The Passion Week by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig

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Lord may our hearts leap with such great joy!  You are Adonai, Elohim, and the Blood-Shed Lamb of the world!  May we never forget that ALL was accomplished through your work at the Cross.  Resurrection power is in each one of us.  As you walk us through your Holy Bible let us remember who we are: blood bought, spirit filled, we are on fire preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all power and authority to peoples, cities, and nations. The Roar of this generation is Arise and Shine for the Glory of the Lord is in you and on you!  Go and make disciples, heal the sick and raise the dead!  Come on you can do it!


Friday - John 12:1


Jesus arrived in the Bethany six-days before the Passover to spend time with His friends: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.  After eating dinner that was given in honor of Him, Mary anointed Jesus' feet with costly perfume as an act of humility.


Lord, may my life's work and offering be a beautiful aroma to You. May my sacrifice and devotion exceed the ridicule and condemnation from those of this world.  May my focus rest on you always Lord.


Saturday - Sabbath, Day of Rest 


It is difficult for us to rest.  Life gets in the way.  We have families and spouses and work. 


Take today to rest.  Rest in Him.  Be present today to what He is speaking to you.  Reflect on His goodness.  Reflect on His character and who He is.  Walk barefoot outside, feel the ground, notice the wind and the sun.  Look for Him in your spouse and your kids today.  Selah


Sunday   - The Triumphant Entry; Matthew 21:1-11


On the first day of the week, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd welcomed Him with "Hosanna," Glory to God in the highest.


This was a prophecy being fulfilled.  Zechariah spoke of this when he said "Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."  Today we shout Hosanna to you Lord!  Your kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven!


Be patient in your trials.  After three years of whispers and accusations of blasphemy with those of this world wondering if He is King, He fulfilled what was spoken.  He will fulfill what He has spoken over you!!  He will fulfill His promises for you!


Monday - Clearing of the temple; Matthew 21:10-17


On this day He returned to the Temple and found the Court of the Gentiles full of traders and money changers making a large profit as they gave out Jewish coins in exchange for "pagan" money.  Jesus knocked over their tables and drove them out.


Jesus had a zeal for the house of his Father.  He walked in righteousness and holiness.  What do you compromise?  What do you feel Holy Spirit is asking of you?  Is it to fast?  Remove music from your home?  Pray with your children?  When He nudges your heart, He is taking you from Glory to Glory to be transformed in to His image!!  Thank you Lord for never leaving us or forsaking us!!


Tuesday - Day of Controversy and Parables; Matthew 21: 23-24


Jesus escapes the traps that are set by the Priests. He teaches in parables and warns the people about the Pharisees. Jesus prophecies the destruction of King Herod's great temple and told his disciples about future events, including His triumphant return.


Jesus did not get caught up by accusations and traps.  He did not engage the enemy.  When seeking Him and His Kingdom, do not get caught in schemes and conversations that will steal, kill, and destroy the work He is doing in you.  Press in and be persistent!  Read His Word and ask for fresh revelation.  Understand what He is speaking directly to you when you read.


Wednesday - Day of Rest


The scriptures do not mention or have record of anything.


Thursday - The Passover/The Last Supper; Matthew 26:17-32


In the upper room, Jesus prepared both Himself and His disciples for His coming death. He gave the Passover meal a new meaning. The loaf of bread and a cup of wine represent His body that was soon to be sacrificed and his blood that will be shed. With this, so became what we know and call "The Lord's Supper." After they sang, they went to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed in a song knowing what lays ahead for Him.


There is healing power in communion.  Read 1 Corinthians 11:17-32 and take communion with your Savior.  It is a very powerful thing.


Friday - The Crucifixion; Matthew 27:1-66


Following betrayal, arrest, desertion, false trials, denial, condemnation, beatings that disfigured His face, and the mockery, Jesus was required to carry his Cross to the place of the skull, otherwise known as Golgotha Hill, where he was crucified with two others.


He was betrayed and sold for thirty pieces of silver, the cost of a slave.  He stayed quiet to the charges and accusations made against Him.  Wow.  What a horrible thing for our Savior to endure but He chose to walk this as a man for us and with us.  He understands better than anyone.  He has compassion when we hurt, when we are betrayed and when we face false accusations.  Just as He was helped in carrying His Cross, He wants to help us.  Seek Him and allow Him to help you. 


Matthew 27:57-61


His disciple Joseph went to Pilate and requested His body so he could honor Him in death.  Joseph wanted to give Jesus a proper Jewish burial.  In those times, it was not uncommon for criminals (Jesus was crucified as a criminal) to be denied a burial, but instead allowing their bodies to decay as a sign of insult and shame.  Jesus' body was placed in the tomb before 6pm Friday night, when the Sabbath began and all of the work stopped.  His body lay in the tomb throughout the Sabbath.


Sunday - Resurrection; Matthew 28:1-13


Early in the morning women went to the tomb and found that the stone of the tomb's entrance was rolled away. An Angel told them that Jesus was alive and gave them a message. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden, to Peter and two Disciples on the road to Emmaus, and later that day to all of His Disciples but Thomas. His Resurrection was established as a fact. 


He conquered the grave, He conquered sin, and He conquered death!!


The Lord's Word has been fulfilled!  It will not return void!  Jesus' life leading up to the point was prophesied and Satan worked extra hard to ensure the Word of the Lord would not come to pass.  Hear that?  No matter what happens to you, no matter how hard the circumstances, no matter how tired and alone and busted and disgusted you feel, His Word WILL come to pass in your life and you WILL be a testimony to His goodness!


Enjoy the freedom Christ has given each one of us!


Till the end.


Angela Greenig


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