By Joni Ames

by Joni Ames

Dear Friends,

First, I want to address the women...

Ladies, watching the news these days, it has become evident that we are making the enemy nervous. He seems to have more faith and confidence in our relevance than we do! He wants to take us out!

Does it not seem more than a little strange to you that there have been so many killings of pregnant women lately?

I asked the Lord about it, and I felt that He reminded me that the enemy has always tried to take out the generation of deliverers--even as far back as when Moses was born. But the Lord has also always used women to protect that seed. Because of this, the enemy is trying to take out both the women and the seed in this time, before the seed is even brought forth.

It is time to sound the alarm!

Wake up, Mighty Men! Come forth in battle on behalf of the women and children!

The enemy has lulled some men to sleep and even into sin, to try to take them out as well. But the Lord was clear, "Chivalry is NOT dead! Wake up My Mighty Men!"

And so I now address the men...

The knights of old had chivalry, which meant that they would champion the cause of women and children. There is again a clarion call to the men of this day to come forth and protect the women and children.

"Blow the trumpet in Zion..."Joel 2:1

BIG stuff is about to take place! Both good AND bad! It is a sobering thing, and God is calling us all to be AWAKE!


As I was driving across the country lately, I was surprised at the many coffee shops that have risen up. The Lord spoke to my spirit, "I'm speaking to My People through this: It's time to wake up and smell the coffee!"

Do not allow the enemy to divide and destroy your families! Even as I've been out in a store or restaurant lately, I've noticed that the enemy has been stirring things up in families and causing petty arguments over ridiculous things. Do not be ignorant of the enemy's devices.

Do not allow the enemy to cause your hearts or eyes to wander to another. Refuse to be beguiled by him and his tactics of division.

In other words, let us be wise and wake up to what is going on around us. We are prophetic people, and God often speaks through that which is going on around us.

Don't ignore the little nudges, fleeting thoughts, and feelings the Lord gives to you. They could save your life, or the life of your family. It is time to focus on the Lord, His Word, and our families. It is time to pull together and not apart.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."Hebrews 10:23

To bring balance to this, understand that there are even some family members who may not choose to serve the Lord. We can pray for them, but we cannot make decisions for them. God, Himself, wants our love out of an unfeigned heart, not faked or forced.

Dear Lord,

Thank You that You love and care for us, and give us Your words of encouragement and even warnings. We take You seriously, and we acknowledge Your heart for us, and ours for You. We ask You for wisdom, discernment, direction, peace, and understanding in this time.

We pray for the protection of our loved ones, and for those You have called "for such a time as this." And we agree together that the Mighty Men shall come forth and quench the enemy's plans against the women and children.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Joni Ames
A.C.T.S. Ministries

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