A Brief Abandonment By Russell Durose

By Russell Durose

A Brief Abandonment

By Russell Durose

http://fapinternational.org/images/new%20russell_edited.jpgIsaiah 54:7

" For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. "

 Hebrew root words:

Abandoned: azab: to relinquish, loosen right to, permit.

Compassion: racham; compassion, the womb, as in cherishing the fetus, tender love, mercy.

Brief moment: rega': a wink of the eye, I.e a very short space of time.

Bring you back: qabats: a primitive root to: grasp, collect, take up.

We can see from the root texts where the Lord is going to touch with this prophetic Word. I am currently in dialogue with some ministers as in our time there is such crisis of values, unity and finance.

The Lord brought me to this passage in prayer. The Lord was showing me the WHY of this very difficult season from the verse above.

Then the Lord challenged made me to go to the Hebrew root words so that what I am to prophetically declare is backed up by pure Word, not just a convenient human interpretation.

In the beginning God speaks to us that for a brief moment "He abandoned us." It seems unthinkable that God would abandon us. It seems unthinkable that God would consider such a thing. But we must not allow any religious or traditional doctrine we may have received to steal our blessing in rejecting what God reveals because at first glance we see it totally contrary to what we have learnt.

Let us first of all examine the Word "abandoned". In the Hebrew means PERMIT. What is God permitting? At times He permits us to be on our own for such instances, seconds. Like a father who is teaching his son to walk, he let's go, keeping a safe distance so that the child can gain confidence. The baby walks one or two steps and falls. Then the father scoops up the baby to safety again. This is what God is doing with us at this time. He is permitting we walk some steps on our own. He is demonstrating to us, we cannot walk without Him. We must walk in Him. We are in that season, its difficult, we have never walked this way before. God is testing our ability to walk strong in Him!

For a brief moment in the Hebrew is in a twinkling of an eye!!! God will not allow us to walk on our own. We have to relearn to depend on Him for everything. Its hard! It makes us vulnerable. But this season is so brief that for God its a twinkling of the eye.

The compassion in the root word, speaks of the mother cherishing, caring. This is what God is about to do on His Ministers. He will gather them up as a Mother gathers her children. How much more God!!! He is about to draw us into His Embrace. Many of us tried, but we have fallen. God is not surprised.

When God brings us back, to where? To His Embrace!

All this to say that a period of rest is coming. The Lord is about to set His Ministers free. They shall know God more. What must remain is integrity. Just like Job, he prayed and proclaimed with integrity the adoration to His Person.

Right now everything seems to be falling away, but God is about to do something new.

The hardships of this time (2Corinthians 3) are not compared to the riches to come.

So if you feel alone, know that God is making your legs stronger, and two He is working an eternal work. It is for the good of that work we submit to God's teaching.

It will be for a brief moment, like the blinking of the eyes. So brief, and God will scoop us up into His arms to bring us into greater Sonship!


Russell Durose



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