By Todd Bentley

 by Revivalist Todd Bentley

Part 2 of 2

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is developed and cultivated. Hey! It's not "zap" and suddenly you are intimate! Therefore, my goal this week is to share with you about the person of the Holy Spirit and to give a few more keys that you can put into practice so that intimacy will blossom and grow.

So let's begin by taking a look at something notable that Jesus told His disciples. Actually, it's our first key and it's a main key.


Right after Jesus ate the last Passover with His disciples in the Upper Room, He spoke with them, saying, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward" (Jn. 13:36). Wow. The disciples were so close to Him-think about that-and now He was going away and they couldn't follow Him until afterward. What did He mean? Troubled, they must have wondered what was going on!

So Jesus comforted the disciples, and He began to awaken their spirits to things they formerly had little or no revelation about. In fact, one amazing thing they knew nothing of, was they would do greater works than Jesus! (John 14:12).

Yet even more astounding news was coming-another Helper was on the way (14:16). But before Jesus could tell them about this Helper, which is the Holy Spirit, He needed to tell them something first. They needed to hear and receive an important truth first-a truth that would help to make their hearts ready for receiving the Holy Spirit-and here it is. Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments" (Jn. 14:15, emphasis mine). In other words, if you love God, do what He tells you! Show your love by obeying Him.

That statement is just as fresh and relevant today as it was the day Jesus first said it. Why was this exhortation necessary? The answer is because obedience is a crucial link for receiving the Holy Spirit and everything inherent in Him. In fact, the degree that the Holy Spirit can manifest and intensify in your life hinges on your willingness to do what God tells you to do. Furthermore, your obedience testifies of your love for God. So practice obedience!


As the disciples received that truth about keeping God's commandments, Jesus began to tell them about the Helper: "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you" (Jn. 14:16, 17, emphasis mine).

Notice that He says the world cannot receive the Spirit of truth because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But sadly, much of the church today behaves like the world! Many believers in the church have seen the work of the Spirit but they still don't know Him. Friends, there is a big difference between seeing and knowing.

Now we sure want the "with you" presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives! But do we know the with you presence? Everyone who is saved has the "in you" presence, but if we want to feel and know the Holy Spirit is with us, hovering over us in everything we do and everywhere we go, then we need to know Him. It's about nurturing intimacy. Then you can't help but have the with you presence of God on your life. And what an impact that has on the people around you!

Look at how God's with you presence affected people through the lives of Kathryn Kuhlman, Charles Finney, and Smith Wigglesworth.

  • Kathryn Kuhlman carried so much of the presence on her that when she stepped out of her hotel room and she walked by, people they would fall down under the power. Then when she got to the crusade and stepped out on the platform, the power of God would ramp up 10 levels because of the glorious presence of God that she carried.

  • Charles Finney carried such a powerful presence of God that one day when he walked into a factory it was like God Himself stepped in with Him. All the workers got saved even though he said nothing.

  • Smith Wigglesworth was sitting on the train going somewhere minding his own business and people would come up to him and ask, "What can I do to be saved?" He was so saturated, filled and controlled by the Holy Ghost that when the lost got in his presence they felt another Presence.

Jesus calls the with you Holy Spirit: "the Spirit of truth," and "another Helper." Another Helper means: One besides, another of the same kind. To paraphrase, it's like Jesus is saying: "The Helper is One besides Me; He is clearly in addition to Me, but He is One just like Me. In My absence He will do what I would do if I were physically with you." He is equal in the Godhead.

What was He going to "help" Jesus do? Here is the answer: "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you" (Jn. 14.26, emphasis mine).

More than ever, we need the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth, so that we can overcome the seduction and deception that's in the world (1 Tim. 4:1). In fact, God's word says that we must have a love for the truth so that we aren't overtaken by a strong deluding influence (2 Thes. 2:10, 11). So practice loving the truth and being teachable. It's a great way to develop intimacy with God's Spirit!

How does the Holy Spirit bring all things to our remembrance? Actually, the answer is another key for developing intimacy. It happens when we feed ourselves on wisdom and revelation found in the Bible because then the Holy Spirit can bring the truth of God's word to our remembrance. Suddenly the Holy Spirit speaks through us. "Where did that come from?" we ask ourselves. The words were right there in the hour that we needed them. I've experienced that. For instance, I've preached sermons the very moment I received the revelation. Someone will ask, "Todd, do you have that message on tape at your tape-table?" "No, I don't," I'll answer. "I didn't even hear it myself until now, but I think I'll make it into a new series!"

What's more, "when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me" (Jn. 15:26). Testify of Me! He is the greatest evangelist! And He is going to teach us the gospel! You know, when I'm reading about the crucifixion of Jesus in the word, I'll speak to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to come and tell me about the cross again. As I'm reading, I'll say, "Look what it says here Holy Spirit. You were right there. Tell me what it was like?" After I read Him a scripture, He'll teach me. Then I'll read Him another scripture and ask Him another question and He'll teach me some more.

Back to the disciples! Since they were so close to Jesus and they didn't want Him to go away, as Jesus revealed God's heavenly strategy for sending the Holy Spirit, their hearts were filled with sorrow (Jn. 16:6). So that's why He told them: "It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you" (16:7).

It's like Jesus was saying, "He is the one that's called alongside-Intercessor, Comforter, Advocator, and Counselor. He is the One that will give you counsel-what to do; when to do it; how to do it; who to pray for; and how to pray. He will give you words of knowledge-accurate detail. And what's so great about that is that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will come simultaneously because He is omnipresent. You don't have to line up and take your turn!


Before we pray together, I want to emphasize that since nothing happens without the Holy Spirit, we've got to know Him; we've got to be intimate with Him! Look. No one can be saved unless the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin and draws them to the Father through Jesus Christ. He is the One that enables us to feel the presence of God, and we can't even feel the love of God without Him. Church, we've got to have the Holy Spirit! Ultimately, not only is He worthy, He deserves all of our respect and outpourings of love!! So how desperate are you . . . for intimacy with Him?

Now I want to invite you to pray.

God, we don't ever want to stop honoring, embracing, and inviting Your Spirit to be our intimate friend. We honor the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth and the Helper for drawing us to You, God, and for teaching us all things. We never want to grieve Your Spirit and we always want to understand and respect the preciousness of Your Spirit.

We trust You, Holy Spirit, and today we humbly ask You to fill us so that we can magnify Jesus Christ through our lives for the sake of Your kingdom purposes. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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