Begin Digging! God is Releasing New Wells of Hope! by Sandie Freed

By Sandie Freed

Begin Digging! God is Releasing

New Wells of Hope!

by Sandie Freed


There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.-Hosea 2:15 (NIV)


While in prayer this week I heard the Lord say that He was releasing new wells of hope to His Body. Now all we have to do is to begin digging! Obviously, wells have to be dug-so that is our responsibility. But more than that is the need for our faith to become activated in this season. In other words, we need to get busy digging with greater faith as God releases a restored hope.


I know it's been a very difficult season-for us all. However, there is an astounding power in the passage from Hosea 2:15 which discusses a new door of hope. This door of hope can also be prophetically seen as a fresh "well" of living water, because hope releases life. In fact, hope is similar to a seed that when planted can spring up into fruitfulness. Without hope we begin to lose vision...without vision we cannot run and finish the race; neither can we live in faith (see Habakkuk 2:1-4).


He says several things to us in Hosea 2:15 which are encouraging in this season:


1. God will give us back vineyards.


This means that obviously our vineyards have been stolen. Since in this passage God states that Israel was ruined by her own sin, we must conclude the seductions of the devil had enticed Israel to backslide. The enemy is always relentless when seeking to steal our harvest and breakthroughs of increase. In my book Destiny Thieves (order through ElijahList), I go to great lengths to expose the evil seductions of our enemy and how the Amalekite spirit seduces us into sin and apostasy. Many pastors and leaders have lost their Aarons and Hurs to the evil seductions of the Amalekite stronghold (see Exodus 17). Leaders, believe me when I say this: You can believe for their release from this enemy and take back your vineyard!


To the Aarons and Hurs, the servants in the House of God who are called to hold up the arms of your "Moses" (see Exodus 17), know that you can be released from the Amalekite spirit that has risen up against you. God promises to empower you with new strength and determination to win the war against evil and apostasy and, therefore, fulfill your divine potential.


For many of us, the Jezebel spirit has "teamed up" with the sons of Belial and have stolen our vineyards. There has been a death assignment against the Naboths of today (see 1 Kings 21), those who have an inheritance and yet are targeted by evil spirits in attempts to kill, steal, and destroy.


We are also at war with the spirit of Antichrist which has attempted to defile our belief systems, pollute our minds with doubt and unbelief and cause us to fear. In my most recent book, Conquering the Antichrist Spirit (available through The ElijahList), I purposefully target the lies of our enemy that attacks our belief systems. This is a very strong, territorial spirit which is operating today. The Antichrist spirit will attempt to change your seasons of breakthrough and wear you out so that you have no strength to birth the vision God has given you. However, God has promised to give us the victory over all's time to take back our vineyards (promises)!


2. God will make the "Valley of Achor" a "Door of Hope!"


The Lord wants us to regain vision of His ability to restore all that has been lost or stolen in our last season. The word "Achor" means trouble. I don't know about some of you, but I must confess that I have been troubled lately. It has been a deep valley, a troubled season. I have personally endured more stress in this last year than I have the entire time in ministry. It has not been only financially, but emotionally as well. At times, it has been difficult to see beyond the closed doors. Have you felt the same? And, how can we receive faith for "hope" when the door appears "closed"? God promises that we can.


One way to regain hope is to use our keys of David which open doors that no man can shut (see Revelation 3:7). This key unlocks what has been closed. If you recall, David was given keen prophetic insight concerning the heart of fact, he was a man after God's own heart. Therefore, I believe he possessed the heart of God by seeking God. David had the ability to see breakthrough. Remember Goliath? Even up against tremendous opposition (and Goliath could have been considered a closed door to Israel's victory!), David could visualize a victory for God. Having no fear, he challenged what stood in his way. A closed door can be our enemy. However, if we use our keys, an ability to see, we can unlock the door that hinders our breakthroughs. See the victory...have hope again!


3. We will be released from captivity (Egypt) and sing again!


I felt as if I lost my song in the past season; did you also? It's important that we don't lose our song because we have the divine ability to sing over barren places and experience breakthrough. In other words, even if we experience barrenness, we can sing with hope to experience breakthrough and enlargement (see Isaiah 54:1-5). In this past season, my joy, my hope, my life...all was challenged in every way! Hope deferred almost completely captivated my faith. But God! God is promising that He is releasing a renewed hope, a fresh well, and I simply need to get busy diggin'! Begin to sing with faith over your circumstances. Just as He was able to give Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age, He can birth hope in you for fruitfulness. Abraham and Sarah were beginning to lose their song...they had lost hope concerning their ability to have a child. But God said that He would give them a son, even way past their childbearing years. And He did! Romans 4:18 says that "In hope against hope he believed..." This means that during certain hopelessness Abraham was able to hope again.


Believers, let me continue to encourage you. God will come through for you and He will use ever tear shed in your past season as a testimony of His glory. I continually find great comfort in Romans 8:28 which says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." God is promising each of us that no matter what "bad" has occurred, He will use it for "good." In other words, every time the enemy tried to rob you of your faith, steal your vineyard, steal your goods or abort your destiny...God will miraculously use it for good. All He wants is for us to give Him the glory for doing so...Wow! Now that is what I call trading my sorrow for joy!


What is Our Next Step?


Confessing His promises is our next step as we defeat hope deferred. Once we realize that God desires to open a new door of breakthrough, we immediately receive renewed hope and vision. We are now to use our faith and begin to confess our breakthroughs. When I studied the word "confession," I became more excited when I realized that it implied that when we "confess" the Word, we are also saying the same thing as what the Word declares. I am certain it is more than just picking out a Scripture and repeating it over and over. It is my personal belief that to confess His Word in faith requires that we truly spend time with Him and draw near to His presence. Vain repetition is Pharisaism-religion and no relationship.


If we are intimate with God, we can become impregnated with seeds of faith and speak His Word out of divine relationship and understanding. Confession comes easy when we know Him (implying intimacy). Confessing the Word is simply declaring what God has already spoken concerning you and your situation. If we believe, then we can boldly confess. Jesus said that if we had faith as a tiny mustard seed we could speak to any obstacle (including a demon that blocks our breakthroughs) and it has to move from "here to there." I want to move to that "there" place, don't you? Let's get busy digging that new well of hope, okay? I just know that you are being released into your new season where hopelessness has to flee!


See you at the well,


Sandie Freed

Zion Ministries


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