Mercy is Falling and We Are Now Receiving an Act of Divine Favor by Kathi Pelton

By Kathi Pelton
Mercy is Falling and We Are Now

 Receiving an Act of Divine Favor 

by Kathi Pelton 



         Kathi Pelton

In the early hours of the morning on September 20, I was awakened to the words of an old Vineyard song that I haven't heard in many years: "Mercy is Falling" by David Ruis. As I heard these words being sung in my spirit, I began to experience the sense of a light mist upon my face. Then the mist turned into a light rain, which turned into a downpour of rain upon me.

I have to admit that in the midst of a very dry season spiritually, just the experience alone was like a refreshing rain over me. I've rarely experienced such a time of spiritual drought of hearing, seeing and experiencing as this one has been. I know for some, the exact opposite is true: you have been hearing, seeing and experiencing on a level never dreamed of before. But for others this past year it has been like walking through a parched land where even mirages would be welcome, yet not found. This is where I have been.

Just the day before this experience, I found myself alone, weeping from a place so deep within for God's mercy to come and help me face another day...not a day of survival but a day of overcoming in the midst of this droughtthat I have been in. Almost anyone can survive, but I was longing to live in the truth of the unseen, not just survive the obvious.

A Sweet Spring Rain

There is not much a sweeter rain than the rain in the midst of springtime, when the blossoms are opening with new life, the grass is kissed with the dew of Heaven, and the air feels like it is pregnant with hope. Yet, on the eve of the first day of fall, the Holy Spirit is singing over us about a "sweet spring rain" that He is sending on those who have been in a drought. Let's remember the words to David Ruis' song:

Mercy is falling
Is falling - is falling
Mercy, it falls
Like the sweet spring rain
Mercy is falling
Is falling all over me

I receive Your mercy
I receive Your grace

I will dance forevermore

Those who have been in this season of drought understand that these words are like words of "promised deliverance." I have rarely felt so tested and tried, and honestly wondered all the while if I would be found lacking at the end of the day. Honestly, I am tired. When these words came, the dew of hope was like a drink of water in the midst of great thirst. But I don't believe that these words are for me alone, but for all of those who have stood when they knew nothing more to do then stand. They are for the weary and weak, even those that needed assistance to stand in the midst of their circumstances.

I can't even define this time as a wilderness, because that gives too much of a sense of shade and covering. This has been a desert-a hot, dry desert with no refuge in sight. If you have been in this place I would encourage you to take a moment to stop reading, lift your head toward the One Who sits on the Mercy Seat in Heaven, and allow the mist of these words to fall over you like a sweet spring rain. I cannot guarantee that today all of your circumstances will change, but I am believing that you will feel the dew of Heaven begin to rehydrate your body, soul and spirit.

Unmerited Favor

Even now begin to say to the Lord, "I receive Your mercy and Your grace!" Let's look at the definition of the word mercy:

1: compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power; also: lenient or compassionate treatment (begged for mercy); b: imprisonment rather than death imposed as penalty for first-degree murder.
2: a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion; b: a fortunate circumstance (it was a mercy they found her before she froze).
3: compassionate treatment of those in distress (works of mercy among the poor.)

The word "compassion" is found in each of these definitions. Our Father is looking upon His chosen ones with compassion for whatever the plight they have been facing. We are now receiving an act of divine favor because of the distress that we have been in. The amazing thing about compassion is that once you have been in need of it and then the recipient of it, you will be far quicker to give it away to another in distress.

A number of years ago a lot of people were doing what they were calling "Random acts of kindness." It was as if the western world had found some new revelation of ways to encourage a friend or stranger, and yet this has been God's way from the beginning. Although I would not categorize God's kindness as "random," I would say that He is always surprising us with acts of mercy, compassion and kindness to those who do not deserve it. I call this unmerited favor.

Do I deserve the mercy that God has said is falling upon me? No. Did I earn it by going through this season of drought? Well, there were days that I felt I deserved a bit of a break...but really, no, I did not earn it. It is merely the kindness and compassion of God to His children.

There have been times in raising our children that the Lord has instructed my husband and me to not intervene. There was a particular situation with one of our young adult children that was causing them pain and distress. As a mother, having to watch and wait for God's release to help was agonizing. My compassion was always with them, my prayers, my tears and my love...but sometimes God would hold us back from actions that would release them from the pain that was forming Godly character within them.

Let me assure you, if you have been through a season of drought like I have been, God's compassion, tears, intercession and love have not been absent from you, but His purposes were higher than the need for your relief.

You Will Dance Again

Psalm 6

O LORD, do not rebuke me in Your anger
or discipline me in Your wrath.

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint;
O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

My soul is in anguish.
How long, O LORD, how long?

Turn, O LORD, and deliver me;
save me because of Your unfailing love

No one remembers You when he is dead.
Who praises You from the grave?

I am worn out from groaning;
all night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.

My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
they fail because of all my foes.

Away from me, all you who do evil,
for the LORD has heard my weeping.

The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
the LORD accepts my prayer.

All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed;
they will turn back in sudden disgrace.

You may be wondering, "Will I ever dance again?" The last line in the song says, "I will dance forevermore," but it's hard to dance when you can barely stand due to the weakness and thirst. I want to tell you right now, "You will dance again!" When you begin to feel the gentle rain upon your face, you will be dancing in the rain! I believe that this showering of mercy will bring renewed strength, renewed joy and renewed life that will set your feet to dancing.

This mercy is not because of anything you have done or not done-it is because of His love and compassion, and the completed work that He has done in you through this time. He began the work and it was up to Him to complete the work within you. When your enemy sees you dancing he will truly be ashamed and dismayed because he thought he had you defeated.

So, go put on your dancing shoes, look up and get ready for mercy to fall!

Praise be to the LORD, for He has heard my cry for mercy.-Psalm 28:6

Getting Ready for the Rain...

Kathi Pelton
Light Streams Ministries

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