Transitioning to Revival: The Dangers and Glory of Revival from History - Isaiah 6 by Russell Durose

By Russell Durose

In the year that Uzziah died, was crucial in the life of the prophet Isaiah. He was already established as a prophet yet this was an essential turning point. The life of ministry is replete with turning points, they are days when the season, operation of the Spirit changes. I was recently in the UK and this happened one day. I saw the shift as God led me to arrange a trip. The anointing was so sweet and fellowship with the Lord was so close. In this trip I sought for the reviving of the Lord, knowing that since 1986 I have prayed and sought for the revival.


The second thing we note is the vision of the Lord Himself. It is very often the error in so called refreshings and revivals that the Holy Spirit becomes the focus. No, Jesus is always the focus. Isaiah saw the Lord, and saw where He was...HIGH AND LIFTED UP! That should be His position, where we are challenged to worship and be exposed.


The exposed heart is a first manifestation that comes when the Lord is manifest in glory. We may see the ugliness of our hearts laid bare. I must say we must not even fear these moments, because whilst the humankind scandalize, this is a must process which must purge our souls. The human heart is deceptive at all times, and there are seasons when the Holy Ghost must come and usher us between the temple porch and the Holy Place, where fly the seraphims. They cry what they see...Holiness. The essential process of revival is the restoration of holy fear in our hearts!


Fear of God


Fear of God...respect, awe and love, is essential for any revival. Without which we cannot draw near...see Exodus 19 & 20. The Israelites did not want to draw near. The end time priesthood must draw near for us to be exposed and reclothed. We are so full of self, so full of deceit. This is taken away in the exposing.


Look at Isaiah's response, confession and rightful awe. He knows that this is the most dangerous place to be. Here we are consumed or consummated. Here we come into the most priveleged place or we are left in the sideways till death. Isaiah is left in a place of holy terror.


But good news, the seraphim comes with the altar coal. He comes from the place where redemption is made ready. He touches his lips, the place of his undoing, and is received into a new place. How many of us fail to submit those inner areas? Isaiah knew where the glory burned...his lips, his weakness. But God never destroys us in our weakness...he redeems it.


He is now ready to carry the agenda of heaven...going. Jesus told the disciples to go. He tells us to go.


The accounts of revivals show us the reality of that searching out glory. Shows men and women broken down, to be risen up in glory and power in prayer and intercession. In all revivals, it is the key...our undoing for His Doing...our exposure for His Manifestation...our weakness for His Power...


My prayer is that His Grace and Mercy operates in us anew, bringing us into a new place in Him...may He be worshipped and glorified.


Russell A.Durose

World Impact Network

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