10 Fabulous Reasons to NOT Set New Years Goals this Year by Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake
By Dr. Kluane Spake
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Beyond building your next TO DO goal checklist - is there anything else?
I mean really -- of course there is benefit in building your goals, but if you really want to live the life of your dreams, is there anything else to consider?
Just for a moment, could you look at your life as a journey? An ongoing expedition that is far greater than a few lists for New Year's goals. Perhaps your life has more purpose than you have realized so far?
It is important to ask the right questions and take a moment for introspection.
Am I Happy?
WOW! That's a hard one for some of us! Of course we think we are - most of the time. Through obligation and responsibility we can find accomplishment. But, what do you feel deep inside when you ask this question? Just sit there a minute and think about it.  How do your mind and your body respond when you ask yourself about happiness?
When Do I Feel Alive?
Think back. Is it when you are having an adventure, helping others, traveling?  Maybe when you sing, or are with family. This is a clue to manifesting the radiant manifestation of LIFE.
When Am I At Peace?
Surely you can't go on vacation every week, but when do you slow down and press to the inside of awareness? Don't wait until trauma comes to be forced to discover your bigger purpose. Take time today to be still - even just for a few minutes.
Did I Really Let Go of the Past?
Somehow those bad memories sneak back up if you're not careful. Too many times you and I make choices based on past experiences that we want to avoid the next time. We end up missing the best choices out of fear of the past. Soooo…let go and forgive again. Go past the old pain and focus on the NOW.
Do I Really Trust God's Guidance?
Now answer this without fear… nobody else needs to know. But - it is time to develop a deeper trust than ever before. Go beyond what other people expect from you. Tear down the filters that cover and cloud your trust. Know that as you continue to align with the Lord, your trust grows.  Learn to really listen to the Holy Spirit whisper to your heart.
What are My Life's Greatest Moments?
The most important moments are often those where you have overcome great trails. NO matter how difficult that was or how deep the pain, these times show you what is most important in life - and how you can build your strength and share that testimony with others.
Do I Follow My Heart or My Head?
You can doubt and rationalize about everything. Your MIND will always choose the rational and logical choice. Your mind will constrict choices and not want to take risks in order to avoid the pain of the past difficulties in your life. Your heart connects more easily with the Spirit of the Lord - and senses a more nonlinear way. Your heart knows the best way.
Is My Expectation Correct?
When you have your expectations with too many details, you don't leave room to experience the unexpected! Hey, if your suitcase is already totally full when you leave home, you can't go shopping on your trip!
Instead of scripting everything, try leaving room for being surprised. Be open to new experiences and allow the creativity of the Lord to amaze and astonish you. Life could be bigger than you dreamed.
Is My Life Abundant?
Do you focus on what you don't have rather than what you do have? Abundance comes when you discover it is already here and that you already have access all the time.
Can I Really Create My Life?
You've heard it before, your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions are what your life looks like. You must hold the key to your own life - and not allow others to limit the power you have. Listen. Listen. You can create and enjoy life! Start today to live the best life possible.
"Lord we lift up our eyes to you and give you thanks."
Dr. Kluane Spake

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