Day 22-28 Prayer Focus: See Your Way into Victory! by Chuck Pierce

By Chuck Pierce

Day 22-28 Prayer Focus: 

See Your Way into Victory!

by Chuck Pierce


Chuck PierceDay 22: Moving from Trauma or Failure to Healing and Success!


After Jesus was crucified, His disciples were traumatized. The trauma caused them to lose sight of the prophetic words that He had given about His resurrection. You find this account when He is walking on the Road to Emmaus, and the disciples walking with Him cannot SEE! Not until they commune are their eyes opened to SEE!


Trauma imprints in your memory system. Trauma is processed deep into the tissues of your brain (processor) and affects your thoughts (heart). Trauma becomes the Flash Bulb that creates what you see and how you define the world around you. Traumas can produce LOCK-INS of fear, failure complexities, emotional distresses and anxieties. These "locked in" emotions can cause your organs to overwork (spleen, kidneys, and pancreas) and create adrenal failure. Every situation in your life can be "SEEN" through your unhealed and reconciled trauma. Trauma, when not processed correctly, will shape your world from the point of view of the hurtful situation and circumstance that you experienced.


Tell fear and failure to go! Confusion and an unsound mind are results of a spirit of fear. The enemy does not play the game of life fairly. Trauma, when used by our enemy, will create a failure mentality, confused perspective producing dullness, deadness, lost hope, apathy and blocked emotions. Leave trauma behind and remove the dam on your BLOCKED emotions!


The enemy's goal is to VEX your spirit! You are created in the image of God. You are a whole person. He longs to sanctify your spirit, soul and body. Your inner most part is your spirit. Your spirit is your eternal part. Your spirit has three functions: Communion, Intuition and Testimony!


Your conscience is the window between your spirit and soul. The conscience must be kept clean so you can SEE. During trauma, the enemy takes advantage of you so that you question God's goodness. If he can make you say, 'God is not good and He has withheld His promise and best from me,' you will lose your power to see!


Be healed of TRAUMA-shout today that GOD IS GOOD!


Read John 5, Luke 24. Memorize I Thessalonians 5:23, Meditate on Matthew 6.


Day 23: His Word DIVIDES and WE SEE!


We are in a season where we must divide to see and multiply. What do I mean? There have been walls built, veils formed and curtains dropped that keep us from seeing. Walls have been built in relationships. Curtains have been developed to keep us from seeing the promises and blessings that await us. Veils and smokescreens have been released by the enemy so we only see half of what we should be seeing, so the question: "Behold I do a NEW thing-Do YOU not perceive it?" we may answer, "NO! I don't see a thing." We might say, "Everything looks the same as it last did." Well, perhaps, everything looks even a little more blurry than before.


What divides? The Word divides between the soul and spirit! Hebrews 4:12 says, "The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…piercing to the division of soul and spirit…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." This is in my top ten Scriptures in the Word of God. Why? This statement defines the power, the energy and the purpose of the Word of God. The Word DIVIDES! The Word is working to separate our soulish desires, inhibitions and wounds. The Word cleanses the window of our conscience, the meeting place of soul and spirit. The Word gives us Light to see through our own personality and see the BEST that God has to offer us. The Word allows us to see into eternity. The Word produces faith.


The Word divides the dichotomy between self and SPIRIT. Faith works along this dividing line. We must choose trust over mistrust (Psalm 37:3, Proverbs 3:5). We must have our belief system divided. We must make daily choices between belief and unbelief (Hebrews 3:12). We must choose between loyalty and betrayal (Luke 22). Our flesh will lean toward the latter, but His life can cause us to be loyal to those leading and the position of rule that He has placed us in.


His Word is our covenant book and divides us between fidelity and unfaithfulness (2 Samuel 11). His Word reveals our dependence or independence (1 Corinthians 12). His Word makes us confident and divides our insecurity (John 5:14). His Word sets the standard for our obedience and makes our disobedience known to our conscience (John 3:4; 2:5). His Word divides our fragmentation (1 Thessalonians 5:23) and makes us WHOLE. His Word creates our testimony so that we witness or keep silent and deny Him (John 5:11, Hebrews 12:1). His Word is love which causes our heart to dethrone hate (2 Thessalonians 3:5, Galatians 5:6, 1 John 2:9) and think of others more highly than ourselves.


His Word produces FAITH. Faith works from our LOVE. Without our LOVE, for Him and others, our faith and vision suffer. SEE!


Read and meditate on the above Scripture references.


Day 24: How Long Will You Grieve? Put on a NEW IDENTITY!


Loss is part of life… We lose loved ones, relationships, financial strength and influence. One of the most difficult losses to overcome is expectation. We have hope that something will happen in a certain way, and what we hoped for is deferred to another season. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. Another way of saying this is postponed manifestation causes us to be weakened and unable to stand firm. We grieve when we lose.


