Hearing Visions Symbols! by Tom Donnan

By Tom Donnan
Hearing Visions Symbols

 by Tom Donnan


          I have come to understand there are many of God's Children new to the Hearing Visions we can experience in the Prophetic journey. To help those new to this experience see God is conveying a message to you. Some have said: 'Why is it so hard to understand what God is telling me?' Learning a new language is difficult and requires work. Time spent seeking the Holy Spirit and gaining comprehension adds to prophetic journey. 


When we have 'Hearing Visions', we hear them with our spiritual ears, in the spiritual realm. Others will not hear them, just you, is mostly the case.  They are not limited to happening at night, I have had them happen during the day, and however, most happen during the night when I am sleeping or near asleep.


          There are many factors to Hearing Visions, at what time are they happening, how loud the volume is and what are you are hearing are some of the factors. Hearing Visions for me give me information on what I am to look for that will happen soon. Most circumstances happen that day or with in 24 hours. When I hear something very loud and it scares me awake, it is very close to my life and home. Slight or distant sounds are usually away from home and at times more subtle to notice when it happens.


          Hearing Visions are usually a call to become involved in a spiritual issue of some sort but not confined to that. This will help when in the next day after you have heard something, you will need to work through several circumstances to see what it is the Lord is directing you to be aware of or enter into.


The most common is Door Bells: Change! Entrance!


What does your door bell sound like? Is it your door bell you hear?  If not, is it a door bell of a person you know? Or, is it a business, School, Church, which will give you a clue to what you are looking to be attentive to the next day.


Is it the front door bell chime? This is unusually two chimes.  Front door bell chime means something is coming soon. You are to open up to it, allow to come in, like a new person, or maybe something new is about to start that is not normally something you would look for. Future!


Back door chime; or one chime, look for someone or thing from your past to come to you and across your path. The Lord may want to work on past hurts, or renew a relationship.


Telephone rings: is it your phone? This could be a call to communicate with God more or someone. Is it a person's phone you know? Is it an unknown phone, what type of ringer is it? I heard a ringer one night; it was very loud and woke me up out of a sound sleep. The next day, while I was in a business, their phone ring was the same and the one I heard that morning. Then I knew! Often, it maybe the Lord is calling you to a new place in Him, a new ministry, and a new relationship.


Turning phones on, is starting up. Turning off, or powering down ending.


Knocks on Bedroom door: This has been a call from Jesus for those in leadership at church, to open up the door to HIM. He was standing at the door to them. Rev 3:20

How many times did you hear the knock, one, two, so on? Was it a wooden door, a metal door is important.


Creaking door open: opening up slowly


Slamming door close: you are to end something, slam the door now! Stop!


Car chime, you know, when the keys the ignition and the door is open. When I heard this, that morning someone I loved and lived far away was going in for a surgical procedure. I was to take a trip and be with them.


Trumpets: they are an announcement proclaiming something in the kingdom of God is happening.


Wind: the Holy Spirit is moving.


Computer sounds: who it belongs too. Maybe even what program.


Pager: A direct signal to someone or time. What is the page for? Who are you being paged too?


Dog Barking: a warning, a call to begin praying and watch for the prowling lions attack.


Coyote howl: spiritual warfare is at your door. A call to prayer. Are you doing something that has opened the door to an attack from the evil one?


Hawk Screeching: Warning


Gun shots: Words, spiritual warfare.


Train whistles: Engine or ministry moving forward


Explosions: Hearing a bomb explode could be something is about to explode into or happen in your world. Can be for good and or trials.


 There are times I will hear someone quote a scripture in a dream or vision that is for us to respond to in seeking God on who and how it applies. I always seek to apply what I see and hear to my life first. If it doesn't fit, then Lord, who is this for?



Do you have a sound that you have heard not listed above? Let's add it to the list…


Tom Donnan



Some Scriptures where heavenly sounds are heard:



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