Sons (and Daughters) of Issachar by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig

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As I write you today.......what once was will not be again. On October 27th an expedition began In New York city.  There are people traveling from Manhattan in New York City across the U.S. to Los Angeles CA and stopping at several "sacred sites" to invoke energies with crystal skulls. There are thirteen gates that prophetically have to do with the crystal skulls. The 13 crystal skulls opened its first gate.  New York is the number one gate in America.  This is where the immigrants first came in to our country from all over the world.  These people came to find refuge and freedom from tyranny in their home nations and dictators. When people came in to the city we would tell them about Jesus and give them a Bible but during the time between 1963 and 1964 we allowed everything they carried from their homeland to come through the gateway of New York.  Sadly and foolishly we stopped telling those who were looking for a new life and fresh start about the new life and fresh start in Jesus Christ.  It only took one seed to destroy it.


Remember this is the Jewish year of 5772. God wants to restore us back to the original. Isaiah 57 shows us what is going to happen to those who practice sorcery and chase after false religions. 72 is a sign and God is telling us to pay attention to the sign.  It is forty-seven years after we stopped talking about Jesus at the New York gateway in to America and we are now at a crossroad.   The number 47 means THE CALLING.  In San Francisco on December 10, 11 & 12, 2012, 12/12/12...we will combat the crescendo of the 13 crystal skulls and annihilate the enemy.  Throughout 2012 there will be four cataclysmic events; one in each season.  3/21 is the spring equinox, 6/21 is the summer solstice, 9/21 is the autumn equinox and 12/12/12 is the winter solstice.  During the winter solstice at 11:11 pm they believe that the earth and sun will be in exact alignment with the center of the galaxy and will bring a special energy to the earth.  The 11:11 is Isaiah, in that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of His people!   We have the true rod of authority and we will step in to destiny!   If not you, then who?   If not now, then when?  The pope just announced his 300.  He called together 300 leaders from 13 different religions in a move for peace.  Here is our call for 300; it is time to arise. Remember, 300 means anointing and God will increase His anointing as we rise up!  


Return to the Lord


Listen, Zechariah 1's call is to return to the Lord.  He says in verse 3 that if we return to Him, He will return to us!  God is rebuilding His temple.   Zechariah had eight visions in the first two years.  These visions were to encourage the people to look at what they were doing so that God's light would shine on brightly as the restoration was going on.  Your light will shine in the greatest darkness.  You see Zechariah begins his message with a call to repent. 


1 Chronicles 12:32 says sons (and daughters) of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.  This was a remnant of knowers and seers in their day.  There is an urgency to call forth vision for a spiritual awakening which is releasing a reformation army and through that, transformation will take place.  Like His season of Issachar, we too must understand the times and season we are in, a call to arms.  We need to be discerning.  We need to know our God; we must spend time with Him under the shadow of His wings and receive the love He has for us.  It is in this season of rest that He prepares us for what is coming.  There are two keywords for time in the Greek.  The first is chronos.  It is a space of time, an opening.  The second is kairos, quality of time.  These two keys together will shift the church in to her destiny.  What will happen when we step in to our destiny is that there will be massive changes globally!  The Daniel 2:21 judge will take their rightful seats of authority engaging the apostolic and prophetic to do their job.  God will align his sons and daughters to breakdown the barrenness and sickness within his house of God.  Untapped ancient wells will once again flow...rivers of life!!!  Dreams, visions, boldness will occur in the pockets of this season.  In this moment of time, key sons and daughters of Issachar, those who see the Heavenly realms of God will step out in faith and fully access all that Heaven and earth have.  Enforcers are rising to their feet; those who were once hidden will be hidden no more!  An enforcer is one who commissioned their special opps training to defeat the enemies that plague and destroy.  God is giving us His favor to go back and to do a recon-mission!!! 


Like Nehemiah 6, we must position ourselves.  Remember you are engrafted in to Jesus Christ and have full access to Heaven.  All you need is within your grasp so step out and walk on the water; you will not fall or fail.  The seed we sow is the harvest. 

Angela Greenig


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