There is a process connected with grief. We first experience shock, and next, we enter into denial over what we are experiencing and try to determine if the event is really happening or if we are experiencing a bad dream. However, the pain of reality sets in and we grow angry, depressed, manipulative, and even turn inward. "Why me?" becomes the identity we wear. The last phase of loss and most dangerous of all is withdrawal and loneliness. To protect ourselves from more hurt and pain, we become our only goal.


When Samuel anointed Saul as king, there were expectations for him to accomplish much for Israel. Saul put on the kingly robe but never wore the identity of God's King. Eventually, the Lord determined that for the good of the whole of His covenant people, Saul must go.


When the Lord communicated this with Samuel, he grieved over the loss. The Lord asks a question that rings through the ages in all losses: 'How long will you grieve?' This is a question that each of us must answer. Will you wear grief and trauma from the last season as your future or will you SEE that there is NEW waiting for you? Stop, be still, and ask yourself, "What am I wearing?" If your answer is "the residue from my last season with all of the loss attached" the time is now for change!


Let's change garments. First, put on a Renewed Mind! Then add Revived EXPECTATIONS! Next, receive the garment of AUTHORITY! Add Boldness to your new garment. Remove and leave behind your last cycle of FEAR! WEAR FREEDOM! Daily walk in the SPIRIT and declare that you are a SERVANT of CHRIST and not a SLAVE to the FLESH or a HOST for DARKNESS to DWELL! Adorn yourself with FAITH! Counteract Faith Destroyers: strife, procrastination, anxiety over the future, doubt, unbelief, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy and envy! Wear OVERCOMING REVELATION that reflects the KINGDOM! To make your new garment radiate let the Lord pour Favor on you and a GLORY that produces Momentum and ACCELERATION!


We are in a new season. This is a season to SEE! This is not a time to grieve! His joy will be your strength! See yourself being reclothed for the future!


Read Isaiah 41, Ephesians 4-5. Meditate on Zechariah 3-4.


Day 25: Reordered for Victory!


I have learned through the years that if I order my prayers, He will order my steps. Order is a mathematical sequencing term as well as a military term. No matter what wilderness dimension is attempting to hold you, you can SEE the order of your release and victory. "Lift up your eyes and see" (Psalm 121). You can see the victory ahead. Resist religion. God has promised that man is able to surpass himself by entering into a relationship with the One who created the world. Man, who is part of this world, can have relationship with the One who is greater than this world. He gave His Son to reveal relationship and restored access to us. We must have this sense of awe and MYSTERY as we seek the Lord, to know Him and the power of resurrection that raised His Son from the dead and seated Him in heavenly places. All of our blessings dwell with Him.


There is a new order to see in worship. This is a time to rebuild the altar. Many are being repositioned to find their new place of worship.


SEE victory over past structures that captivated your family. There is a new freedom coming in our lives. His BLOOD can overcome the war in your blood. Ask the Spirit of God to penetrate and remove any deep, anti-Semitic root in your bloodline. SEE a divine recovery occur in your life. Break any power of scattering. If you have been uprooted from your inheritance, ask God to sovereignly set your course of return. If your thoughts are scattered that is a curse working. Reverse the curse and plant your feet like a tree by the waters of life and be healed. Remove and break any power from past words that have been linked with fear.


If you have withdrawn from warring for your promise, repent. Do not slander the land of which you have been given or make light of the promise waiting for you (Numbers 13:32-14:5). If past generations in your bloodline were confronted by God and resisted advancing into the fullness of His destiny, repent and then move forward. You are the remnant that remains to pursue, overcome and restore all.


Review and meditate on these Scriptures: Ecclesiastes. 7:23-24, 8:16-17, 3:10-11 (implanted in the hearts of men the mystery), Daniel 2:27; Isaiah 40:12; Proverbs 30:2-4; Job 28:12-14, 28:20-22. Read Psalm 1, 121 and 1 Samuel 30.


Day 26: See the Miracles that are Pressing You into a Greater Glory!


My wife recently made this incredible statement: "Expecting the miraculous is one of the childlike characteristics that have to be cultivated and protected in a world full of cynicism and disappointment." Miracles and faith must go hand and hand. Faith is related to every part of our Christian lives. By faith we receive salvation (see Ephesians 2:8-9). Faith is associated with our experiences of sanctification (see Acts 26:18), purification (see Acts 15:9), justification (see Romans 4:5; 5:1) and adoption (see Galatians 3:26; Colossians 3:24). All are dependent upon our faith. Faith comes by hearing. Hearing by the word of the Lord! There is a war of faith to hear and stand that we must enter into at times if we are to see our promises manifest. In the book of Haggai, the people began strong to rebuild but got distracted and discouraged from the warfare.


