Discipling Nations Starts with Me by John Garfield

By John Garfield

Living Paycheck to Paycheck


One of the interesting realities of life is that most of us just spend all the money we make working at a job. It's called living from paycheck to paycheck.  Unions are fighting for better job benefits, but it's really a losing battle. Think about it. Do you believe any company can afford to hire you for a good wage for 20-30 years and then pay your pension and medical benefits for another 20-30 years after you retire? Do you believe your government can afford it if the company can't? The money won't be there at a level that will support your current lifestyle. It's one of life's unfortunate delusions that millions embrace.


My company lost their contract and terminated my employment just before I was 55 and eligible for lifetime medical benefits and a pension. It was the really a blessing. I stopped expecting someone else to take care of me. It was both scary and liberating at the same time. I wish I had done it when I was 25 instead of 55. I'm not railing against having a job or belonging to a union. However, I am pointing out some simple economics. You can add money to your account and pay your bills if you have a job, but you will never learn to multiple wealth until you tap your entrepreneurial attitude and say, I can take care of myself.


Creating Wealth


Prosperity starts with being entrepreneurial in the context of free market capitalism. Governments don't have money or make money. They can only take it or tax it from those who do. Expecting a government to take care of you or me or the poor is part of our current delusion that runs the risk of a more controlling or totalitarian government. 


But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant. Deut 8:18 NASU


Disciple Nations


Their goal is to measure where people are happy. They call it a prosperity index because people are most happy when they are free, have free markets and are able to prosper through their own entrepreneurial endeavors. 110 nations are ranked according to the following categories.


  • Economy: macroeconomic policies, economic satisfaction and expectations, foundation for growth, and financial sector efficiency.


  • Entrepreneurship and Opportunity: entrepreneurial environment, innovative activity, and access to opportunity.


  • Governance: effective and accountable government, fair elections and political participation, and rule of law.


  • Education: access to education, quality of education, and human capital.


  • Health: basic health outcomes, health infrastructure and preventative care, and physical and mental health satisfaction.


  • Safety and Security: national security and personal safety.


  • Personal Freedom: individual freedom and social tolerance.


  • Social Capital: social cohesion and engagement, as well as community and family networks.


Can you see the connection between this list and the 7 mountains? Business, media, arts & entertainment, education, family and government, in addition to the church, are explained in the video link by Lance Wallnau. You may also notice that the least prosperous nations are in the 10-40 window. Can you see the connection between the gospel of the Kingdom, freedom and prosperity at a national level? Right now God is releasing Kings to have influence, favor and prosperity in those mountains. They are being blessed personally, but Gods real goal is to bless the nations. The prosperity index is one measure of our progress. Listen to these verses for the word nation.


"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth (nations) will be blessed through you." Gen 12:2-3 NIV


Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations Matt 28:18-19 NIV


And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written: "'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'? Mark 11:17 NIV


Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. Ps 2:8 NIV


And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there. 26 And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it.  Rev 21:24-26 KJV


The Great Commission


Can you see that our goal includes personal evangelism and making disciples of nations? We can actually measure our progress through the Legatum Prosperity Index on the latter!


Grassroots Kingdom


How will it happen? How will we make disciples of nations? Most secular and religious minds (including Legatum) would look at the map and conclude that we should erase the national boundaries, and share more. That would actually translate to a one world government. The secular folks would see it run through the United Nations and the Muslims by a caliphate and sharia law. Both would lead to totalitarian regimes most notable for poverty and loss of personal freedom.


God has already figured this out. His Kingdom is within you. Personal freedom, free markets, and Compassionate Capitalism were all His idea. Harold Eberle has written a great book, Compassionate Capitalism that addresses the Spiritual Roots of Capitolism is the title of a recent newsletter. When millions and billions of people pursue the desires of their hearts and sell the goods and services they create, trillions of dollars of new wealth are created. The nations that are currently prosperous are just following God's recipe a little better than poorer nations.


There is genius in having 50 independent states and 170 nations, each with their own states and cities and business and individuals with no overarching control. The genius lies in individual creativity. When one individual or business or state or nation gets a good idea and implements it within the competition of free markets, then that idea can rise to the surface and be duplicated elsewhere. This process can be duplicated millions of times every day within free markets. Can you imagine a bureaucrat trying to manage a centrally planned dream from one person and doing better? I can't.


What About Me?


The Kingdom of God is a flat organization. Jesus wants a personal relationship with each of us. The Holy Spirit wants to communicate with each of us. Yes, there is leadership and government in the Kingdom, but God didn't design His Kingdom to be a hierarchy. He's the King of Kings, and the increase of His government and peace will never end (Isa 9:7).


Give yourself permission to dream, and pursue your heart's desire. You don't have to immediately quit your job, but you do have to activate the creative entrepreneurial gifts and talents that God has given you. Realize that God didn't design you to be a robot on an assembly line. You were created to invent those machines and ideas. Think about your personal life like a business. Start managing your personal finances with cash flow, and capture your personal dreams in a business plan format. Start thinking like a King and you'll be amazed at the doors God will open.


John Garfield




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