Reformation Army Arise by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig
I live on the west coast and about a week ago, I was outside enjoying the weather.  While I was standing there, a violent wind began to blow.  I experienced extreme changes from all four seasons in a matter of an hour.  I really felt the Lord say that it is time for the winds of change to blow again.  God is blowing and stirring the fire and wind of his people like in Ezekiel 37.  The wind is blowing and will bring great exposure to you that was hidden and you will be hidden no more!
God had called Elijah in a time where there was a severe drought and famine.  He followed God's instructions and for a few years was hidden in a ravine fed by ravens.  The Lord has called many of us to a time of separation and it may even feel like you are isolated and barely getting by because of drought and famine.  He will still feed us, and prepare us, He never leaves us!!   When that season was over for Elijah, it was over and a new assignment began.  Your season will soon be over.
Elijah was called to Zarephath to meet a widow who would supply him with food.  At the gate of the town he met her.  She was preparing for her last meal for her and her son.  Elijah spoke to her saying "go home and do as I say." The oil and flour won't dry up until there is rain the land. Elijah gave this woman hope; the same hope that so many in the church need right now!  The gate to the town represents the door of the church and the widow is representative of the church.  The gate (door) is opened, maybe even broken and the widow (church) is waiting to eat her last meal and die.  God is the priest, the head of His church.  You see we shouldn't have the mindset as leaders that we are barely getting by...apostasy (sin) or leaven has driven many from the church to where it has brought famine.  But listen...God is looking for Reformers and He is not just calling for men and women but children and youth to go to the gates of our cities and reform what was.
Arise Reformation Army
We are like Elijah as the child of the widow died, to go equipped and believing God for the impossible and just lay our lives down, prostrate before the Lord and resurrect life back in to the house of the Lord.  It's time for the Reformation Army to arise, it's time to transform and bring back.  The word Elijah spoke to the people is still prevalent today: Serve God or Baal.  We must be prepared for the next few years, just like Elijah. 
The name Elijah meaning the "The Lord is my God," represents the unshakable conviction of Elijah's life.  He was sent to Ahab at a time when all of the Lord's prophets were being killed and Ahab had gone to great lengths trying to find him.  God told Elijah, "Go...and I will send rain on the land." (1 Kings 18:1) In boldness and confidence of our Kings voice, Elijah listened.  Stop questioning the voice of the Lord.  We must have confidence that we can hear Him and we must be obedient to what He is saying.  Elijah's mission was to awaken the Israelites to their apostasy, backsliding, lukewarm-ness, and to call them back to loyalty to the God of Israel.  He was not just a restorer but a reformer who sought to reestablish covenant.
Just like the Lord sent the rain on Mt. Carmel, the rain will once again bring to the surface the seeds that have been dormant.  The latter rain will come and produce double what the enemy has stolen.  God calls the Reformers to transform our times.  Be encouraged and of good cheer for we are strong and we are not alone.  Soon says the Lord, the Baal priest and prophet will be shown who has the glory and is the true carrier of the Living God...sorcery, witchcraft, and the darkness is that plagues our land, will soon be uprooted and cast in to the lake of fire!
We are in the 11th hour, the 11 means judgment and God will bring justice and will redeem His people.  Matthew 11:12 says the kingdom of God suffer violence and the violent take it by force!  Stand firm friends.  God is setting apart His remnant and even though it feels as if we are standing alone, we are not.  For He did not come to bring peace but a sword (Matthew 10:34) but if we are willing to pick up our cross and follow Him (Mark 8:34) our reward will be great (Matthew 5:12).
Are you a Reformer?  Believe God for the impossible and you too, like Elijah will shake a nation to its destiny!

Angela Greenig

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