Having Done All to Stand, Stand! by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig

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Mountain top experiences are awesome.  We are joyful, loving, and not only can we see, but we feel Jesus everywhere!  No one can say or do anything that would make us question His love and goodness towards us.  It would be awesome to live in that place; but we can't always have a mountain top experience.  We have to walk in the valleys to appreciate our mountain tops.  Valley experiences are not fun.  Sometimes it feels like your face is stuck in the dirt in the deepest part of that valley and it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't get up.  Oftentimes it is that valley experience that we figure out who we really are, what we are made of and more importantly, who Christ is.  We have to find Him for ourselves in the valley seasons.  We have to put in our time building relationship with Him.  It is this building and strengthening of our relationship with Him that we come out of that valley.


We have all been in that spot where we can't feel Him. We have prayed seemingly fruitless prayers.  We questioned if we missed it, or if we've done something wrong, if we were in the right place but didn't recognize it.  Maybe we question if we've heard Him properly.  If you are in this low spot, I've got great news!!  You determine how long you are in your valley and this, my friend, is the greatest character building, endurance training, and faith magnifying thing you may ever do!  The beautiful thing is you can do it.  You know why?  Because you can!


You Need Prayer


Absolutely seek prayer from trusted praying individuals because where two or more are gathered.....not just prayer as a form of communication and relationship building but prayers that declare who He is.  Job 22:28 says you will decree a thing and it will be established for you.  When you speak out, you are battling the lies of the enemy.  Pray His word!


John 1:12 God's child                         Rom. 5:1 Holy & Acceptable                        Col. 1:14 Redeemed
Rom. 8:25 Can't be separated          Heb. 4:16 Grace & Mercy in my need         John 15:16 Hand picked                
Phil. 4:13 You can do all things         Gen. 1:27 Made in His image                      Matt. 6:31-33 I am your Provider   
Zeph. 3:17 Mighty to save                 Jer. 33:3 Call and I will answer you              Is 54:17 Not weapon will prosper

God considers our prayers a sacrifice ascending to him in faith and devotion.  In Acts 10:4 the angel of the Lord tells Cornelius that his prayers have come up as a memorial offering before God.  He wants us to come to Him.  He wants us to confide in Him and cry on His shoulder and tell Him our struggles.  Psalm 142:2 says I pour out my complaint before Him; before Him I tell my trouble.


Devote Yourself to Prayer


Life comes at us with many obstacles, road blocks and detours.  Satan and the weakness of our human nature will try to cause us to neglect prayer itself or to become distracted while praying.  As the New Testament Christians devoted themselves to prayer, devote yourself to prayer (Acts 2:42).  They understood that God's kingdom could not be manifested in its full power with only a few minutes of prayer a day.  Colossians 4:2 says devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful.  Being watchful means to continue, be steadfast, and persevere.  This implies strong persistence and fervor; a holding fast to prayer; being spiritually awake or on alert.


God says ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).  Jesus encourages perseverance in prayer.  Verse eight is a continued action; He is telling us that we must keep asking, seeking, knocking.


Keys to Unlocking the Door


When you are asking, it implies consciousness of need and the belief that God hears our prayer.  Seeking implies earnest petitioning along with obedience to God's will and knocking is perseverance in coming to God even when He does not respond quickly.  Jesus re-assures us that those who ask will receive what they ask; it is based on these five keys to unlock the door.


·         Seeking first the kingdom of God

·         Recognizing God's Fatherly goodness and love

·         Praying according to God's will

·         Maintaining fellowship with Christ

·         Obeying Christ/effective praying


Effective prayer is communicating with the Lord.  We are calling on God and He hears us (Psalm 17:6); we call on the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26); we cry aloud to the Lord and He answers us (Psalm 3:4). To Him we lift up our soul (Psalm 25:1).  We seek the Lord (Isaiah 55:6) and as we approach the throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16) and draw near to God (Hebrews 10:22), He sustains us and fills in our valleys and walks us out.  Prayer is the link, a bridge of hope, and the fulfillment of His promises.  All we need is already at arm's reach...ask, seek, and knock. 


Prayers are Powerful and Effective


We are over-comers.  Daniel 10 verses 12 & 13 says: Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them; and when the Holy Spirit comes, things happen.  He enables us to receive spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1) and we are brought in to fellowship with God which brings us grace, mercy and peace.  We will be built up spiritually (Jude 20).


The prayers of a righteous man or woman are powerful and effective.  We are given insight in to Christ's provision for us because of our prayers.  We have access to God the Father and everything we need.  We will be able to stand when all else around us is shaken and one day we will be awarded with the crown of righteousness; not just to us but also to all who have longed for His appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).


Angela Greenig



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