As I Displayed My Power in the Days of Old with Moses, I will Display My Power Now by Andy Sanders

By Andy Sanders

As I Displayed My Power in the Days of Old with Moses, I will Display My Power Now

by Andy Sanders


Andy Sanders

What you are about to read is a series of dreams and visions that have been placed together to bring a better understanding of how the Lord will unravel the slave trade industry as well as magnify purity in marriages. These dreams and visions have been given to me now for the past year and most of them were given back-to-back.


It is imperative to discover how God chooses to speak to you on a personal level. For my whole family, the way this happens is through dreams. One thing for sure, if God wants to speak to my family He knows that He can always send a dream or vision.


Some of these encounters are so vivid and real to me, it's almost as if I truly was there. It is like God was having me feel what He might feel relating to these topics - how He longs to see the intimacy in marriages restored, and how He feels about the slave trade industry. I am convinced that God has released these encounters to help impart a plan and call to bring freedom to others in these areas.


Slave Trade Industry


But everything exposed by the light becomes visible... Ephesians 5:13


I had a dream where a young, attractive lady was taken. She was forced into the sex slave industry for a brief time. Within moments she was able to escape by the help of some people that I have never seen before. The Lord spoke immediately about how these people are the ones who will dismantle the sex trade industry. They were hidden, low-profile Christians.


God is calling some of you who are reading this to lay aside your plans and start planning how you are going to make an impact into this evil industry. Some reading this have already had dreams, prophetic words and other confirmations as to your calling to recapture these innocent victims.


In the dream, freeing the victims happened so fast. These plain-clothed individual teams were in and out with the rescues and were able to get the victims into safe recovery systems. On the other hand, the young lady who was taken gave vital information to these "secret Christian rescue teams" about what was really going on and how this industry can be brought down. While watching this in the dream, I heard the Spirit say, "I am going to leak vital information out about this industry. I am going to cut off some of the trade routes by natural disasters." We are entering into a season of exposure over this wicked industry.


Intimacy in Marriage


"Under the apple tree I roused you; there your mother conceived you, there she who was in labor gave you birth." Song of Songs 8:5


For nearly a year now, I have been having reoccurring visions and dreams about a transparent fire hovering over satin bedroom sheets. This is the fire of intimacy coming back to the bedrooms between husbands and wives all over again. It is releasing true and pure intimacy to the married husband and wife. "Several have been robbed of one of MY most precious gifts. This is the ability to re-create and enjoy unity at the same time."


The Lord is reprogramming husbands and wives who have struggled with this area. "I will pour out creativity in the marriage bedrooms. I will create a new fire of love between those relationships that have gone cold."


God is releasing a holy and pure fire back on the Christian couples. He is re-bonding the husband and the wife in this new day. In some cases, the glues of love and passion, commitment and respect have grown weak between the man and wife. It is time for the Lord's ultra tuff and mega sticking super glue to be poured out on the strings that hold a married man and woman together.


As a manifestation of the pure passion being poured out over His families, many reading this will find a new wine of the Spirit both while you are sleeping in your beds and while you are together as a couple throughout the day. Signs and wonders will increase in the bedroom.


The world has owned the bedroom for too long. New Christian healing ministries will begin to open up that will deal with intimacy issues in marriage. New paradigms will be released to the local churches to educate and bring genuine freedom into the marriage about intimate relations. The Church will adapt new methods in implementing real results for this next generation. The world cannot produce holy intimacy; only God can. Schools cannot teach children about true intimacy in the way the Bible can.




"In that day I will respond," declares the Lord - "I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth; and the earth will respond to the grain, the new wine and the oil, and they will respond to Jezreel." Hosea 2:21-22


In a recent dream, there was a man working at his desk. The entire room was filled with projects, goals and vision for the coming ministry. The man was tired and over-worked. It was late at night, a time when most should have been sleeping. The desk light was placed right near him.


As this Christian worker was sitting at his desk, suddenly a bottle of oil fell over on the worker's desktop. It spilled all over everything and ran in all directions. It fell on important papers, rolled off the desk, even flowing on books and important files that were stacked on the floor. Everything that this man had worked so hard to produce was instantly saturated by this oil. More oil came out of the jar than the jar itself could hold. It was a miracle, to say the least.


The Lord spoke these words, "This is My servant and he has taken work too far. I want a relationship with him much more than his efforts to build something for Me. I spilled the oil on purpose. I did this to get his attention and to redirect him to what is most important in life. Now that I have him where he will listen to Me, I will now teach him once again that it is love that I want to work into every aspect of a person's life, not projects and goals."


It is time to love and release. Some Believers have become obsessed with working to help the Lord instead of yielding to spend time with Him. God will begin to unbury our time so that we can find precious time with Him.




"Well done, My good servant!" his master replied. "Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities." Luke 19:17


1. God is giving His children cities!


The cities will change as the power seats of the cities shift. For too long the wrong people have had some of the right seats of influence. As a Believer, one can no longer sit back, pray and hope. We must pray, hope and march forward. America will be won by taking the community one step at a time. Find the seats of influence and fill them in this coming year. When you take the seats of influence in the community, you have God-given governmental authority to control the direct effects of what is going in and going out of that city.


