Accessing God's Glory Through Worship by John Belt

By John Belt
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By John Belt
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Powerful Substance
The glory of God is the most powerful substance available to the believer. It is the very "force" of heaven, the gravity of God. Some time back I had a dream where I was in a church service and the glory fell in the place and knocked everyone to the ground. Then I heard the Lord speak the phrase during this dream saying, "this is my gravity!"
2 Corinthians 4:7 "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."
We know that we have this treasure on the inside of us. Christ in us the hope of glory. It is His surpassing glory and power within us. But how is the glory of God accessed? Through our worship and prayers His glory is manifested in our bodies, the temples of God. Don't you know that you are the temple of the Holy Ghost? (1 Cor. 6:19) This treasure is buried deep in our spirit. It does take the efforts of prayer and worship to access His glory where it becomes very real and effectual in our lives.
Cluster Anointing
In our corporate worship and prayer gatherings the glory is manifested in even more powerful ways because of the synergy of God's people joining together as one. An old friend of mine called this the "cluster anointing."  When we get that cluster anointing activated corporately there is a widespread impact on darkness because the glory of God is His Light shining forth. God's Presence changes atmospheres. This happens by the glory of God being manifested in His people. We need more corporate glory gatherings that will blast the darkness out of our nation. We can change things in the natural all day long but if nothing changes in the spiritual realm there won't be a real change.
More than ever we need to shine. Jesus said that we need to shine as lights in this world where people can see. The glory is that light. When we talk of the glory of Jesus, we are referring to the light of Jesus. Just as He was so we are in this world, the light that shines. Our deeds are light.  They flow from a life that is abiding in the Presence of God.
There is a weight to God's glory. It is a force that moves, drives out and exposes darkness. It literally pushes it out of the way. Take time to access that glory of heaven in your prayer and worship to God. Watch how it will shift the climate and atmosphere of not only your life, but those around you.
John Belt

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