What does it Mean to Awaken? by Jeremy Lopez

By Jeremy Lopez
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1-2 KJV  Never before has there existed such a hunger, such a zeal for spiritual truth as we now see emerging within humanity.  Deep within humanity there has always existed an innate, burning hunger to experience a greater, fuller measure of the Spirit as the "deep" has continuously called unto the "deep."  For millennia, much has been said and taught concerning the subject of spiritual awakening and from the very beginning mankind has sought to define awakening and to better understand the spiritual mechanics at work throughout the process of it. 
What does it Mean to Awaken? by Jeremy Lopez



"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." Isaiah 60:1-2 KJV  


Never before has there existed such a hunger, such a zeal for spiritual truth as we now see emerging within humanity.  Deep within humanity there has always existed an innate, burning hunger to experience a greater, fuller measure of the Spirit as the "deep" has continuously called unto the "deep."  For millennia, much has been said and taught concerning the subject of spiritual awakening and from the very beginning mankind has sought to define awakening and to better understand the spiritual mechanics at work throughout the process of it.  Only moments ago I had the great honor and privilege of releasing my thirty-seventh book to a worldwide audience entitled The Awakening Factor, and in it I share what I believe to be a timely and much-needed word of inspiration for the world in this current time.  


There is a hunger and a spiritual zeal now burning as never before as day after day men and women from all walks of life are coming to a greater recognition of the truth of the Spirit and recognizing that the dogma and the doctrines of man-made religion have never truly satisfied. But what is spiritual awakening? How is it defined?  And more importantly, what does spiritual awakening truly look like within the daily life of the believer?  Humanity is beginning to awaken, more and more each passing day, as men and women are beginning to come to the understanding, "I am destined for more." Yet, what is it that separates the dreamers from the doers? What, if any, are the differences that exist between those who have a desire to see more and to accomplish more and those who are content to resign themselves to a life of normality?  Those who believe in spiritual awakening yet resign themselves to merely dreaming and envisioning without ever truly acting and those who dare to make the bold leaps of faith?  Very real differences do exist, and I call these differences "awakening factors."


Seize Your Opportunities


Truly awakened individuals recognize the importance of being aware and alert.  They possess a keen sense of awareness that allows them to see and to recognize opportunities where most others can't.  My friend, in this season of your life, it's time to begin to seize the countless opportunities that exist within the Kingdom of God.  It's time to begin to trust yourself as never before.  It's time to recognize the value that you have and begin to realize once and for all that you have a gift within you that the world around you desperately needs to see.


Spiritual awakening is a journey of discovery.  It is the process through which the Christ in you – the real "you" – shines forth for all the world to see.  Awakening is the process through which the real you – the divine, powerful and heavenly "you" – becomes the day-to-day you.  You've questioned yourself for far too long, sitting idly by on the sidelines hoping, wishing, wanting, dreaming, and praying, rather than doing and rather than being.  For far too long you've held tightly to a promise from God, believing that if you will simply wait patiently and faithfully that the manifestation will surely come.  While you've been patiently waiting, though, you've missed out on many amazing and wonderful opportunities.  You've often missed the forest for the trees, as the old saying goes.  While you've been so faithfully and patiently waiting for manifestation in one area of your life, God has been moving in all other areas of your life at once.  Chances are you've missed out on what might very well have been wonderful, divine and heavenly gifts in other areas of your life, all because you weren't fully aware of the totality of the moving of the Spirit.  You weren't fully alert.  You weren't fully awake!  


Dare to Shine


If, as you read these words, you find yourself feeling "blindsided" by the unexpected, random, seemingly chaotic moments of life and if it seems that you now find yourself crippled by the debilitating, paralyzing fear that so often accompanies unexpected moments, I want to encourage you to begin to see the moments of life for what they truly are: gifts of opportunity!  My friend, in each and every passing moment of existence, all of Creation around you is simply waiting for you to make an impact on the world around you by first recognizing your true identity as a Creator and secondly by being fully present in the moment.


Awakening is the realization that never at any time have you ever been disconnected or cut off from the power of the Godhead. The Kingdom of Heaven in within you! Fear is merely "False Evidence Appearing Real," and right now, it's time to begin to understand fully that you've been fearful of life for far, far too long.  As a result you've been living far beneath your means.  Yes, you've trusted God, but now it's time to begin to trust yourself again. Spiritual awakening is the realization that through it all, no matter the situation or the circumstance, life is not happening to you; life has always been happening for you!  


The Awakening Factor is now available. Contact the offices of Identity Network today to purchase your copy and to receive your very own personal prophetic word from the Lord.  In this new season, it's time to finally activate the power of awakening in your very own life.  Dare to dream.  Dare to let the real you shine forth.  


Jeremy Lopez




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