The Risk and Upgrade of Foolish Faith in this Next Season by Amy Meyer

By Amy Meyer
We are approaching a new day and time that is leading us to make some important choices and some important directions. Some of these choices will require us to obey God in what would look like to many as, "foolish faith." This entire last decade or more has been full of training and preparation, as I'm sure you all would agree. The Holy Spirit himself has been molding, shaking, bending, and breaking us into a pliable place; willing to depend on Him no matter what the request. In this new-found dependence on faith, you find the Lord asking you to trust Him with your life in directions you would never have thought of or chosen. By this true act of obedience and trust, you will now be propelled into the next place of growth and destiny in your relationship with Him.
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We are approaching a new day and time that is leading us to make some important choices and some important directions. Some of these choices will require us to obey God in what would look like to many as, "foolish faith."
This entire last decade or more has been full of training and preparation, as I'm sure you all would agree. The Holy Spirit himself has been molding, shaking, bending, and breaking us into a pliable place; willing to depend on Him no matter what the request.
In this new-found dependence on faith, you find the Lord asking you to trust Him with your life in directions you would never have thought of or chosen. By this true act of obedience and trust, you will now be propelled into the next place of growth and destiny in your relationship with Him.
If you are daring and willing, hear these words from the Lord as a divine challenge to come up higher! You'll be able to gauge the level of trust and obedience you've gained in these last few seasons.
Be encouraged, and persuaded by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, reigning in majesty! His love for you is far reaching and He is longing to demonstrate to you by your faith, that He is truly Omnipotent!
Though He often comes as a friend, hear Him speak with you from His place of majesty. Ponder His question and challenge to you.
Stepping Out in Faith
Do I, your Lord, not give the commands? Isn't it your job to follow through with faith and action to see the fruition, completeness, and fullness of your miracle? Can you see any miracle that took place without mankind taking heed to My words in faith? Those who trust Me will obey My commands and they shall reap what they've asked for.
...those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:12
But someone may say, "You have faith, and I have actions." Show me your faith without any actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions. James 2:18 ISV
I will never ask you to do something that won't require you to step out in faith for it. (It is impossible to please God without faith. Heb. 11:6) It will always look foreign to your earthly reasoning and conscious. I do have a point in this... I am teaching and training you to follow My orders, trusting Me, even when it doesn't make sense. This is a test to see if you'll believe Me or deny Me. To see just how much you're willing to go out on the limb of "impossibilities" knowing I'm the constant possible.
What king or commander does not reward a servant who respects and trusts Him in this way? I too desire your unconditional trust and respect. It shows Me your heart and just how much I can trust you in return with the weightier things.
Are you willing to look foolish for Me? All who do receive a great reward. Is this not so all throughout My Word? Gideon, the woman at the well, the issue of blood, Lazarus, Naaman the Leperous King etc... Can you not see that this is how I test the hearts of those who truly believe? You have to be willing to look foolish for Me. Are you willing?
I am not only concerned with the outer healing of man but the inner as well; the issues of the heart and the ability to trust Me. Why make it foolish, you might ask? If it is foolish, man cannot possibly take the credit for it. Surely, they will believe it's Me, realizing the utter impossibility of clay healing blind eyes. Now, let Me ask you, Did it ever work again? Was it something they could market and make a business out of? No. It was their willingness to look foolish to man, to trust an unseen, all-knowing God, and by that, receive their total healing.
Focusing on the Inward
Know and identify that it's Me, when I ask you to do things that just don't make sense to your natural man. Within this act of faith, you'll always find your miracle, next assignment, and mile-marker. This is not a matter of moving out of presumption, but rather responding to something I've been asking you to do.
I am a very wise King and I am, generous of heart. But, I am also one who does not measure value as mankind does. I am never as much focused on the outer appearance of things as man is. To Me, it is surface. I am far deeper than that. To give you what you ask for, by mere handout would be an utter dishonor to us both. Why settle for something surface when I can give our relationship something much deeper. That is just it. I am far more concerned about the relationship aspect then just giving you what you ask for in surface terms. If I can capture your heart and upgrade you in your relationship with Me, then this is the risk I am willing to take.
Risk is the doorway to this upgrade. That is why faith and risk always accompany each other. So, think it not strange but accept the "normalcy" of the foolish risks I present before you, for I am after the upgrades in our relationship, and I am after the richness of your love and trust in Me.
Remember the Roman soldier's faith. That is the kind of faith and act of love I desire. He trusted My word and did not question. He honored My authority above his own and followed through receiving My benefits and adoration. This is why faith pleases Me so much. Wouldn't this kind of faith and love please you too? ~ Jesus
Amy Meyer

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