True Honor - There & Then; Here & Now by Bill Click

By Bill Click
We need restoration today. A key area is in regard to honoring the Gifts Christ gave to the Church (see Ephesians 4:11). Many have either lost this understanding or abandoned this practice through neglect. Others were perhaps not taught, or have never seen it modeled in a Spiritual environment. Regardless, true honor must be restored as part of what it means to actually worship The Father "in Spirit and Truth" (John 4:24). God not only deserves and desires such honor; it is His condition for the Spirit to fully reveal Christ among us.
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A Call to the Restoration of True Honor
We need restoration today. A key area is in regard to honoring the Gifts Christ gave to the Church (see Ephesians 4:11). Many have either lost this understanding or abandoned this practice through neglect. Others were perhaps not taught, or have never seen it modeled in a Spiritual environment. Regardless, true honor must be restored as part of what it means to actually worship The Father "in Spirit and Truth" (John 4:24).
God not only deserves and desires such honor; it is His condition for the Spirit to fully reveal Christ among us. We are to actually demonstrate Christ "as He is" by allowing Him to establish in us the "also are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). A teaching in itself, such is not just a doctrine to stand on, nor a confession for what is being sought. Instead, it is the reality of transformation (Romans 12:1f).
Encounters with Christ - "as He is"- loose Him to move in, among and through us according to God's plan and purposes. The Father designed Heaven's desires - received & walked in - to be the only way we can be completely fulfilled in the earth (Psalm 37:3-6). We must free Christ to be "as He is" among us if we truly hope to see the Father's desires "on earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10). That is what advances the church forward into His "eternal purpose" (Ephesians 3:11).
True Honor Looses the Heart & Hand of God
Throughout the Scripture, God's Word demonstrates that when you honor the Gift of Christ within the person, you honor The One who gave them the Gift, and can truly receive from God through them. This is what allows you to experience their anointing when it is being released and functions. And that is the reason Christ's Gifts are sent and set: to minister the Lord "as He is" to you (1 Cor. 12:27-28; 2 Cor. 12:12). True honor shown to the Lord's Gifts among others also increases the likelihood they can also receive from the Gift as well. Such true honor looses what I call "the supernatural exchange" (in a momentary way). Of course, this all depends on you honoring the Gift of Christ before you. Describing how Christ's Gifts are to be recognized according to their purpose, Paul writes:
"But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift. Therefore it says, 'when he ascended on high, he led captive a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men.' (Now this expression, 'He ascended,' what does it mean except that He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things). And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service (ministry), to the building up of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4: 7-12 NASB).
True honor mandates that we must receive Gifts of Christ the way God designed them; that you honor the Lord's desires to release Himself to you through them, "as He is" (1 John 4:17). His initial motivation is to equip you for use in serving and building up Christ's church. This is the way you begin to move toward fullness in Christ (see 4:13-16 for the results). That is God's purpose for ministry to the Church. It's the basis for what ministry is to be within the church. It's the way of the Bridegroom with the Bride. It's that all be equipped, serving and built up.
God excludes no one from His heart and plan in this manner. For you to have what you are supposed to have, being who you are supposed to be, there is neither escaping this, nor optioning out of being willing and committed to it. No matter how much you might attain, become successful, or even derive joy in and from this life, without being equipped and serving the Lord as part of His Body, you have nothing to bring to the Lord at the judgment seat of Christ.
This is the New Testament Church designed by The Father, being built by the Son through the Spirit. Where we vary or lack in Christ, look no further for "why." It all begins with truly honoring God in Christ according to what He gives to each.
True Honor of God Comes When All Release to Christ's Gifts
Abel's offering may be the initial example of a God-approved offering, but the true honor I am describing is first displayed by Abraham to Melchizedek in Genesis 14. (Later referenced & further explained in Hebrews 7, our understandings of tithing largely come from there, Malachi 3, and Jesus' admonishment that it is certainly God's way – Matthew 23:23. And that is certainly one aspect of true honor: God's covenant in reciprocal action - Deut. 8:18).
After Abraham it is seen with many: including Samuel, Elijah and Elisha. In those, instances, we see the pattern of blessing God's representative (mouthpiece) with substances worthy of The One whom they represent. What is offered - when accepted - is received by them on behalf of The One who sent them.
Today and always: true honor is conferred on the Lord by releasing substance of significant personal worth to His gifted ones, recognizing God as having greater- in fact the greatest- meaning and significance in life. This not only demonstrates God as greater than what you could do or bring, but also that He is The One who ultimately possesses all; able to do what otherwise can never be done (Psalm 24).
Those who represent God as Christ's Gifts must also confer honor on those they receive ministry from as well. It is a matter of recognizing God as The One whom all must completely depend on and be utterly grateful for. None are exempt: everyone is to bring honor to the Lord by releasing to His Gifts of Christ, which represent Him. This reveals another essential: Gifts of Christ who receive from others must also give. Paul agreed with apostles about giving as directed (Galatian 2:10). Everything and everyone God anoints by Christ must be honored.
David represented God in all aspects of life, himself receiving much honor from among men. He did not consider himself to be the stopping place, however. David said he would "not give that to the Lord my God which cost me nothing" (2 Samuel 24:24). There is always "Someone Greater." I Am is that "Someone."
Today, the visible Christian landscape is replete with ministers of Christ who have told how a significant offering they made by God's leading honored another and catapulted them into new seasons and harvests - loosing them into what was ahead for them spiritually, in ministry and the natural. All persons, ministers, ministries, churches and teams will be called upon by God in this way. Such true honor is a God-ordained crucible of refinement becoming a gateway to destiny.
Responding to God in True Honor
You may have not previously considered the degree which recognizing and honoring Christ's Gifts has played an integral role in your life with God to this point. If not, then you now have the opportunity to grow in the Lord.
Pray now, and honor the Lord in whatever way He directs. Bring honor to Him in the Church by releasing unto Christ's Gifts. It will release new Spirit-life to you.
ALSO: If this confirms something either postponed or neglected, then don't delay. Allow the Lord to release to you and move you forward by truly honoring Him.
IMPORTANT: If you've been dishonorable to God, Christ's gifts, yourself and His Body by what you have said or done, repent and expect God to give you new opportunities to be restored- recovering His presence and a new forward motion.
God wants you going forward. That's why I'm called to write in obedience to Him.  
Bill Click

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