2012 the Year of Olympics by Angela Greenig

By Angela Greenig

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#20 is Redeem and #12 is Governmental Authority


A recall is going through out the land! God is pulling those who have fallen away, or have been so discouraged to hear the clarion CALL. This sound goes above into the frequencies of Heaven.  As in Ezekiel, I see dead bones that may look dead but the DNA of Him who has called you still has life deep within the bone and marrow of those who have been slain by the giants in your life. Joseph had many giants: jealous, envious and murderous brothers all around him.  They wanted to kill the dream that was within him but they couldn't. Rejected and betrayed by a kiss from his own family, Joseph was thrown in a pit, to teach him a lesson. Then he was a slave in Potiphar's house but God blessed Joseph in everything he did. He was deceived by Potiphar's wife, who had him falsely accused of a crime he had never committed. Thrown into prison God once again gave him favor and blessed his hands and all that he did. God had sent him the kings workers to interpret and prophecy their dreams to them. There were three: the butler was first, the baker was second and last was the cup bearer to the king. I heard the word very clearly: God was speaking triathlon and it hit me that Joseph was a triathlon man!


Trained to Persevere and Endure


A triathlon is a sporting event that involves the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance events. There are many variations of this sport but its most popular form involves swimming, cycling, and running. I love this! Joseph was in a triathlon!  The first part of his race was being in the pit after being rejected and shunned by his family.  The second part was Potiphar's house where even as he was gifted in agricultural, Potiphar's wife was betraying him. God had him run an endurance race to where he had half of the kingdom. As he oversaw half the kingdom, he saved them economically. There was no collapse. God had trained him to persevere through all the trials to have him run the race and win the gold.


You see when God gives you the dream and vision He doesn't give us a blue print on how to walk it out, or even how to do it. The one thing He has given us is to follow the way of the Master and to stay in step with the Holy Spirit.  He has already gone ahead of us. Remember this: with every promise God gives you, Satan will bring a problem.  However, God has already given you the provision. God will, like he did Joseph, send you a butler and a baker: someone who will come in, shake it up, and before you know it you are exactly where God has called for you to be. You just need to persevere and trust Him!  Listen, unless the dream [seed] dies, God can't resurrect it. You know He does his best work when we're dead to ourselves and alive in him. This journey of life is a process. You will find your purpose again because the Father who loves His sons and daughters will see to it. No matter what you're going through, He will answer you out of the storms of your life.


Lord we thank you for the journey you laid out for us.  We thank you that it is different.  We thank you that our journey is not the same journey because you give us only what we can handle and when we have passed through that storm, you elevate us in to higher places so long as we keep our eyes focused on you Lord.  Your Word says that you will take us from glory to glory Lord and I stand on that promise Father.  You said you have good things in store for your children; plans to prosper us and bless us for you are a God of abundance.  We are citizens of Heaven and when our minds stay in that place your will can manifest here on earth.  We thank you Lord that you are the same yesterday, today, and forever.


Angela Greenig



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