Clearing Out the Darkness by Tom Donnan

By Tom Donnan
Clearing Out the Darkness

by Tom Donnan



Running Scared


Hearing noises in the night, feeling a presence when no one is there, the times when chills run over you and the hair all over your body stands straight out, those times I would rather not remember. Everyone wants the events when Heaven and Earth intersect. When the wonders and love beyond description that comes with knowing God, those things we want and long for. But, what happens when evil invades our homes when we don't want it too. Jesus is a Gentleman, waiting until He is invited in. Evil, looks for every cracked door that opens and rushes in before we know what's happening bringing people into bondage and slavery. What happens when our hedge of protection, Angelic walls/hedges, are allowed to be lowered?


I had been walking with the Lord for five years when it began. It was on May 7th, 1983, I invited Jesus into my heart and life, in 1988 a change came.  Why am I having spiritual trouble in my home and life? My wife, then, and children didn't seem to notice. Visitors, over night guest, would comment on the unusual occurrences during the night. I would hear them, the rest of family graciously didn't. I was compelled to seek the Lord for answers.


Why don't we pray first? The wonderful answers to pray guided me to learn the concepts of grounds! Gods permission for satan to occupy a place or home. I poured over books and anything I could get to help me learn why this evil presence was being allowed now. Hey, it's all in the Bible, I just wasn't looking for it before. Following God's laws and decrees, understanding God is a jealous God (Ex 20). Not wanting to share me with any other god. I was consumed with finding the answer to this problem. It was time to clean house. I went through everything. From the attic to the garage; through each room and all the boxes, I opened and looked at everything in the light of Scripture. If I suspected it might be unpleasing to God, it was gone. I examined every spiritual practice I had to see if it lined up with Scripture.  Funny how when we are under pressure and the hedge of protection is down, we will grow and change. God, being a Loving Father, wants to bring us His best! The best comes by following Him. There is no room for other spirituality to be in our lives if we want the window to heaven open above us and those we love. Something God wants to do for those who Love Him.


Looking back to see forward


For a season, the Lord had me on a journey looking into my family ancestry. It was an amazing how He would bring the information across my path. I went to the reference counter of the local library to ask for suggestions on where to look for information. I was directed to family pedigree books and there it raised some questions. To my surprise, the lead librarian was into genealogy and recommended I read a book called, Boswells Journal. Having a Scottish background, she knew it was rich in facts of the 1750's when my early family lived there. I checked it out and over the next two week I devoured it. From what I can remember, it was an account of the spiritual healthiness of the Highlands in Scotland. Samuel Johnson and James Boswell journeyed from village to village visiting the churches and village people. I was surprised of their findings.


Ever hear of FIRE AND BRIMSTONE PREACHING? After reading this book, I understood why the Presbyterian Preacher of the day would try and set the fear of God in their church member's hearts. On Sunday, they would go to church and hear the gospel message. On Monday, they would be back to the life they normally lived and that included pulling out their stone or wooden god to pray for a good fishing day or a good harvest in the fall. Others would practice their witchcraft or occult religions.  Then on Sunday they were back in church listening to the gospel message. They were living a double life spiritually. For us today, tarot card reading, mediums, palm reader, horoscopes are some of the things on the list to remove from our lives. We need to know the DON'T list for Christian living. What things are offensive to God? To pray and ask God to show us all things within our hearts and habits that must go and for us to be set apart, HOLY, before our God.


The Journey


There is a dynamic I like to call the Journey! God; and I don't know how, places some of His Children on a Journey and they can't step off the Path He has set before them. You can't go to the right, the left, over it or under it. You may stand still for a while, but God will push you forward. Am I talking to you? (Psalm 23) (Matthew Henry Commentaries)  On this Journey, He place things and events to come across your path in life that will cause you to make choices, His choices. He is bringing you to the place and plans He has for your life. (Jer. 29:11)  Ok, are you still with me? I have received many e-mails showing me that God is allowing His hedge of Protection to be lowered in people's lives. Not all the way, just lowered enough to get people moving. The struggle is likened to the caterpillar become a butterfly. What will happen, at the end of your house cleaning, life cleaning, is new CLOTHING. Clothing without spot or blemish! These things are happening to bring you to a new place spiritually and to a new level. CO-OPERATE! Spend time seeking the Lord and what it is He has for you. You will have a new life and a new beginning. Strive to remove all tenets of darkness from your life and home. The light, and in powerful quantities, is coming. (Read Visitation of March 1st, 2008 on new Clothing)


Strong Foundation


Why is this so important for today? We need to be on a strong foundation of Jesus Christ (Matt 7:24). We are already on a down hill slide in America and we will need all the provisions Jesus has for us. Don't be caught on shifting sand, you will go down with the house! Believe in a supernatural of God. Be willing to pay whatever price the Lord might ask, it will be worth it for you and all your family.  Whether you are having a lowered hedge of protection and experiencing spiritual problems or NOT, Clearing out any darkness from our lives is a Journey we all need to take.


 Tom Donnan

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