The Power of Speaking in Tongues: A New Surge by Patricia King

By Patricia King

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The Lord is calling His Body to pray more in tongues at this critical hour. Our mind will not be able to grasp what the Lord is about to do, so we must pray in the Spirit to prepare and to birth His purposes.


Many believers are going to be catapulted into new realms of manifest power and kingdom strategies. A glorious hour awaits us in the midst of darkness and turmoil but we must prepare. Set aside time each day to pray in tongues. You will be glad you did. It is necessary. Pray, Pray, Pray!


Many are Receiving the Gift of Tongues


In almost every meeting I have ministered in recently, I have been led to pray for people to receive tongues and everyone I have prayed for has received. I love seeing people come into the release of this gift but I also know that the Spirit has an urgency concerning praying in tongues.


I remember when I first received tongues in 1976. I had been born-again for only three days. I prayed and then stepped out to speak in "tongues" by faith but only three syllables came forth: "en-ti-ki".  I actually thought I was making up the words because i did not feel any special unction or anything and I thought the words sounded ridiculous. So I prayed again...and again....and again. Nothing changed -- only those three syllables and no "feeling" of anointing or anything.


I remembered a scripture that said if you are faithful with the little then God will give you more. I also remembered reading that without faith I could not please Him, therefore if I was believing Him that I was actually praying in tongues, then at least I was bringing pleasure to Him and that was all that mattered to me.  So I continued in faithfulness with those three little syllables.  Within a month or so of faithfully using my "prayer language" I was driving down the road praying and suddenly a breakthrough. It was like a gusher broke open in my belly. Out of my mouth was coming an entire language of words I had never learned. The faithfulness in the little had produced more.


Tongues is a Powerful Gift of the Spirit and Produces:


  1. Edification for your spirit so you can minister the power and the glory of God with boldness. 1 Corinthians 14:4
  2. Ability to proclaim the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 14:2
  3. Perfect prayer according to the will of God. Romans 8:26
  4. A sign that follows believers. Mark 16:17
  5. A prophetic element when followed by the interpretation of tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:5 

.... and more! 


Let's lock in a birth new realms of His glory in the earth!  Tindendar Cuma Shunda Meyo Celyah!


Patricia King


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