False Submission or Another Kind of Rebellion by Kathie Walters

By Kathie Walters

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I was praying with a young woman, Anne, she had been part of a group which had a strong controlling spirit in part of the leadership. Several young women (and men) had been set free from some bondage pertaining to this situation. Fear of man being a main theme through it. Fear of failing, fear of not living up to the leader's expectations. Fear of not being accepted and fear of rejection were among some of the problems that had arisen


I continued to pray for Anne as the Holy Spirit showed me. Suddenly out of my mouth came the words, "I break off the spirit of rebellion in the name of Jesus". Poor Anne looked at me in horror and I put my hand over my mouth. I'm not sure which one of us was more surprised. I knew the Lord was showing us something, but still it was odd.


Tears gently rolled down Anne's cheeks and she looked at me like a forlorn puppy. "But I've always tried to be so submissive", she said. I started speaking again, gently and by the Holy Spirit. "Yes, Anne, you see whilst you were being so submissive to men, you didn't do what the Holy Spirit was telling you to do on many occasions".  We suddenly both started to laugh because we both got a revelation at the same time. It was an interesting time and Anne was completely set free.


The Other Type of Rebellious People


We nearly always think of rebellious people as strong, aggressive "Do your own thing no matter what" kind of people. But there is another side of rebellion that we don't often think about. It's the kind that Anne fell into, and we need to get an understanding of this, especially as leaders. It's easy for leaders to make demands upon the sheep that sometimes God is not asking or telling them. Many want to please and so they please the pastor or leadership and forget about obeying the Lord. It is a place of ignorance.


The Holy Spirit is given to every one of us as believers. He will instruct, guide, teach and reveal the truth because he is the Spirit of truth.


The Plymouth Brethren and other Christian denominations and groups down through the years have had a revelation of the priesthood of all believers, and have seen God work in a mighty way through every part of the Body of Christ. Yes, every one of us, from the youngest to the oldest, can hear from God and have the option to obey or not. It is a privilege to serve the Lord, but unfortunately, there are many sons and daughters who are not given the opportunity to fulfill their calling in the church or fellowship.


I know many wonderful pastors who value the voice of the Lord as He speaks through many members but there are other leaders who are of the opinion that the sheep can't tell them anything! This is dangerous. Jesus first of all commended the church at Ephesus (Rev. chapter one) and then rebuked them for having lost their first love. But Jesus did agree with them over one issue, "the deeds of the Nicolations which I hate". Nico means power and laity means people. Translated- power over the people. The leaders are to lead as they are led, and they are not put into a place of authority to control God's people. The Holy Spirit will do that.


We are ALL Responsible to Obey the Lord


I know I am treading on churning waters here, but I am not intending to undermine God's authority. I love to see the men of God take authority over the devil and his works.


As individuals we are ALL responsible to obey the Lord. "So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God." (Rom. 14:12) In Jude v. 24 it says "He (Jesus), is able to present us faultless before the presence of the father with exceeding joy." That is Jesus prerogative only and no other person, pastor, husband, wife, minister, or friend is able to do that. We are to live and die unto him. We are to stand or fall before him, Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.


In the end of time we will not be able to say to our Father, "I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill my calling because my pastor didn't want me to", or "The leadership thought I shouldn't", etc. it will not be an acceptable excuse.


As sheep, what do we do in a situation where we feel God is instructing us to do one thing and other people, however well meaning, are asking us to do something different? Well first of all we check our hearts. You see rebellion is not first an act, it's an attitude. I can do the right thing with the wrong spirit, and I am not doing it in my heart. If obedience is not in the heart, forget it, it's not obedience.


Jesus accused the Pharisees of keeping the law with their outward appearance but their heart was far from him. The Bible says, "I delight to do thy will oh Lord, and your law is in my heart!" (Ps.40:8)


How awesome that we all as believers can have a wonderful relationship with our heavenly Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the ministering Holy Spirit. It is to be guarded that we do not allow someone or something else to take that position of devotion in our hearts. God is jealous over us. The leaders, must be careful to make sure the affection of the Body of Christ is given to the head, Jesus. The friend of the bridegroom does not steal the affection of the bride.


Having a Submissive Spirit


What do we do then when confronted with a situation where you may have to say "No" to someone in authority. Our submission is a heart attitude, not always an act. If I believe I have a word from the Lord to go to South Africa for example, I will ask others to pray as well. People I trust, and who I know can hear from the Lord.


Having a submissive spirit means that I am open to the fact that I could be wrong. I am open to God to speak to me through any vessel he chooses. So, what could happen is that someone, maybe my pastor, maybe my husband, maybe my friend, perhaps my daughter, better still someone that doesn't know me at all, may say "I don't feel God does want you going to South Africa right now". Having an open spirit means that I will sincerely be open to the fact that I could be wrong. And I go back with an open heart to seek the Lord again. Having done this honestly, it could be that the Lord has told me to go on, in which case I would go back to the person who gave the word and say, "I do want to thank you for caring for me and praying for me, I appreciate you. I did seek the Lord again and I believe He has given me another confirmation to go ahead to South Africa". That is obeying the Lord, which is our individual responsibility, but at the same time having a submissive spirit.


On the other hand, it could be that the Lord confirms the word of the other person, in which case I can go and say, "Thank you so much for praying for me and speaking up, the Lord has confirmed to me that you are correct, it is not the right time to go to South Africa". The issue is not what I do or don't do, it's a question of heart motivation and my open spirit.


So dear friend I would encourage you to download my ebook "Elitism and the False Shepherding Spirit" it will explain how the spirit of control comes in and why you are to live under the control and submission to the Holy Spirit.


Many, many Christians have been spiritually crippled by control and Jezebel spirits working through leaders. Oh yes, Jezebel doesn't mainly work through women - but has most power when it operates through men in leadership.  Thank God for real Fathers and Pastors whose desire is to see the whole church walking in their calling and anointing.


Blessings and thank you everyone for your support at this time - Ministries need extra support - financially at Christmas time because they are home and not out ministering.  So remember the ministries that have blessed you and helped you for the last year - You are special - He (Jesus) is going to present you faultless before the Presence of His glory with exceeding joy."


Kathie Walters


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