Christianity is a complete way of life that must affect every level of our community. One cannot be a Christian without having the presence of Christ manifest in everything about them, including government. Purity in a city starts on the foundation of prayer and repentance. Pure change within a region comes through taking important seats of power that can activate pure and healthy decisions over that region.


At the conclusion of this writing and in a vision, a plumb-line swung across my face. I heard the Lord say, "I am weighing and measuring for a house of purity." Then I saw three visions fall down out of the sky in front of me:


a. The first picture passed by and there were genuine politicians falling on their faces before God in prayer, being interrupted by sovereign and unscheduled moves of God. God has not lifted His grace off of America!


b. The other image was of government leaders standing up and repenting. Many of these politicians went to their enemies and made it right, NOT BECAUSE THEY HAD TO, but because they knew it was the right thing to do. "Political repentance" will be released!


c. In the last vision, there was a politician speaking at a political event and the Holy Ghost took over and he went from speaking to preaching the Word of God. God will move some in this government from "politician" to "child of God." Many unplanned events are on the horizon for government leaders.


2. Go after the schools.


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14


In a later dream, two opposing forces both jumped into the nation's schools at the same time and began to battle for the souls and minds of our children. The strongest attempts to take school territory by both the righteous and the wicked are here right now. Both forces are colliding on school properties all over the nations. Turn school meetings into "pure vision." Take the leadership roles this next season when key spots open up for voting. It is urgent to push back the enemy and draw lines to protect the future of our nation.


3. The enemy's hidden agendas (stealth operations) will be exposed.


For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart Him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? Isaiah 14:27


The enemy's "stealth operations" will be exposed in this coming year. Many hidden agendas will be uncovered for the world to see. What was whispered in private will be yelled on the rooftops. Hard to accomplish, but it can be done. The enemy's stealth fighters are not invincible and neither are the plans of the enemy. "Cracks are forming in the enemy's plans against this nation and hidden agendas will start to crumble."


4. Evil will rise against evil.


When the three hundred trumpets sounded, the Lord caused the men throughout the camp to turn on each other with their swords... Judges 7:22


Broken treaties among the wicked will surface soon. The wicked have no rules. The cravings of the wicked never end. They hunger for more and more. They are willing to kill and destroy at all cost. For this reason, watch how the unrighteous will turn on the unrighteous. God is sending diversions now to the enemy. This is going to force the enemy to be distracted and turn on their own.


This is the "Spirit and wisdom of God in the same manner of Gideon." God will intentionally create situations to force the wicked to turn their efforts away from the righteous and onto the wicked. This will create a season of re-gathering and re-arming for the Body of Christ. It is a window of time for remobilization, allowing the Believers to unite and strategize. It is time to have a strong plan before going into 2011. It is time to MOVE FORWARD.


5. The numbers on the clock all turned to twelves.


For He says, "In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2


In a recent dream and while coming up out of my sleep, I saw a time clock and both hands hit the 12th number at the top. At that moment, all the other numbers (1-11) fell off the clock and were all replaced by twelves. I heard in the Spirit, "The clock strikes midnight and this is a new dawn." I immediately thought, "This is the end of the night and the beginning of the breaking of the dawn. This is the coming age of the 'multiple twelve's.'"


Some of you reading this have been walking in the night hours, the most painful hours of your life. You have thought more than once about how you were going to make it to the next minute. In some cases, those reading this have even thought about ending it all. It is time to prepare to leave your moments of pain and walk out in full daylight. Your Redeemer comes quickly.


The twelve numbers also represent the Lord overwriting the weaker numbers. Twelve, as you know is the highest level on the clock. The highest is here!


Not only did the clock strike twelve midnight, but the moment this happened twelves appeared all over the clock and replaced all the other numbers. A whole clock of twelves. In other words a whole "flock" of twelves are about to take over (apostolic). God is a God of "new numbers." He is perfect in multiplication.


"Over My people, I will release new numbers that will overwrite the numbers that were lacking. I AM is what I had them say in the days of Moses. I AM is what you will echo all over your land. I AM the great God of mercy and power, able to sustain when no food is present. I AM will bring rain in the deserts and snow in the hot lands. I will reveal new water in dry lands. As I displayed My power in the days of old with Moses, I will display My power now."


Right after this direct word from the Lord, I saw praise reports, testimonies and spontaneous miracles popping all over the earth like popcorn in a hot kettle. Sudden disasters turned into divine opportunities for supernatural miracles.


At the closing of this dream with the clock, there was an old prophet that stood on a rock overlooking the mountain. He turned to the new (younger) prophet that was standing on a lower rock beside the older prophet and then passed the baton to him. The baton is soon about to be passed from one generation to the next. "Well done, good and faithful servant!"


Andy Sanders

5 Fold Media, LLC


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