Conquering the Antichrist Spirit: Don't Let it Steal Your Destiny by Sandie Freed

By Sandie Freed
Conquering the Antichrist Spirit:
Don't Let it Steal Your Destiny 
bySandie Freed

Don't Let it Steal Your Destiny!"
Sandie Freed

The Antichrist Spirit Attempts to Steal Your Destiny!

Believers, most of us are aware that satan desires to steal our destiny. Satan has many different names and functions. I desire to alert you in this short message to the Antichrist spirit and his function. When focusing on the Antichrist, many Believers consider the end-time effects of a particular person who will lead the world "anti" (against) Christ. However, dear ones, I wish to empower you with a renewed vigilance regarding spiritual warfare concerning the Antichrist.

We are in the end times and the spirit of Antichrist has been attempting to seduce God's chosen since the beginning of time. It is an "ancient" spirit that has arisen today and the Antichrist spirit is satan himself, seducing the world into everything which is "anti" Christ Jesus! It was at work when Adam and Eve were in the Garden, and it has attempted to lead us away from God since then.

As it seduced Eve, it is still working in the same way today. The Antichrist's primary work is deception, and this spirit targets people on earth with its deceptive teachings and seductions. This spirit is not simply one person; it is a system or organized efforts of the enemy to lead us astray and away from God's purposes for our lives.

The Serpent and Our Identity Crisis

I encourage you to order a copy of my new book, Conquering the Antichrist Spirit, as it will expose in detail how the Antichrist spirit targets our identity: "Part of what we are experiencing today is what Eve faced in the Garden: an identity crisis. We do not know who we are in Christ, and the devil uses our ignorance to destroy us." (pg. 32)

The Bible refers to satan as a "snake" or "serpent." The Hebrew word for serpent is linked with the word "hiss" and "to whisper." Please be aware that there are many demonic "evil messengers" being loosed during this season to get you off track! Satan is subtle and is an expert at "giving crafty counsel." Be careful of the counsel you receive right now-the devil is determined to mislead us. The enemy gave Eve wrong counsel, which she received, and he will attempt to do the very same with us during such uncertain times.

In my book, Conquering the Antichrist Spirit, I address the many different ways that the Antichrist targets our identity with his lies. He uses lies in an evil attempt to cause us to agree with him. Satan is not ignorant of the power of agreement. Remember, he knows the Word-therefore, he understands the evil that will result if we agree with him. Satan desires to rob us of hope, steal our future and abort our destiny.

But, it is time to conceive the seed of God for our future. This is a season to "see." If we can "see" our future, then we can possess it. Jeremiah was challenged by God to "see" his new season. He shifted from someone who was fearful and unsure of himself to one who was able to press forward into his destiny. God desires the very same for us. We are each called to prophesy into areas and bring change and supernatural shifts. Therefore, we must ask God Himself to overshadow us with His presence and wash us with His Word so that we can conceive our future.

Cycle Out of Old Patterns

The Lord desires to cycle us out of the wilderness and old patterns. Fear will attempt to block your future. Just as the 10 Israelites were fearful of the giants that were in their land of promise, the enemy will attempt to cause us to fear in this season. Do not focus on the size of the mountain at this time, but rather focus on the Mountain Mover! You will be able to defeat the Antichrist spirit and cycle out of the wilderness! In my book, I give a twelve-day pattern to defeat the Antichrist system which attempts to block your future, along with a forty-day prayer journal to come out of your wilderness. So, get this timely tool so you can begin to confront all which oppose your victory!

Dear Believer, we may be in the fire, but it is for a reason. We are being refined to shine forth and represent God's glory! It is time to draw near to God, even draw near to His fiery presence. The end result will be glorious!

Know that I am standing with you, believing for God's very best. I am confident that if we remain stable in our faith, continue worshiping Him for who He is, we will come out of this fire as His beautiful Bride who has been prepared! We may have a smell of smoke because of our purification, but it will be a sweet fragrance unto the Lord which will draw Him near to us!

Who is this coming out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the merchant's fragrant powders?-Song of Solomon 3:6 NKJV

Blessings to each of you!

Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries


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