiral going out of control and it drags you down its slippery plug hole.


There is Good News


Well I can tell you - there is Good News for the lost and the departed.


The Father (God) saw the prodigal son who spent his inheritance on reckless living and pleasures - returning, dejected, having ended up in a pig pen - while he was returning and he was a long way off the Father saw him.


God of Compassion


How would the Father happen to see him when he was such a long way off.


I can tell you it is the compassion and love of our Heavenly Father who is God - you and me are His creation - beloved and wonderfully made, He loves us so much, beyond our limited perceptions, that He can sense our desperation and willingness to return from our unacceptable lifestyle.


Luke 15:20 ".....while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him...."


His Father saw him and filled with compassion ran to His son and threw His arms around him. (paraphrased)


Does that sound like a God of severe judgment and the God of wrath that is all about punishing us for our sins?


Yes we do deserve it, no doubt, the punishment is due and coming to us unless we are willing to return and give our life over to the Heavenly Father of true compassion.  Being a long way off - is a place where many of us find ourselves in the life journey and the pits that we end up in, because we are flawed and have our own agenda to live according to our selfish desires. Where does it get us - usually in the pig pen.


Yes God is not mocked - what we sow we reap and what goes around comes around, you know there is a universal law at work.


Changing Direction


However, we can change direction, we can change track and reverse out of the mess.


It most likely will be a process of workings out, to unravel a lifetime of errors and destruction - but the decision is in an instant that can change our entire future for the good - instead of remaining in the place of total despair and doom there is a way out - spelt JESUS - yes the Father has made a way out of being condemned - to be redeemed - saved from ruination and destruction. Now we can freely accept this gift, without fear and we can come as we are, in the very state we are in, to be accepted. We don't have to go through hoops and hurdles and achieve a level of holiness before we are accepted.


God knows you and all of your weaknesses and everything that you have done wrong and are going to do wrong, despite all of the mess, He still loves you and is waiting for you to come back to Him.


Stop running away from the only One who loves you where you are at, He has got it sorted, there is an answer and a free gift that will be the new life for you.
So don't worry, don't try to figure it out and make it right - just surrender to His love. Free will or your free choice will never be violated, so God isn't going to make you come, He wants you to decide and no one else can do that for you - what say you?
Come as You are

Come as you are - let the God who created this wonderful planet and the universe and all power do the work in you - it is not too hard for Him, nothing makes Him hesitate or is beyond His ability.


He has put our sins as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103)


Don't feel that you are just not worthy enough, because what you have done is just so bad that no one would ever forgive your gross sin - God is not limited and is infinitely greater than just anyone, He is LOVE, His nature is LOVE and He never changes, it is only us that can refuse His love and miss out on His invitation.


Though you be a long way off, you can always turn around and begin to step towards your best future, that will be bright and full of promise.  Look towards God, who loves you and can never fail.


Peter Koren



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