God is Speaking to you in your Storm by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig

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Job lost everything.  In one day, all his animals, all his servants and all his children were either taken or killed (Job 1:13-19).  Job had a great destiny to fulfill, yet he was stuck in a storm. And God spoke to Job out of his storm (Job 38:1) and as soon as God spoke, that Word brought forth life. It was God Himself who now answered Job.  Not his friends, not those who came to comfort him, God answered him.  In His answer, He reveals Jobs ignorance about the divine role he had in all the things that was happening around him.  God humbled Job by revealing how little he really knew and understood who God really is.  Friends, when Job realized the breadth of God's plans, his response was "surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know" (Job 42:3).  How often do we speak out without realizing the breadth of God's plan for us?  However through God's response came first hand revelation to Job: God's presence, God's mercy, and God's love. 


Job's constant prayers and deepest longing was to find God.  He wanted to know that everything was still alright between himself and God even though he had lost everything.  The Lord's response to Job illustrates that God will come to all who sincerely, and steadfastly call on Him even if our prayers come from the heart of confusion, doubt, frustration or anger.  God will, in His time, fill us with His presence, His comfort and His Word.  The most important aspect in our relationship with God is not our intellectual understanding of all of Gods ways, but to experience a reality of His divine presence.  As we stay in fellowship with God we can endure any trial, and storm, and any adversity we are called to endure.  We too, like Job, may not realize that Gods presence, mercy, and love are with us. His greatest desire was to find God in the midst of his storm as it should be our desire to find Him in the midst of ours.


Hiding in a Cave with Social Outcasts


David was hiding in a cave.  David was in a cave with misfits, those who were in distress or in debt or were discontented (1 Samuel 22:2).  David was this called man with great destiny and he was hiding in a cave with social outcasts.  God brought to David these men and women who also had a destiny.  David was waiting for a move of God, waiting for the right timing for his destiny to be fulfilled and he was protecting the anointing that God had put on his life.  God had already told David he would be king.  David had his share of trials and discouragement, just like you.  We have all questioned why.  David is with Jonathon, Saul's son, when he asks that very same question.  "What have I done?  What is my crime?  How have I wronged your father that he is trying to take my life?" (1 Samuel 20:1)  I have heard many ask these same questions.  I know you know that you have this great destiny in your very being, knowing that you were created for something greater and yet you are chased by your circumstances that are sometimes beyond your understanding and your control.  Like David had to wait, we too must wait.  Sometimes when we are in our cave we find our answer. 


God takes us through desolate times, and deserts, and storms and it is during these times that God can speak to us in our circumstances.  Seek God.  Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33) because when we don't seek Him, and we prefer to seek out friends, we will get a slew of opinions.  Don't do this, don't do that, and friends, don't make it happen on your own because unless God builds it, you labor in vain (Psalm 127:1).  Job was angry and bitter because he was trying to figure out why these things were happening.  His friends were giving him fleshly wisdom.  Be careful of who is speaking in to your life.  What is their motive?  Oftentimes, we don't know their hearts, however God knows their heart (Luke 16:15).  Friends, when God speaks to you, it will be confirmed in your spirit!


I feel that God is giving us this message.  In Luke 24:49-50, the Lord says, "Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high." And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them.  Listen friends, His promises are yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20).  The word endued has a Greek origin meaning to clothe or put on and power is from the Holy Spirit.  It means possession of control and an authority of influence over the situations you may be dealing with.  My friends, listen, you are entitled to full access of Heaven when you have been clothed with power from the Holy Spirit!  I know many of you are facing storms and hiding in your caves right now.  Press in to Jesus!  Push through and remove the obstacle.  God says "Build up, build up, prepare the road!  Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people" (Isaiah 57:14)  Some of you are facing obstacles in your finances, some of you are facing obstacles in your marriage, in your families, with your children, your jobs, your church, your destiny,  God says remove the obstacle! 


Do not Lose Focus


People have been taken captive by the enemy and they are in a cave even though they have a covenant promise.  What about you, are you a king David anointed by God?  Don't lose focus; keep battling through the storm!  God wants healing and restoration.  Heavenly father you have called us with great destiny and purpose, and today we take our rightful positions and gifting you have given us.  No more will we hide, begging for crumbs, because we are kings' kids.  And we will take our rightful seat of position at the Lords table. We take rightful ownership today, and we are not running back, we are going forward, and may His will be done in my life and may your kingdom come.  Father, I pull heaven down, I pull your Glory down!  I know there are adversities and lies even from my friends who are around me but I choose to hear your voice Lord!  Father just like Elijah went to the mountain to hear your still small voice, I will listen for yours.  In the name of Jesus, life will come forth!


Friends, whatever your storm is right know, trust the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6) and give you peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  Stay the course and you will see the effect of your prayers.  Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31)!  You will run and finish the race!  Many called are in hiding and hurting and some are scared, and yet when we walk in the promise of the Fathers love all things come together for our good (Romans 8:28), to give us His expected end.


Angela Greenig





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