God Loves Roundabouts by Pablo Giacopelli

By Pablo Giacopelli
We often hear people say that there are at crossroads in their lives. Like many of us, I too have often found myself in what seems like a T junction where one can only go one way or the other but no longer ahead. This way of describing a moment of decision has often added much unnecessary pressure as we assume that one way is right and the other, well it will lead our lives to the wrong place. As I have faced these moments over and over and in fact find myself in one at this very moment I have come to realize as I spend time contemplating that in this way of doing life we don't reach T junctions but instead roundabouts.
God Loves Roundabouts by Pablo Giacopelli
Digital Electronic Course
By Pablo Giacopelli
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We often hear people say that there are at crossroads in their lives. Like many of us, I too have often found myself in what seems like a T junction where one can only go one way or the other but no longer ahead.
This way of describing a moment of decision has often added much unnecessary pressure as we assume that one way is right and the other, well it will lead our lives to the wrong place. As I have faced these moments over and over and in fact find myself in one at this very moment I have come to realize as I spend time contemplating that in this way of doing life we don't reach T junctions but instead roundabouts.
You see with roundabouts we also arrive at what would seem like a moment of choice however unlike the martial and unforgiving law that rules the T junction the roundabout is about grace and another chance. This is because with a roundabout we not only have the choice to continue going straight but we also have the choice to go around again and again if we miss the exit we were supposed to take the first time, or the second, or the third, or the fourth, etc, etc. The T junction works well when we subscribe to a journey that is led by the way of dualism and getting it right. Whereas as the roundabout reminds us that in life the truth is often found in between the black and the white and that to see this it is often necessary for us to go around several times.
Today if you feel like you missed your exit or your last chance relax as it is on its way back around if you keep going.
Pablo Giacopelli

Visitor Comments (4)

Pablo Giacopelli - God Loves Roundabouts

Sorry for the error.😃

Pablo Giacopelli - Understanding Your True Identity


God in heaven does speak plain and true. God is not a man, that he should lie. Whatever God speaks to his children will come to pass.


Plain and Simple

Brother Pablo, for speaking your heart the way you do. I found like you did that GOD uses the Plain and Simple ways to relate to our ways of thinking because we are HIS children. I thank GOD that you are the way you are as you speak truth with high INTEGRITY for the GOD you serve. May GOD bless you and carry-on for HIS glory. BEN

Exactly right!

Exactly right, well said, very helpful.