A Teachable Spirit by Steve Porter

By Steve Porter

There is a quality of spirit deep within the heart that desires a far deeper Christian life. This quality is worth more than great riches, than the rarest jewel, than the greatest talent. It is the quality of a teachable spirit.


True disciples who desire to go deeper are teachable. As we study the life of Abraham we can plainly see why he was so blessed. More than anything else he valued instruction and a willingness to keep the commandments of God. Such a desire is much more than just a willingness to listen. We become teachable when our desire to receive wisdom is greater than our desire for comfort.


Do we have a Willingness to be Instructed?


Are we humble enough to receive wisdom from the Lord and from others? At times we all become unteachable and refuse sound advice. The harsh truth is that during those times we would prefer to change the rules rather than comply. But that never gets us to a place of blessing. Rather, Scripture says pride goes before a fall, and in any case, it leaves us out on a limb, alone.


I can't help but think of Naaman who wanted to be healed from the leprosy that was destroying his flesh, yet he ran off in a angry rage when God's messenger told him to simply go wash seven times in the Jordan River. It was an awkward, seemingly absurd command that made no sense to his natural mind. Why should he go dip in a dirty river when there were rivers far superior to that one in his own land? But the river wasn't really the problem in his case. His pride wouldn't let him humble himself enough to obey and be healed. In the end his leprosy was cured only when he listened to wisdom, changed his mind, humbled his heart, and was obedient to follow a simply but clear instruction from a godly and anointed man.


In the same way we must realize that the deeper Christian life requires us to crucify the flesh, humble ourselves and obey when our reasoning says otherwise. It requires active pursuit in seeking, harkening, and studying the Scriptures. As we humble ourselves we are then stripped of pride and our hearts becomes soft and teachable, yearning more for intimacy than for independence and our own agendas.


Becoming Teachable is a Process


Are we teachable? Are we learning? Do we have a burning desire to embrace character and integrity even if it hurts?


"Now therefore, listen to me, my children, for blessed are those who keep my ways." - Proverbs 8:32


God blesses those who draw near, listening to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Often we ignore His voice, His warnings, and even His vivid red flags because we refuse to listen. If we are not listening we are not learning, and if we are not learning we are not growing. The cycle never stops, and the blessing will not come until we stop what we're doing and begin to watch, wait, listen and obey.


In Proverbs 8:34-35, God instructs us to watch, wait, and search for Him. Notice that these are all action verbs that we should practice every day. In fact, we should be daily alert to things He wants to teach us. And more than just being aware, we should diligently seek wisdom and truth, for Scripture says that those who seek Him will find Him.


In Hosea 4:6 it says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you for being priest for me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children."  Listening is serious business to God! Scripture warns that if we reject God's teaching and ignore wisdom He will bar us from becoming priests, representatives of His kingdom. Personally, I would rather not be passed over when He needs a useful vessel. In fact, if, for me to live is Christ, I will want nothing more than to be in the center of His will.


In Leviticus 26:23-24 it says "If after all of this punishment you still do not listen to me, but continue to defy me, then I will turn on you and punish you seven times harder than before." (Today's English Version). The key phrase here is "if you still do not listen to me."


Also notice Proverbs 8: 32-36: "Now therefore, listen to me, my children, for blessed are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not disdain it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord; but he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; all those who hate me love death."


Listening to God


Scripture emphasizes the importance of listening to God, even mentioning it three times in this short passage. In the same way, Ezekiel 3:7 refers to the people of Israel as "hard, impudent, and stubborn." And if, like Israel, we have developed a bad habit of not listening this scripture also applies directly to us. (See Galatians 6:16.)  


A teacher who has invested much time in a particular student, needs evidence that the student has truly learned from his wisdom--that the time spent was a good investment. In a spiritual sense the proof comes when a student's life is transformed to live to glorify God. Where he was once reckless and immature he now displays maturity and self-control and a teachable heart.


Do we really have a burning desire to be taught? Do we honor and respect wisdom from a "multitude of counselors?" (Proverbs 15:22) Are we diligently seeking God's best in our lives refusing to compromise our integrity and character? Are we motivated to become wise and applying this wisdom to our lives? Are we paying close attention to our teachers, and refusing to pass up opportunities to learn?


If we find ourselves lacking the desire to learn from God and others it is usually because we have lost our first love and need a fresh revelation of who He is and how much He loves us, along with a healthy dose of the fear for the Lord. Having a healthy fear of God is key: "Who is the man that fears the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way he chooses." (Psalms 25:12)


We should ask ourselves these questions:


1.      How do I treat my spouse when he/she falls short of my expectations?

2.      Do I have a superior attitude and tend to be condescending toward others?

3.      How do I treat my children when they try my patience?

4.      How do I respond to a negative boss or coworker? Do I slam them behind their backs or spread gossip in retaliation?

5.      How do I respond to the family of God? Do I avoid certain ones? Do I carry grudges against those that have hurt or offended me?

6.      Do I cop a prideful attitude when a trusted friend gives me sound wisdom? Do I say to myself, "I don't have to listen to them, Nobody is going to tell me what to do!"


How did you measure up in regard to such questions?  Do you try to skip out on certain lessons? If we do not learn the lessons the Lord is trying to teach us the trial will usually repeat itself and we will keep going around that same mountain until we finally listen to wisdom.


Let me give you some keys to a teachable spirit.


1.      A teachable spirit is attentive.  Matthew 13:16-17

2.      A teachable spirit diligently studies the Word of God.  Deuteronomy 17: 18-20, Acts 17:11

3.      A teachable spirit pursues righteousness.  Matthew 5:6

4.      A teachable spirit values integrity and character even when it hurts.  Isaiah 51:1

5.      A teachable spirit is humble and meek.  Psalms 25:9, Proverbs 11:2, James 1:21 & 3:13


Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. We must constantly strive to keep our integrity intact. When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. [Billy Graham]


Learning from Others


In a world where few are interested in learning from others and where many would rather staunchly defend their positions God is raising up a generation of teachable spirits who would rather learn from others than convince others they are right. Only those with humble, teachable spirits are privileged to walk in power, moving in the spirit. And you might have noticed that when such people stop listening and become impressed with themselves God leaves to find another humble, useful vessel. Nothing expresses the character of Jesus in the same way a meek and humble spirit does. We can live in peace knowing our hearts are right with God and our spirits are open to His direction. We can be confident that when He speaks we will hear Him and not be in confusion when trouble comes. Rather we will feel the beat of His heart and know the way that we should take as we soak in His manifest presence, letting nothing distract us from the goal of glorifying God.


There is an old story about a student who went to a master and asked him to teach him. The master invited the student to sit with him and have tea. While they are seated, the master started to talk with the eager young student. But every time the master began to explain a point, the student would interrupt him and say, "Oh, I know that. I do this when that happens, or I don't have that problem because. . . ." Soon the master stopped talking and picked up the teapot. He began pouring tea into the student's cup. As the cup filled, he continued pouring until the cup overflowed and spilled out. The student shouted, "Stop! It is enough! My cup is full!" With that, the old master smiled and replied, "Yes, your cup is full, therefore I can teach you nothing until you empty your cup."


As humbling as it is to admit I have had to learn these lessons the hard way. In fact, I've walked around that mountain more than once. But the older I get, the more I value sound wisdom from those who I know love me and have my best interests at heart. Knowing God intimately and feeling the beat of His heart has causes me to trust that His words are life, health, and peace.


In this day when God is searching the world over for those who will sit at His feet and listen, will He find you available? May it ever be so, because He has incredible plans for those who have no agenda but His.


Steve Porter




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