New Beginnings of Olympic Proportions by Joni Ames

By Joni Ames
New Beginnings of Olympic Proportions 

by Joni Ames

  I'm sure you have read many of the crazy stories that are all over the internet, put out by "The Sky Is Falling" or "conspiracy theorists" type of crazy people. It is my prayer to NOT do that.

  However, in recent time, I have felt in the spirit that "something" is up, and that some serious things are about to take place. In fact, at one point, I even felt that something may happen that would be so serious that it could either stop presidential elections from being held, or prevent a new president from taking office. - Of course, taking a look at the choices out there, that may not be bad! <smile>

  Through this time of coming through 8/8/08, and even the simultaneous start of the Olympics, I felt that the "new beginnings" we are about to come into could be both good and bad, and some could be of Olympic proportions in both. - Also, these could occur in a variety of realms.

  On a good note, I believe that Michael Phelps and his wining eight gold medals was a prophetic picture for us all. Michael means "messenger," and I believe through what he did, the Lord is speaking a message to us all that we truly are entering a time of new beginnings. In them, I believe that those who are considered "weak, and unlikely" who will focus on the Lord and "stay in the Water of the Word" and "stay in the game" - in what He has called them to do - will do great exploits and see the glory (gold) of God come forth.

  "And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown." (1 Cor. 9:25)


  However, I've ALSO felt to warn people to "get ready," even to the point of being sure that they have 2 to 4 months of provision in their homes at all times. Due to my travels, I personally haven't been able to do that, but felt strongly that those who can need to do so. - Whether it be due to serious weather emergencies, terrorism, flu outbreak, natural disasters, war, a financial collapse in America, or whatever the case may be. And of course, to continue to pray against such things.


  But we need to remember - God is still God! He is still on the throne! And He is still our source AND our financial and power source!



  Father, in Jesus name, we ask you for wisdom, discernment, direction, and strength to get through the days ahead. We thank you that NO weapon formed will prosper, and that in this time, Your People will rise and shine (Is. 60:1 & 2) and Your Glory will be upon us! Amen.

- Joni Ames

Or mail it to her at:
Joni Ames
P.O. Box 99
Elkview, WV 25071
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