The word MIRACLE is linked with the principle of WONDER! Wonderful events only God can conceive in Heaven for us to see in earth, is really what a miracle is about. A miracle (or miracles) is a supernatural manifestation of divine power in this atmospheric world that we live where special revelations of the presence and power of God are displayed. All physical events become subservient and aid His power from the Throne Room as released in and through us here in the earth realm. Once His power is released, He establishes and preserves His will and the life processes of human flesh in the world. A miracle, or His power, extends eternity into the atmosphere we live and walk.


This power aligns with "the Spirit of the Lord" so "the Finger of God" (Luke 4:18; 11:20; Acts 3:12) can have His work. Miracles are "powers", "mighty works", "wonderful works", and "manifestations of the power of God". He uses His finger to touch, paint and work His will like the mighty Molder of Life that He is! He creates a new order out of a mess. He enters the natural laws of earth and redirects their actions. The supernatural finger of God rearranges what seems to us as a natural world. The whole world is filled with wonders to those who have eyes to see. The natural world everywhere is full of marvels, but we must look for the Finger that makes the natural wondrous and alive with GOD.


There is a GREATER GLORY! See and enter into the NEW! Shake off all discouragement, disillusionment, and disinterest from the last season that have caused you to shrink back! If the war from the last season turned you away from pushing back completion of any project, regroup and 'GO UP AGAIN'. Tell your EMOTIONS not to hang on to past hurts! Do not be afraid that your last pain will recur again in the NEW! Believe that your Latter can be GREATER than the former! Come UP into a NEW Spiritual Realm! GO BEYOND! A Fresh Anointing is being released as we CROSS OVER! Let go of trauma and release forgiveness! Begin to WORSHIP in a new and fresh way and interact with the angelic hosts! Decree that a NEW WAVE of Holy Spirit will overtake you! Declare the SEEDS that you have sown in the past seasons will begin to multiply and your storehouse will fill again! Recognize spiritual forces around you that have blocked the flow of the river of life!


Read Haggai 1 and 2. Meditate on Joshua 3.


Day 27: See Miracles as they Happen!


Miracles happen! I pray that you are seeing your miracles as they happen! A miracle is not only wonderful but has the sense of being a "new thing"! This new thing awakens us to a Divine Power that our eyes were unable to see. His Finger and working power has an appropriate place in the great plan and purpose of lives that have been knitted together in Him. Miracles produce revelation. What we could not normally see, we now see!


Faith sees when miracles happen! Faith was one of the main thrusts of Jesus' ministry. In the Gospels, we continually find statements such as "Your faith has healed you." In Jesus' hometown, He could not do mighty miracles because the people there lacked faith. He wasn't powerless to do so, but the atmosphere in that place prevented our Lord from exhibiting the power of faith. However, when He found men and women of faith, He released His power, and miracles took place. God assures us that if we believe, then nothing is impossible, and He withholds nothing.


Move into the next season with a mentality of increase! Miracles happen! Expect visitation! Remove all distractions! Choose the one thing! (Luke 10) Let the Lord REORDER your day! Meditate day and night on His Word! Meditation produces success! Find your place in God's Kingdom government plan! Ask Holy Spirit to reveal your new supply lines! War with prophetic words that will unlock your seeds sown in the Kingdom!


Review these Scriptures: John3:3-5; Luke 17:21; Matthew 13:11; John 18:36; Luke 11:1-4; 7:21. Meditate on Luke 10, Hebrews 11.


Day 28: Going Beyond!


I hope you are now seeing in a new way! The past 28 days have been about seeing. Recently Tiffany Smith came forward and prophesied, "There is power in son-ship. I won't relent until you get to the place I've destined for you. I won't relent. I am committed to you." Until the day Jesus returns, He is committed to you-every day, every step, every purpose. There is a place called "Beyond" that the Lord is calling you to. See your place called "Beyond" and start pressing toward that place.


These are some Key Principles to understand so you can SEE Your Promises Manifest:


• The Voice WHO CREATES order from chaos!

• Our call to DOMINION! Man's call to watch, multiply and worship!

• The serpent's subtle voice!

• Abraham's Covenant and testing on Mount Moriah! Your covenant rights!

• The Burning Bush! The Call to Cleanse the Heavens!

• The Power of Passover! The Blood!

• Seeing Abundance! The Journey to the Promise land!

• The Restoration of David's Tabernacle!

• The Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, the Feast of Trumpets).

• The Virgin Birth of Jesus, our REDEEMER! The WORD becoming flesh!

• Jesus' sacrifice and Surprise of the Cross creating the enemy's defeat!

• The Demonstration of the Power that RAISED JESUS from the DEAD!

• How to see and co-labor with Angels! An Open Heaven!

• The Lion of Judah and the Triumphant Remnant!


"Follow ME!" These two words will cause you to SEE! Do not be afraid to come and see your future! Surrender to the Lord, receive His Spirit, and follow!


Chuck D. Pierce

Glory of Zion International Ministries


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