Recognizing the Gift in Now by Taffie Beisecker

By Taffie Beisecker
At the time of transference, not every gift is perceived as the treasure it truly is. Sometimes, when perceived through the lens of our natural eyesight, the gift at first has the appearance of hardship and trial. Salvation is the greatest gift of all but the appearance of it when Jesus hung on the cross being viewed with natural eyesight was not anything that seemed to be the glorious treasure it was - and is. This time we are walking through is undoubtedly tough and while we view it through what our natural perceptions see, feel, hear, and are made to endure, for good reason it most definitely appears as a trial and hardship.
Recognizing the Gift in Now by Taffie Beisecker
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At the time of transference, not every gift is perceived as the treasure it truly is. Sometimes, when perceived through the lens of our natural eyesight, the gift at first has the appearance of hardship and trial.
Salvation is the greatest gift of all but the appearance of it when Jesus hung on the cross being viewed with natural eyesight was not anything that seemed to be the glorious treasure it was - and is.
This time we are walking through is undoubtedly tough and while we view it through what our natural perceptions see, feel, hear, and are made to endure, for good reason it most definitely appears as a trial and hardship.
The good news is this is not where the story stops. There is more to come, and the rest of the story is far better than the preceding chapters. Some areas of life may not look the same or feel the same as what we all knew before, but some changes are not bad. In fact, change is good when it is a gift from the Lord.
When God's people were being freed from the bondage of Pharaoh, they had to endure change. Their time of transition from slavery to freedom was a time of change in every definition of what it could entail. They literally underwent transference from a land governed by corrupt powers that refused and even scoffed at God, to a land of abundance, beauty, and freedom whose leaders were appointed and directed by God.
Remember, they had to leave behind most of all that was familiar to them and become somewhat inconvenienced for a while. Had they seen from a spiritual perspective of the Promised Land, which awaited them I am, sure the grumbling about the temporary inconveniences would not have been the case.
In a sense, we ARE now the people of God who are being delivered from the bondage of a corrupt system for the purpose of being taken to a land of promise but (there's always a 'but' isn't there?) the quicker we choose to perceive through spiritual understanding and choose praise over grumbling will determine the swiftness of our exile, so to speak. Praise is always the key, which unlocks the door(s) of our promises.
A Necessary Journey
We have asked for this time in our times of prayer (possibly unknowing what we were asking for exactly, but nevertheless, we asked) and now we are receiving our deliverance and breakthroughs. Our prayers are being answered but are we recognizing the gift for what it really is? The process of manifesting the answers to our prayers does not always look like what we expected it to while in the formation stages. Remember, there is always a necessary journey in between the place, from here to there.
A couple of mornings ago, I woke up to hearing the Lord speak, "Lines are being drawn in the sand." I have contemplated this statement much and lifted it up before the Lord to receive His direction that I might gain a clearer understanding. The impression that continues to come before me is a vision of His people leaving their bondage when they safely crossed through the waters. When Pharaoh's army attempted to follow and cross the same waters, having intentions to capture the people, God, in a nutshell drew the line - they were not allowed to proceed any farther. The buck stops here! In a manner of speaking, He drew a (spiritual) line in the sand of which they were not allowed to cross (spiritually or naturally).
The basic implications of "drawing a line in the sand" are a) to establish a figurative boundary that someone or a group refuses to cross or beyond which no further advance or compromise is accepted, b) to set a limit beyond which someone cannot go without suffering consequences, c) to put a stop to or a limit on something.
Please understand, I am not implying that God has brought this situation upon us. Although, I am concluding that what was meant for our harm has been intercepted by His almighty hand so as, to turn it around and heap it upon the heads of our enemy and even more so, transform it into a good gift for His people.
Romans 8:26-31 Likewise, the Spirit also helps our weakness. For we do not know what to pray as we should. But the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with unutterable sighs. But He Who searches the hearts, knows the meaning of the Spirit. For He intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God. But we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers. Moreover, those whom He predestined, He also called. And those whom He called, He also justified. And those whom He justified, He also glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Taffie Beisecker 

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