I Am Sealing Holes in Your Soul - Enemy Access Denied by Lana Vawser

By Lana Vawser

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I heard the Lord saying today that He is healing the "holes in the souls" of His people. There is a "sealing" of the holes in the souls of His people taking place right now.
God is dealing with the ENTRY POINTS OF SOULS in this hour. Areas in your soul that the enemy has targeted and has been bringing oppression, torment, fear, sickness,
I saw the Lord doing deep work in these "holes" in the souls of His people and placing a heavenly sign over where these holes were and the sign read "ACCESS DENIED."
The Enemy is Being Given Notice by the Lord
For I saw the enemy bringing such torment and opposition against many of the people of God and in many, he had found an entry point to bring on one thing after another. The Lord is drawing the line in the sand. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... ACCESS DENIED!!!! No longer will these areas plague you. God has set the VICTORY STAGE for you!
The very areas that the enemy has been hitting you in are the areas of your next greatest VICTORY! You are moving INTO victory! Many of you have been experiencing an incredible battle without any signs of it easing up...don't be discouraged by this, for there may not have been any 'signs' of it easing up, but it will SUDDENLY spring forth.
The soles of your feet are stepping onto new land.  You are taking the land!
Many of you are one step away from VICTORY! From taking the land!!!! Don't give up! The soles of your feet are stepping into a new land, YOU ARE TAKING THE LAND!!!!!
Yesterday I posted a word about the "alarm of faith sounding." It is time to take your stand.
You are stewarding the shift happening around you well as you continue to STAND. Do not bow now. You are too close to victory. For every tear you have cried, the Lord is going to restore to you in tears of joy. This battle many of you have endured is not for nothing.
I saw giants rising up in the land LOUDLY at the beginning of May to interrupt what the Lord is speaking and releasing. Press your ear onto His chest and listen to what He is saying and the noise of the giants will be drowned out.
Your SOUL and SOLES are connected. The very areas in your souls that have made you feel like you cannot move forward with boldness, strength and confidence, these HOLES in your souls are being sealed, and you will move further forward than you anticipated. You will walk forward in great victory. The skies ARE clearing!!!!!
Do not Delay Your Manifestation of Completion with Comparison and Competition
Do not look to the right or to the left in comparison of the "swiftness" of others manifestations of "completions."  As you look to others in comparison I saw entry points being opened up for competition, jealousy and discouragement.
Do not delay your manifestation of "completion" with comparison and completion. The Lord is going to finish the work He started in you in His perfect time and it is going to GLORIOUS.
Keep your eyes on Jesus! The season is shifting, the birthing has been painful, the angels of aid have come to herald in a great shift. You are moving into a new beginning!!!
Suddenly things will turnaround!!!
Lana Vawser

Visitor Comments (1)

I needed to hear this encouraging Word. Thank You!

Years ago I was promised Divine Health by my Loving Father and have patiently awaited with much discouragement & pain in different areas of my body. But God also said to me: In the last days I would head up a laying on of hands ministry. Living in Ecuador now at the age of 66 and going to the Cancer hospital 1-2 X's a week and praying for healing in other's and believing for mine also. Yes, the enemy has tried to keep me at bay with pain many times, but the gift of Faith that was deposited in me @ Salvation rises up time & time again. Why, because He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world. May God Bless You richly for your obedience in your gift of Prophecy.

Love & Prayers,