Choose to no longer be aliens and orphans. Choose life! by Tom Panich

By Tom Panich

Choose to no longer be aliens and orphans. Choose life!
by Tom Panich

When we''re prospering in various arenas, it's probably a good indication as well as a sovereign sign from God that He approves of our obedience. It also means we've had a continuously solid pattern of choosing to sacrifice all of our interests in exchange for God's purposes and plans. Pretty simple facts actually, but at times for many of us it's just not that easy to release who we are and let God be in charge of our life. Through Christ, we've been blessed by God with divine desires. If we're going to be at all successful in the mandates that God's Spirit has called us to fulfill, then we must begin to lay aside our desires and make a decision to, "Choose to no longer be aliens and orphans. Choose life!"


Joshua 24:16 Choose you this day whom ye will serve.


To be successful at forcefully advancing all the way in and with God, we must first make efforts to forget the things of our past and move steadily straight into God's given destinies for our lives. We can't expect to sit endlessly on a fence of adversity and expect to not get snagged or possibly even be taken out. In the Kingdom of God, it's all or nothing. We're either in or we're out. Whether we believe it at this present moment or not, we've all been called according to God's purposes. Celebrate Jesus - God's free prize of salvation.


Philippians 3:13, 14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus

Wells of Provision

When our wells of provision have nearly dried up because of intense opposition, it might be a bit late, but it's also an excellent time to start an investigation into why the enemy was able to pollute or steal our goods in the first place. It is truly up to us to expel the spiritual culprits behind such negative warfare, for if we don't evict all opposition in close proximity, things can get pretty nasty around the ranch. In Christ, we've been given authority to serve eviction papers to the enemy. There is no time like the present to commence composing a list of evictees and begin the eviction process.


From time to time in life, we've all had the tendency to leave doors open for the enemy of our soul to access our provision. Often it can even be that our ancestors have left a door of access wide open and we're not even aware of it. Because God wants to fill our barns with Godly provision, we need to not ignore or forget to close those doors, too.

The Spirit of God says, "Many of my sons and daughters have opened up dangerous doors of opposition, it hasn't been Me behind those doors. Shut those doors now and repent to Me and I will restore the places of provision for you that the enemy has had access to. Shut all of the doors that I, the Lord, haven't opened for you."

Through all of our various trials in life, God loves us so much. He wants to get to the bottom of the wells of our very existence and begin up-rooting all blockages. More than e
ver in this season we've entered into with God, He's interested in seeing His precious people delivered, healed and set free of all opposing forces. God doesn't want us to go into the battlefield bleeding half to death, confused and constantly oppressed. God wants His people to get a solid understanding as to why the enemy has been successful in accessing their wells and begin to close all of the doors God Himself hasn't opened.

In Christ we've chosen eternal life. We must continue to choose to serve God with our whole heart.


Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Clean out your temple

In God's Holy Kingdom a new year is upon us all, a season of brand new beginnings.

God doesn't want us to dust off our old mindsets; we're to get rid of them. We must return to God and begin to act and think like kings and priests of the most High God again. "Lift up your heads to the gates of Heaven and praise the Lord! When we do God will remove the shame of our past and clean the slate of all unforgiveness. When we offer ourselves up to God in a sacrifice of praise, God will trade in all of our bitterness and sorrow in exchange for His oil of supernatural gladness."


God's Spirit says, "Get rid of filthy idols; get rid of idolatrous representations of other gods. Have I not said, 'You shall have no other gods before Me?' ''


Many times we're unaware of the spiritual objects we may have around our homes that can open doors for the enemy to gain entrance into our lives. Some things just can't be sanctified and used to glorify God, especially if they are literal idols of demons or other gods. God is after what's within us, and it's more than just the obvious trinkets hanging on our walls or in a storage trunk. He''s after us to begin cleaning up the temple that He proclaims us to be. Many times, when destruction comes upon us, we tend to give the devil all the credit for the warfare. We even blame God for not protecting us, when it's really our fault for not being His temple. In numerous ways, many of us have failed to agree with God when He clearly states in His word that we're His holy temple.

"Lord, we repent for not being pure and holy temples."


1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.


     Spiritual attack of the heart

I heard the Spirit of God say, "I'm about to give some of my people heart attacks."

In my spirit I knew that it was God's Spirit speaking to me, but it did make me listen a bit
more intently. This kind of word from God's Spirit may sound foreign to some of us
because of the religious mindsets we've been programmed with to believe. We ask ourselves, "Would God really want to give His people heart attacks?" No, not literally, but spiritually, yes. I believe God is touching our hearts on a daily basis. He''s constantly testing our hearts to see if we're paying any attention whatsoever. In the parable of the sower, Jesus spoke of varying heart characteristics: stone, inconsistent and pliable. God's Spirit has given us a new heart with a new heart condition. Many times we attempt to perform heart transplants, trying to find our old nature - and it just doesn';'t conform any longer. Through our seasons of disobedience, sin can come in and disable or even poison our new heart; but Jesus is always faithful to forgive us when we return to Him with a pure heart.


Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Wells of Salvation

God's Spirit found deep within our very spirit, is the well of life we now draw from.

As we dive into the depths of God's majestic wells, we access hidden treasures in His presence. We drink from eternal streams of God's living waters. The more of God's word we devour, the more the Holy Spirit reveals revelation to us and the more we're able to release God's active, breathing, Word - Jesus the living Word. Through Christ, we'll never be successful at containing all that God has placed directly inside of us. We must learn to allow His eternal life-flow to come out of us.


Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.


"So, Father in Jesus' name, Jesus the living Word, come-up and out of us. Jesus, the living water of life, Come alive in us. Jesus, the living Word that brings refreshing to dry and thirsty lands, go before us." Jesus said, "Out of our belly shall spring up rivers of living water." We're God's living wells of eternal salvation, containers of Jesus' living waters, in and on the earth. Jesus, our Father's chosen Son, has made us into His Wells of Salvation. May we always continue to pour Jesus out, our drink offering!


John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


Tom Panich

Prophetic evangelist


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